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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Just a quick update: " Hi. Thank you for mailing us. We are sorry to hear that you are unsatisfied with our offers. Please understand that the item, as with most items at our store, was sold discounted for under retail price. We pride ourselves in our competitive prices. Unfortunately our low prices restrict the resolutions we can offer when manufacturer defects such as these arise however. Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi. AmiAmi" F**k you sideways you pricks. Like their choice of how to price items means squat to me. What a bunch of crooks.
  2. Yeah, I would not fake a broken item with HLJ. They didn't sell me anything faulty or jerk me around. I would be sorely tempted to not return the faulty item, or keep some of the additional missiles, etc... if I did get the refund from Amiami and had to return the Valk, but even then that's just vindictiveness and isn't right either. If I had a decent YF-19 I would, however, create a review/transformation video and heavily highlight what a horrible company Amiami is and hopefully other people would hear it and avoid them. As a matter of fact, I highly encourage anyone here who might make a video or post in other forums to go ahead and mention what pricks they are.
  3. Both hands explode????
  4. It does look like the Ozma is white on the bottom for some reason. Interesting pose they have the YF-30 Gerwalk in. It looks very SV-51-like doesn't it? Not how it was ever portrayed in the game.
  5. I was just playing around with Gerwalk just to see if it's been improved over the VF-19. It has, you can get much more interesting/dynamic stances and it's very stable. I still believe the ankles will get weak but it's not like my VF-19S that went limp the first time I rotated the ankles backward. The downside is that the High Speed mode wing goofiness makes keeping the wings in the correct position a bit finicky.
  6. The doors around the head are likely due to sloppy gluing. Both David and I have had that problem as well.
  7. Alright, welcome to the group!
  8. I'm enjoying all of the Gerwalk love in those photos.
  9. Holy hell, that's awesome. How is it supposed to lock though?
  10. I am wondering if the silly transformation gimmick to get the gunpod to fit underneath in fighter would be adversely affected by those slits?
  11. You would think it was obvious but we all saw the gunpod in pre-production and none of us ever brought up that point.
  12. Did they reuse the top half of the mold from the VF-19's? I hadn't even checked that stuff yet. I did complain that it isn't that color right up there.
  13. Yeah, my review complained about those parts.
  14. I'm perfectly fine with this joke... provided you finish that VF-1 you've been working on.
  15. So it was excess glue just like on mine. What did you use to remove it? There's glue all over the exposed part of the YF-19 in front of that "well" on mine.
  16. So how many of us have had real problems with the toy so far? Kicker and I had the most spectacular issues with the broken Left wings. There were some shoulder issues as well?
  17. Oh hell, I rattled the cage so loud it brought Graham out of hiding. lol Thank you.
  18. That's good to know. I'm an engineer, you presented some real numbers that I can bank on. That's very good to know. Maybe I will take the plunge at HLJ, but first I need to know how you leave a note to tell them to please check the time first.
  19. Dunno, Kicker's in particular is very strange. Mine was stressed and cracked on both the top and bottom but the bottom piece still snaps into the wing so it's relatively intact, if warped. Kicker's is totally sheared off, and it almost does look like the wing was broken at the factory and the worker said, "eff it, here's your broken wing" and threw it in the box.
  20. Paypal will close my account if I go above them? Every internet business is a douche. I've been reading around and it sounds like there's a strong chance if I dispute it with Paypal I can get all of my money back and won't have to return the toy. Don't know how many months that will take or if HLJ will have anymore available by the time I get the money back though.
  21. From reading stuff online if you open a Paypal dispute with just about any Japanese shop they will ban you. Not that I want to by anything from Amiami anymore but I guess I'll be on my way here. Forgive my cynical nature but I don't put much faith in "hope." I'd rather use this thing for batting practice if I'm stuck with it.
  22. Why not? If I end up having to keep it I'm not going to display it as is. It looks terrible.
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