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Everything posted by CrazyMartian

  1. I won't be going, since I have stuff to do (sadly), but could I make a request? Whoever attends the concerts, could you bring a video camera and upload to YouTube? I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one feeling thankful for it.
  2. Also, there are lots of in game tutorials where you get an excellent graphical explanation for movements, attacks, etc. And to top it off, the characters explaining are none other than Sheryl and Ranka.
  3. My PSN username is there in my sig.
  4. And I will respond: If you want to play Macross Ace Frontier and Ultimate Frontier, all you need is the UMD (the game disc) and a PSP. It doesn't matter where the PSP is from. It can be from ANY region. US, Japan, European or anywhere. Games are not region locked. To my knowledge, no Macross game for the PSP has been released over the Playstation Network, so going with the UMD is the only legit choice. However, if you are to go the ISO way, well, can't help you there. Available in XLink Kai or PSN?
  5. I have a PS3 and use Adhoc Party to play Phantasy Star Portable 2 and MGS Peace Walker sporadically. I'd like to give MUF a go again, but finding players is like looking for a Super Nova exploding in the night sky with my naked eyes... Only time I could play it for a while, and my connection was acting up, was with a guy from here who goes by Maximus Drunkus on the PSN. If you wanna give it a go, add me and let's set a time for it. Also, if more than one person per area want to play, Adhoc Party (at least the Japanese version), can hold 2 people (case that I have encountered) playing using a single PS3 as a gateway. So let's say Two people with PS3s can connect. Another two people want to play, but have access to a single PS3. They are good to go and form a group and play.
  6. Hmmm... When's the release date? Oops, nevermind. Still, I probably won't preorder it. I want to see a good gameplay video first. Also, the new Macross game on PSP takes precedence over this one and naturally, I want my MGS: Peace Walker as well... Life sucks... I also want Phantasy Star Portable 2 and Valkyria Chronicles 2!! Bad year for my wallet...
  7. Holy crap! Klan is in the game!!! YEAH!!!
  8. The layout is way too similar to MUF's to not be another iteration. DAMN... I was hoping to buy several games from my region, but it seems I'll have to divert those resources on the newest Macross... That, and buy a new PSP... CRAP... I only hope that the three pilot team gets realized, as they already used it in GAS... Which I ended up not liking and sold.
  9. Hmmm... I really love Gundam Unicorn and its quality. Can't wait for the next episode, even though it's far away. Gundam 00 was very, very fun and its mechanical design grew on me because of its sheer difference to what I got used to. Okawara and Katoki mainly. Plus, it has Kati Manekin.
  10. ...................................I still want a PS3 Macross... Multiplayer would kick too much ass to be believed.
  11. I wanna smash my skull against the ground... I'm low on money... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGH!!!
  12. Hi. Been a while since I last posted. Busy as hell over here, except for this free week I have. I got Gundam Assault Survive, the newest of the Gundam Battle franchise, of which MAF and MUF are based of. I'm starting to think that the possibility of a squadron of 3 pilots is a very good possibility for the next Macross game, since I got to play with the Exia, Dynames and Kyrios from Gundam 00 in three missions. Some of the improvements done in the Macross games are here too, such as the inclusion of a Custom Soundtrack that works in the exact same way as the one in MUF, a store to buy skills, mechs, characters, etc. I'm still trying the game, so if I find something else interesting, I will post about it. I hope we get to see news on the next Macross game soon... Although I would really like a PS3 Macross game too. Edit: Missions can take place in more than one map this time and individual areas seem more or less the size of the ones in the last games (including Macross). However, changing areas requires the player to approach a floating icon to do so. This can be good or bad, depending on the focus of the game. In a Macross game, this could mean a bigger play area for say, a Tomahawk or a Battroid, but could represent an annoyance for a VF in fighter mode. If this is implemented in a future Macross game, it'd be interesting to see how it goes. On the plus side, the transition time is very short. Knowing that something else is happening in a different map that you need to be aware of is a good way to keep up the tension. Example: I had three gundams and the mission was to protect my mothership from an assault. A fourth gundam, independent from my little unit was fighting on another area. After defending the mothership, I got a warning message telling me that my ally's HP had fallen to 30%. If I didn't rescue him, I'd fail the mission. My ally got destroyed. Bam, mission failed. I retried, saved my ally, but THEN an enemy ace pilot came to rain on my party. Two seconds later, I got a message telling me the mothership was under heavy fire. I barely beat the enemy ace and rushed to the mothership. Mission complete. I think that this addition could benefit a Macross game as well. On the interesting side, the Mobile Armor I tried (Gundam Kyrios), felt similar to MAF's fighter mode, only not as pretty. But hey, this is a Gundam game. Still, definitely an upgrade from Battle Universe's MA mode. On the down side, damn mobile suits are sluggish, compared to the VFs I got so used to... I think that's pretty much what I can comment on
  13. My memory is hazy. What were the differences between Basara's 19 and Isamu's?
  14. My first time hearing it too... And I used to swallow info on Macross as if I was a possessed chipmunk eating lots of nuts... Heh, looks like I didn't seach well enough. And regarding Macross games available on used game stores... Now I just want to weep... I've wanted to play VF-X2 and DYRL again for a long time now... I got them from a friend who used to live there (but he married another friend of mine and decided to stay here)... Then a kind burglar broke into my house and took the time to take everything, including my Macross games with him. Of my old game library, only Macross M3, the PS2 Macross and the Metal Gear Solid series remain, since I had left them at another friend's home... in a silly mistake at picking his backpack, instead of mine. sigh...
  15. SW1 would be nice, but I have played it a million times. DYRL, the PS2 Macross (in the Prometheus and ARMD1 versions), MUF, MAF... I really want an original story with new characters AND machines. Even a sidestory for Frontier would be awesome.
  16. I'd like a PS3 version of what MUF is, only with a good story based campaign and of course, online play. If it allowed for a good squadron setup and a good community for the players to have fun on, it'd be a complete blast. Of course, it it went onto the simulator realm, I wouldn't complain if it is done well. Now that I think about it, a Macross game similar to Homeworld would be absolutely badass. Just remember to add the music AND the fast paced action. By the way. Sorry to bother, but does someone still have those big scans of the Limited Edition? I finally have the tools to make a wallpaper and want to try my hands and my already rusty photoshop experience... Too bad my free time is still limited...
  17. So... You never shut off your PSP, then?
  18. I also think there should be original stories for games like it happened with the VF-X games, only handled with good game engines. And Scrambled Valkyrie and the PS2 Macross aren't the only good Macross games. Ace Frontier and Ultimate Frontier for the PSP are very good in the former case and excellent in the latter case. If you have a PSP, you should grab them... At the very least Utimate Frontier. Regarding the Another Century's Episode games, they're nice, but more so for Gundam fans... The story focuses so much on the original character AND the Gundam types that the other series get kind of a short stick each... Except for Brain Powerd, but that is also a Tomino story... So there seems to be a preference... Still, I happen to also be a Gundam fan... go figure... But Macross > Gundam =P
  19. I can't complain about cheapness. On the harder levels, Attacks like Kakizaki's Last Supper and Song of Destruction are good for escaping sticky situations, giving time to order a wingman to counter with his/her super... Most tactics have to be revised in order to be effective in Ultimate Mode.
  20. CrazyMartian

