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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Anybody notice if that drone shown with the RVF-25 is the same as the V.1 or is it entirely new as well?
  2. I agree, pull a VF-4 with the rest of these and I'll be fine. Though I actually think the VF-4 would sell better off the shelf than a lot of others. It seems to be a favorite for repaints/modifications.
  3. You guys are making me want a 29 more and more.
  4. I hate to say it but that VF-14 will only be bought by those of us here. And only if it's the M7/Plus Black Bird style. it's already such an obscure design and I sure wouldn't that M3 at all. I'd rather have a VA-3 that's ugly because of utilitarian purposes instead of just being a really bad design.
  5. 2 Max TV versions? Do you have plans for the second TV version?
  6. All of the 19's have the ridiculous problem of the shoulders being on TOO tight.
  7. I guess Battroid just works better with the stand huh?
  8. Fighter and Gerwalk look pretty monstrous with the Super Packs but I really don't like how it's balanced in Battroid. Too busy for me. What's so difficult about the transformation Ozma? Kengiu, you need to slide the wings in if you're going to have the super parts attached.
  9. Cool action pose. I may steal this for my trophy case pose.
  10. I'm not really sure why you've decided not to keep translating. I'm grateful you've provided this service. Lord knows I can't read a lick of Japanese.
  11. I'm not ribbing on anyone. Frankly, I'm confused why Kyekye is apologizing to me.
  12. It wasn't bad. He may not know what he's talking about but in an interview on StarTrek.com Robert Orci pretty much said he wanted to do a "hard sci-fi" for the next Trek and not an action movie.
  13. Well, I believe the stand is intended to be used from exactly one angle because it will very explicitly show off the 30th Anniversary logo on the top of the fighter. And it would explain more of the cost besides just the additional color/tampo.
  14. Everything about this comment, except for Christopher Lloyd, is wrong.
  15. Kyekye showed us. He can actually read the language. Apparently we're getting a cheap stand too.
  16. it doesn't. But if you look at the two page spread one page back the Fighter is sitting on this clear U-Shaped stand that makes it sit banked at an angle. I think Kyekye is assuming that is coming with it... well, he could be asking if it will be included. You can see it in the photos though.
  17. Somebody should change the title of this post so that others don't think this is a real thing.
  18. How are you going to power all of these LED's? Switches are going to have to be hidden EVERYWHERE!
  19. Well, if it were all waterslide decals I would know exactly how I would trim the decals to remove some of the different/brighter colors. For instance the yellow and blue lines on top of the head. I'd only leave the red stripe. Also of note, the canopy color.
  20. The same as the other 25s? If you look at that first photo of all four 25's they don't have the gunpod attached to any of them. They may have elected to not attach the gunpod to Luca's at all, considering he isn't supposed to have one anyway.
  21. Hmm, it looks like there's a bit of blue and yellow on the top of the head as well. That's too bad, a solid red head would have looked far more attractive... then again.
  22. We're desperate I guess, LOL.
  23. If they're going to do non-canon schemes I'd die for an SVF-64 scheme from the Master File books.
  24. Looks official, that's how all of Yamato's old pics were taken, same background and the stamp in the lower right corner. Maybe this deal with Hase means they get to use a lot of their custom paint schemes?
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