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Everything posted by CrazyMartian

  1. I never liked MUF's opening song, but this one I do.
  2. I think it's a bad idea to get MUF at this point. Sure, it's a GREAT game, but MTF is coming out the 3rd of February, which honestly, it's not THAT far away. I don't know how close or far you are from Japan, but what's the use of spending money on a game that is going to be made obsolete in a little while, and that you're most likely going to buy soon? The only reason I can imagine for doing so would be for collection purposes... But that's only a good idea if you're getting MAF as well... My humble suggestion to you would be to wait. The release is not even a month away.
  3. Interesting... So this time the original characters will play a larger role then? Suddenly, the school mode is starting to get interesting...
  4. Queadluun Quilqua was the name of Emilia's Queadluun variant, if my memory doesn't fail me. I went and placed my preorder for this game along with Valkyria 3. Now, waiting time... The school mode doesn't impress me in the least, to be honest. Still, those survival modes are enough to excite me, since the missions with themes similar to those were quite exciting for me in the past installments. I'm also looking forward to the tweaks in the system as well. But most of all, I'm looking forward to the two new campaign modes: Macross II and the Frontier movie's. I'll look into getting the hybrid pack later... I just hope it's still in existence when I get the chance...
  5. I looked around and saw the fighter form. Didn't like it that much, to be honest. But hey, tradition, I guess. VF-9, YF-19 and VF-19, now YF-19. I hope the Battroid form looks good. My favorite of the Frontier series is still the 25. That said, if the Alto custom color YF-29 is to be featured in the next movie, then Macross is going to go the Gundam route. The lead gets his mech screwed, then the people from the armory go like "Here, we have this new and stronger one for ya" or something like that.
  6. Excuse me... YF-29?
  7. Well, I hope you're right... Gonna get ready for my little contribution towards funding that PS3 version as soon as I can gather the money...
  8. I know, I know. But what I wanted the most was a PS3 game. The visuals of the Trial Frontier game on the Hybrid Pack look excellent, which makes me think it's quite a waste to leave it as a demo. Not like it's a bad thing to release another PSP iteration, but that adventure mode they're talking about sounds... weird... Personally, when watching Frontier, the part I didn't find interesting was precisely the school one. If they made a story mode or something that had something to do with the SMS or NUNS, then that'd be something different... But a school? I carry my PSP when I'm at school to play when I have free time, not to play a game at school in which I am AT a lower grade of school... Where's the distraction in that? And no, imagining I'm in an aeronautics class doesn't count...
  9. Huh... A PSP Macross? I was hoping they'd release a full PS3 game instead of PSP. After all, the engine has already been ported over... Granted, the new additions sound interesting, especially the possibility of a Macross II campaign, but PSP? Oh, well...
  10. Hmmmm... I'm a big fan of the ACE series, but I have to agree that the Macross mecha are seriously lacking in it. Gameplay videos are necessary for a final decision.
  11. I just found it. Thanks. I have to wonder what the managers of the Japanese PSN were thinking when they made that modification to the layout. It's a mess now.
  12. I just completed all of the unlockables for MUF. Now the hardest part remains. The Ultimate Difficulty missions.
  13. Cash is the problem... I'm waiting to see if I'll get the chance to go to Japan next year to a non entertainment related trip and slip away to a bookstore that carries the magazines.
  14. Damn, I'd like to get a hold of these publications.
  15. I haven't found it...
  16. I'd like to know if people are going to bring PS3s to the con. I can't attend, but would enjoy to play this game with people through adhoc party.
  17. Valkyria Chronicles 2 is right up there too. It's very, very addictive. I'd say that Phantasy Star Portable 2 is there too because of the good graphics, but most of all because of the enormous quantity of nice content.
  18. Iczer One too!? Holy crap! Now, that is some vintage anime.
  19. Actually, I do like the Real Controls a lot more than the normal style ones. I never had any problems when "migrating" from MAF's controls to MUF's Real Mode. I actually would like it if they added a cockpit view mode that DOES looklike one is inside it, not the way it is sort of implemented since the days of the Gundam Battle series.
  20. In all honesty, while I prefer my PSP over my PS3 because of the single reason I am rarely at home, this just means I can now play with my friends (taking turns on a TV) once the full game comes out. That also will hopefully mean that the stages could be bigger and maybe even new modes be added like full online, Cooperative play and other possible new bits as well. This is a possibility for the franchise to become bigger as well. I'm all for it. Besides... I don't like someone breathing on my ear just to watch the PSP's little screen... Especially not my male friends... *shudder*
  21. I dig your avatar, sir.
  22. Hmmmmm... Yeah. Since I'm running on limited resources, I think it'd be best to wait and see... I WANT the movie and all, yes, but maybe I'm better off waiting and seeing. Sure, the game portion is sure to be fun, but it'll be basically what I have been playing all this time with MUF. Caution, caution.
  23. OH CRAP!!! I think I almost had a heart attack... Trial... So does that mean the full game is coming later on? Oh, crap, oh, crap, OH CRAP!!! I also didn't know we shared regional coding with Japan (American continent here)... Had I known, I would have bought the whole BDs for Macross Frontier from the beginning!
  24. Awesome. Itano is really cool, going so far to create something. It's interesting how much went into experiencing hoe G-Forces act on the body and how little the scene lasts. Still, the next time I watch Macross Plus, I'll be sure to remember this and appreciate the scene a lot more.
  25. I favor Klan for a large margin as well, but I still think the extra tutorial was very well handled. However, if you don't want to listen to Sheryl and Ranka, there's always the mute option. =)
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