    Macross Shmups

    There is a Macross Plus with three craft: YF-19, YF-21 and VF-11 piloted by some woman. Good game.
  21. Kaifun!? Please, no ! And I'm pretty sure Gepernitch (or whatever) looked REALLY nutty in the last episode... I could barely stand him... SAme in the final 7 Mission... He doesn't just look stoned... He looks as if he's enjoying everything he's being thrown... Creeps me out...
  22. Well, that's true. Wrong character, I guess. But you did understand my point, heheh. Wait, wait... What was Alto's and Michael's final rank? At least for a little while Alto had his lackeys... But didn't they get filled with holes by the V9s? Anyway, I got OT... Getting back on the topic, I'd like the next game to have a sort of story mode, not just the cool but not that fulfilling for me campaign mode. That's where Kawamori could come up with an original story... An original singer or singers would be cool too.
  23. I pretty much agree with you all, but something I haven't seen mentioned (much) is to have a squadron of three persons at the same time. Hikaru had Max and Kakizaki (until Kakizaki got offed) Alto had Michael and Luca (until Michael got offed) In the PS2 Macross, you have Bruce and Eddie. Why not have two partners too? The mechanics could be the same used so far for the single wingmate, or maybe with right or left on the analog pad to select orders for the second wingmate. As it is, you change into Gerwalk with both left and right. Something I would REALLY like in a sequel is to have an original campaign with the characters we get like Miyuki, Yuuto, etc. I'd actually prefer to play with a faceless custom character like in the PS2 Macross game. I mean, there is a LOT of stuff not covered on screen that could be in an original campaign, and Kawamori HAS overseen game original stories like M3 and VF-X2. Why not have an original one here too? Plus, the squadron got a name this time. Moonsomethingorother... I also would like to have generic valkyries for all campaigns that don't have the character's color scheme and base stats. Sure, you can do most of it with the custom color thing, but I actually like the generic VF-1A, the generic VF-27, generic VF-171 and so on. But the VF-25s we get ARE character units. They're even numbered! This is minor, of course, but it'd be a nice touch. Something cool would be to get a sort of template to import a texture and use it on the mech of your choice. The Sheryl paints cheme on the All That VF video was a fun idea. Playing on multiplayer would be a nightmare, so maybe keeping it for single player would be the way to go on that one, I guess... On the matter of customizing, it'd be cool to custom your VF for something extra. Let's say I pick the VF-25F. I'd like to carry Ghosts with me. That'd be optional as well, but it'd add a new level of customization. Some would like a sniper rifle, others would like the VF-27's cannon, etc. Of course, I'm talking about Frontier mechs. But other series have some degree of individual machines. Maybe even play with a Sound Force inspired VF-19S or a VF-22S. Maybe even have a VF-1J equipped with a sound booster Hey, what about the Elint Seeker? There's no Elint.
  24. I still wanna play this in Adhoc Party. I tried it several nights ago with Murphy, but it seems like I was suffering from a massive lag. Pretty good with another human intelligence helping. But Roy in his Zero still kicked our asses! Heheh.
  25. nope, just press the four face buttons to purge the equipment. Regarding Sivil, I bought her from the store.
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