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Everything posted by CrazyMartian

  1. Well, with the sheer advances of the YF-24 family, I can't imagine what the official NUNS fighter would be like. Most likely a monstrosity. Either that, or the fleets are very good at catching up and could start being regarded with suspicion. Only accounting for the maneuverability of the VF-25 and the firepower of the VF-27 one could say they would represent serious threats if they can compete or even beat special forces oriented VFs like the 19 and 22. If the YF-19 could break through the Earth's defenses and both SMS and the Galaxy fleet have more capable fighters, I'd guess the NUNs is in for a good dose of paranoia.
  2. Mayn and Aya Endo don't lose in beauty either. I actually favor Aya Endo. She has that Idon'tknowwhat that makes me like her. Oh, and thanks a lot for the images. They're excellent as PSP wallpapers.
  3. A love triangle resolved in anime!? Kawamori, you GENIUS!!! That said... Waiting to watch the movie is going to be an excercise of... PATIENCE... And I hate being patient...
  4. I'm liking the design... very slowly. At least this one looks pretty, as opposed to the 9 and 19.
  5. Yeah. For example, I went for weak weapons and decent speed based on the era/enemy I would be after. It's not bad at all. I still think it's not right to resort to this, though. There should have been an ultimate mode. As for the survival missions, they do present a very good challenge so far. I still can't beat the Frontier and Macross missions. They're very long.
  6. What's that? A new Robotech part? =P
  7. I agree that Triangle is better in many things, but the low difficulty is really a turn off for me. I don't know for how long I have played it, but I don't see an ultimate mode anywhere. That lowers it to a semi casual game, as opposed to a hardcore game like Ultimate... I'm sorry to see Artdink flopping like that. I think I'll have to resort to what I never thought I would do. Undertuning VFs...
  8. So it's just a broad term to refer to a particle interaction, hence the "reaction" term used. I'm not taking the games as if they were canon. It's just that I was replaying that particular mission and Cathy Glass (I prefer her as an operator) referred to them as "reaction" bombs, but the tag reads "Nuclear Missile". I was under the understanding that in Japan the term was frowned upon when used by main characters and then my memory went to the second Frontier movie trailer where Ozma shoots reaction weaponry. My question soon followed. And hey, thanks for answering, guys! Here's another question: During Macross Frontier, the UN Spacy is referred to Shin Tougou Gun. NEW UN Spacy. When did the change of name take place and why? If my memory doesn't fail me after all these years, Isamu and Gamlin were under this organization as well. And yet another one. The PS2 Macross game was made by AM2... Wasn't AM2 the team behind the Shenmue and Virtua Fighter games?
  9. What's with the reaction weaponry? The PSP games, specifically in the Dynamite 7 campaign's final mission refer to the missiles launched against the galactic whales as "nuclear missiles", while they are referred to as "reaction" missiles in the spoken dialogue. Are the terms interchangeable?
  10. I'd really like a whole OVA dedicated to Emilia. Her character was interesting in the rather short Macross 7 OVA/movie/whatever. Sure, the rest of the Jenius family would be the best way to go, but I'd be happy if they at least showed more of Emilia.
  11. I haven't attempted. I'll see if I have unlocked it. Is that the name in Japanese?
  12. Actually, in Japan they seem to not appreciate hard games much... Some people over there seem to complain about high difficulties. The most recent example is Catherine for the PS3 and 360. I just hope there is an Ultimate Mode in this game. While this is so far the best PSP Macross game, I feel it's also the easiest and I don't like that.
  13. The 3D glasses that came with Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition work with these. You need a green filter for the right eye and a magenta filter for the left eye. My only complaint would be that the images are too big and that they need either being shrunk or the two superimposed images be much closer. Other than that, awesome work! I'll try replicating this effect!
