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About dante144

  • Birthday 05/20/1975

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. That is sweet! Was anything ever done with the model? A resource for a game or film? Did anyone ever print one out?
  2. Who is Graham?
  3. Wait, what? They are discontinuing the 1/48s? Really? Why? Still loving my angel bird, BTW..
  4. Oh I am. I surely am. I most assuredly am. If it does yellow I am planning on doing a custom paint job on it(which was the plan from the beginning , but I fell in love with it out of the box) Does HLJ often have sales like this on Yamato Valks? What ones have been on sale before?
  5. I got my Angel Bird! Thanks for the advice on the HLJ sale! It is my first 1/48 yamato valk! I like it! Surprised that it is so light. Hardly any die cast metal, I assume? I haven't transformed it yet. Is it fragile?
  6. Ah, I actually had 2 of the vf-1a and 1d before. I still own 4 Valks from the Macross Plus series, 2 vf-11s and a yf-19 and a yf-21 , all purchased around 1999 to 2000 or so. I am excited about getting the 1/48 Valk, though. I forgot how flimsy(?) the original 1/60 vf-1 was. Tell me the 1/48s are more sturdy?
  7. It was a version one 1/60 Super VF-1J. I talked them down to $44, which I think was fair. I also put in an order for the angel bird! Word! Pretty satisfied.
  8. "It's too late, the 1/48 angel bird is gone." Huh?
  9. Yeah, I checked it out.. About a $100 or so. not bad. After I I get tired of that paint scheme(unless I fall in love with it) I may try my hand at a custom paint job...
  10. Wow. This helps a lot. Do you work for HLJ? j/k... Shipping is free did you say? I think I am going to order the 1/48 angel bird... as well as get the version 1... if I can talk them down... I think $50 would be fair all considering.. That is my price point anyways..
  11. Thanks, Bluemax and everybody else. I think I am going to buy an old version Strike Valkyrie 1/60 version for about $75 Think it is worth it?
  12. What year did the new 1/60s come out? How do I know, does it say the year on the box, or does its say version 2?
  13. I have looked through the gallery, mostly at the 1/48s, which I was favoring... It is hard to tell though, with out actually holding one. There is a 1/60 strike V `near me that I was thinking about getting soon. That is one of the reasons I am asking. What are the years for the 1/60s?
  14. Also, when were the 1/60 version 1 discontinued? and when was the version 2 started?
  15. What does this mean? "Perfect Transformation versions." So which version has the best fighter version according to the line art? Thanks for all the responses.
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