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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. SON. OF. BITCH! I just paid the exorbitant upgrade UPS price for an item that isn't even going to be released now and then I see this....
  2. I wish I’d known. I just paid upgraded shipping to bypass ems bs.
  3. The more I see that Spider-Man the less I like him. The torso is weird and rounded and he looks too thick. What's the leg, a Master Mold? Or are they just going to make a larger Sentinel? The height of that leg alone is huge. It's almost as tall as their previous Sentinel release.
  4. Even the Garmo is slightly shorter. Not by much. But outside of the Protect Inbit you couldn't have those same guys tower over the Bikes. Well, you could, but would they be willing to make an Eager and Grob in two different sizes?
  5. I'd love to own all of the series/films on Blu Ray but Japanese media is so ludicrously overpriced I refuse to buy any of it.
  6. I'm 39 and I first heard about the Turtles from a video game pre-order listing in a magazine you could buy NES games from Japan prior to the release of the Cartoon. I just thought it was goofy Japanese stuff. Then saw the cartoon. When the game came out I noticed the cover artwork and did not assume it was an odd artist interpretation. A year later I got a TMNT calendar with all of this artwork that was clearly not the TV show but was also by the creators. So by the time I was 9 I knew there was something else out there I wasn't privy to. Found a trade of the original comics in the early 90's. So I've known about it. I still voted for the Films being the best. Also, even if they weren't old enough to buy the original comics never underestimate the "Well, actually" crowd.
  7. Bandai has a chronic problem making their add on accessories too damn heavy. I’ve left the Tornado turret on Alto in Gerwalk a la his look at the end of the first Movie and I have the Tornado/Supers combo backpack and super parts on Michael. The actual Tornado wing parts are terribly designed and are too heavy.
  8. I'm not sure how they'd do that. Even the 31's with their updated hip mechanism are now getting loose on me too.
  9. Did you make sure the sides of the cockpit were protected before flipping the backpack over it? Arcadia had a design flaw that would scratch the black paint flanking the canopy.
  10. We'll have to see how the McFarlane Toy's version compares.
  11. My Ozma is a floppy mess now.
  12. Macross 30 voices across the galaxy. Macross The Ride is something different. But, yes, those are the two alternate liveries from the game. Such a waste for Bandai to skip both of those. They did give us the other alternate 29's. Isamu and Ozma makes sense but the Percival over two of the hero schemes on a mold that can only be used from this game?
  13. Man, that's a real bummer. Pound for pound he has to be up there with the highest number of hilarious scenes in all of film.
  14. Won't watch it. Secret Hideout needs to exit the premises first.
  15. All the fighters are Delta Wings. There wasn't a triangle in the series anyway. There was Hayate and Freyja and Mirage standing around the corner.
  16. So that's an announcement from left field. McFarlane Toys Dune license. https://news.toyark.com/2020/05/14/mcfarlane-toys-announces-dune-license-388388
  17. The original Blade wasn't an exclusive so you can still easily find it at a lot of stores. The NYTF Exclusive one was practically impossible to find though. This may end up being a worse selling exclusive than the first appearance Doctor Strange. Hmm, nope, just double checked and he's at Waitlist now. So he did sell quite a bit faster than DS did.
  18. This is such a bad exclusive it's still available right now. Betcha that 70's version would have disappeared instantly.
  19. What are the structural issues?
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