  14. What I didn't like is that the Bird Human mission is ridiculously easy, even with a non tuned VF-0A or D. The one in Ultimate Frontier was very hard, which was good for me. After all, it was an end boss, but this one... It's too easy. The same with Boddole Zer in DYRL and just about any final boss in campaign. What happened? Getting Nyan Nyan points and Tune points is very easy too, which is an improvement, but not when the missions are such pieces of cake. I also don't think I'm such a good player that the missions come off as easy for me. In any case, who has made a character in Academy Mode and used it in campaign successfuly? I made one girl that gives lots of nyan nyan points and tune points. Good for farming them.
  15. Could you recommend some places that carry the tankoubon? Amazon Japan is kind of cost prohibitive for me since I live in Mexico. The last time I bought a book from them, the mail charges ended costing more than the book itself. I'd like to support the franchise like I have done with the games since Macross M3 on the Dreamcast.
  16. I'm glad this thread was created. I've been meaning to ask a few questions, and even placed one of them in a different form on another thread. Here are some that I'm especially interested in: What is the story of the people of planet Zola? Who discovered them and when? In D7, Zolans seem to be completely integrated to the human culture, with at least one of its musicians (Elma's mother) attaining a degree of fame. The lack of mention or appearance of any Zolan in other Macross related productions seems odd to me, though.
  17. It frustrates me that I can't enjoy my favorite anime franchise in a local way and have to resort to importing. Otherwise, I'd sign the petition right away.
  18. Are you talking about unlocking by performance? Because I got the era unlocker from the store and I have one C and a few Bs here and there. Also, if the Nyan Nyan Shop becomes free upon unlocking all the pictures of the academy mode, I'm going to end up buying everything first. Too lazy to go into "school" at the moment.
  19. Those are modes you have unlocked. The "?????" mean you still have something to unlock.
  20. Similar to what? And about the academy mode, I was not interested in it, but after giving it a go, I ended up liking it. This is more like a character raising mode, where the objective is to get a character with four automatic skills, one command skill and as good as possible. The other part is that it allows to form a relationship with characters and take advantage of the slight bonuses early in campaign mode, where you can import your finished character to. The execution is not exactly what I would call good, but it's far from being bad. And I expected a very bad thing. It also serves to flesh out the other game original characters. A good one was Yui (the girl with the green hair). Very fun character, actually. I knew a girl just like that way back.
  21. Any word on the custom soundtrack? Is it still there? Is it better or still the same?
  22. Yes, May'n sings the opening theme in Valkyria 3. But the obvious choices don't end there. The main character, Kurt Irving is voiced by Yuuichi Nakamura who voiced Alto in Frontier, while one of the heroines, Riela Marcellis, the game's titular valkyria is voiced by Aya Endo... Sheryl. No Megumi Nakajima, though. The other heroine named Imca is voiced by Masumi Asano. This was more or less done in Valkyria 2, with two male leads being voiced by Gundam 00 actors (Aleluya's and Tieria's, who also voiced Michael Blanc in Macross Frontier) and the other two being unlockable characters, if my memory doesn't fail me. Basically, Sega is riding the wave. They pick actors that are in an active franchise enjoying a high success. I don't remember what anime was on when the first Valkyria came out, but they picked Marina Inoue to voice the female lead and Sayaka Ohara, a very active actress for the titular valkyria. But getting back on topic, did you notice the first password in the official site is already up? I want to get my UMD soon... Looking at the mecha section, I noticed something was odd with the chest of the EX-Gear equipped character... Then I realized they were boobs... I facepalmed myself.
  23. Well, Bandai Namco and Big West are advertising the game (and the second movie) in a more aggressive way. They're showing the series on Playstation Home, if you're interested. They're already at the fifth episode. I intend to try to catch the rest of the series in that manner only to support the franchise. They're having a sort of quiz challenge there too, in which they will be giving some sort of reward. I'd like a full size Sheryl and Ranka statue of a VF-25 animated figure for my Home space, but it will most likely be just a t-shirt... My preorder for Triangle Frontier is there, so I'd expect to receive the game in two or three weeks, along with Valkyria 3. I hate waiting for games... I really, really do...
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