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Everything posted by southpaw

  1. meister prototype.. sorry if you guys seen this before.
  2. the teaser too bad my ps2 cant play jap games and i cant read japanese..
  3. yeah how can the vid be saved
  4. southpaw

    1/60 Gbp

    here;s a link with pics
  5. where did you get the musashi
  6. I own this also.. I wish he was a binaltech other than that its still awesome..
  7. southpaw

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    looks very cool.. You should do one with a green color scheme with those hexagons so it would feel like metal gear solid..
  8. jk on the shaolin part..
  9. Voltes V or Daimos ERICA !!!!!!!!!
  10. really good stuff..
  11. kaiyodo armored core figs.. But two they broke of easily tried gluing it. It never felt the same. Threw it away.
  12. the two piece connection enter the spandex
  13. decepticon shockblast
  14. is this sunstreaker official or it is some amazing fans kitbash?
  15. no metal diecast..miria herself non poseable ...for that price..pass
  16. daimos kick colors by Eli another daimos drawing
  17. i feel left out never bought any of the superrobot wars because I can't read japanese... too bad there isnt anything like tech romancer straight beat game
  18. will the game be availabe in US
  19. do you know which robot or which episode areaseven.. I have the whole series.I want to look it up.
  20. thanks.. I entered it in a classic robot contest at robot Japan ..Daimos lost though hopefully Daimos becomes a SOC the size of Dancougar but more diecast
  21. no daimos fans here..
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