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Everything posted by southpaw

  1. Its like there were only three alien movies prometheus, alien and aliens
  2. Is there any chance even the regular version be available at amazon.com not jp?
  3. There should be like a global boycotting to this movie to send a message to hollywood that adding there own spin or hollywood logic has its limits
  4. im suprise they didnt op for a brand new costume since it takes 8 yrs after dk
  5. cool thanks for update
  6. sorry dont suppose it was
  7. i wonder if the sequel to this will be called Daedalus
  8. what was the original price of the trendmasters when it first came out?
  9. transformers prime ratchet ... imho is the best personality and design ratchet ever had.
  10. i only had the vf-1j hi-metal. how many hi-metals got made. anyone one got all of them? if it was cheaper it could have been the perfect squadron builder
  11. i dont know if the bike can do that in the game.. never saw the game.. the bike from blassreiter atleast had a transformation mode.
  12. does the brs bike. do anything from from the show/ game? like transform or have weapons pop out
  13. does the knee joint sorta acceptable when seeing it for real as oppose to just in pictures?
  14. crossing fingers they will sell the accessory parts separately also. might as well cross my toes too.
  15. wow .. I didnt know it would such be a heated discussion. I'm certain if a remake gets made it would be better than macross II or macross zero.
  16. if you can do a stop motion video this in transformation that would be so sweet
  17. i know macross had its DYRL http://www.gunjap.net/site/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Space-Battleship-Yamato-2199.mov but seeing this i wouldnt mind seeing current animation and cg applied to macross.
  18. where can you buy oversize hands for 1/48 VF's or have there been any knock-offs made of the? thanks
  19. Thanks Graham for setting us up. I sent you a pm regarding my two vf-1s...hope im not too late.
  20. just rechecked my vf-1s hikaru strike. It is mib and it shows slight stress marks already and i haven't even transformed it. i also have a vf-1s hikaru without the fast pack that has been transformed a dozen of times . i noticed that it does have a stress mark there also. Since they haven't actually broke yet. Will yamato offer /sell shoulder joints to those who's vf1's havent broken yet but clearly a sign that they will because of stress marks that are already there even whtn the toy has been taken out of the box twice asper my strike.
  21. i posted this question on another thread which were talking about the same issue. is there someone kind enough to please post a pic of the valk showing these problems. knock on wood it hasnt happen to my lone hikaru v.2 vf-1s thanks
  22. knock on wood my v2. hikaru vf-1s hinge is still ok. is there a picture of the unfortunate shoulder that broke so i know what to be careful or watch oout for? thanks
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