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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. That list is also already wrong. Mezco just solicited for Iron Fist as well and that list randomly says April 2021.
  2. How does he know?
  3. Also, nobody has posted the new MacFarlane figs announced.
  4. I did way back when I first got one. The figure isn’t as good as the Bandai in terms of plastic quality and articulation but the Bandai articulation isn’t so much more good that paying an extra $80 is worth it.
  5. Weird they went with Superman next. 89 Batman has been hanging on the vine for thirteen months. For that matter they’re overdue on Conan and Thanos too.
  6. Wow, Mafex might actually be sticking to a schedule now. Supes just shipped.
  7. I'm going to disagree with you. I love the red.
  8. I never thought I’d say this but I LOVE this Frog Man figure.
  9. The 4G is a lower vis grey and the body of the 4A is a lighter color. 4G has subtle blue highlights along the tail fins and forward stabilizers, the 4A has the Skull squadron insignia on the vertial stabilizers. The bands around the bottom of the legs are grey instead of brown on the 4G. The nose cone is grey instead of tan on the 4G. The fists on the 4G are grey, the fists on the 4A are brown. The 4G has red arrows along the forward beams/wrists and they're yellow on the 4A. In theory the 4A isn't supposed to transform either.
  10. Hmm, a second AoA wave huh? Between seven figures and the BAF they managed to complete the X-Man comic wave (outside of the traveling troupe), Jean and Weapon X from the Weapon X comic and 3+1 (Blink) from Astonishing X-Men. They could easily put Rogue and Sabertooth in this wave and cap that team off. Nightcrawler is essentially the only character from his book and could cap that one off too. Could do Cyke and Havok from Factor X, wouldn't need the Bedlams or Guthries really. We don't have a single character from the X-ternals, The Amazing X-Men or Generation Next, though we did get the big bad from that as a BAF. I'd assume they'd cap off Astonishing and throw in Holocaust as the BAF since she was the baddie from that book and the whole team would be complete. YOu could capit off with Colossus and Kitty from Generation Next (they are the big two names) though in Generation Next Colossus is HUGE. He'd almost need to be a BAF. He's way off on FIrestar, she's shipping to me right now.
  11. Man, I am going to have to figure out how to paint miniatures now...
  12. That got pre-ordered quick.
  13. Houquet is packing...
  14. No, but you’ve blamed “Hollyweird” for a decision that the Japanese film makers originally decided to do before as well. This mash-up is not a modern idea. Not to mention you aren’t happy with scaling issues, which are just as prevalent in the older films as well.
  15. You know there was already a King Kong versus Godzilla movie before this, right?
  16. Got another goofy Egg Attack figure today.
  17. Saw it, not neon.
  18. I wouldn't call that box art Neon pink at all.
  19. Holy crap!!! BBTS has the Infinity War Strange up for $150!!!
  20. Based on those scenes it looks like they’re positioning Kong to be on the “good” side.
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