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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. It'll be the same price as the 19, no doubt.
  2. I know it's on the backplate, I just can't make out how it attaches to the backplate.
  3. The large under fin obviously plugs into the hole where the secondary gunpod slot is located on the undercarriage. However, the radome is attached to a spot on the back that doesn't have any additional slots/holes/etc... and depending on how they've redone that part there's not necessarily a chance that the ENTIRE assembly can be removed from the back of the fighter.
  4. I wanted a secondary one for a "Cannon Fodder" style as well but now I'm thinking that radome probably can't be removed.
  5. I agree, I'd like the design to move on as well. As much as I like the YF-30 it still heavily harkens to the Frontier Design. The 29 was the Percival. The 25 was Leons.
  6. So you're going to do them up like a YF-30 version of Alto's 171 Squad? A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I can't wait to see pics of that.
  7. Will you be customizing some of them?
  8. Is it possible Ozma will be in the next series and Bandai are waiting on that?
  9. I love the title of that second photograph. "masculine man-cave." I want to see the advertisements for the extremely effeminate man-cave. Joking aside, if I had the space (and money) that would be an awesome idea.
  10. Pre-ordered two. Looking at the pics, I really hope it's possible to remove the Radome so i can have one with and without though it's looking less like that's a possibility. Looks like I was correct about where the Antenna attaches however.
  11. I disagree. I think these set photos, so far, feel a LOT more like the original trilogy then anything else Star Wars the last thirty years. I don't know if they'll be any good but I'm willing to give them a chance.
  12. I find you can usually change the subject with women pretty quickly if you start making bombing runs on her missile silos.
  13. I'd take the rest of the band members... in Valkyrie form.
  14. Because it's a split cockpit and wouldn't work on the YF-19.
  15. Really? What did they say?
  16. I don't think he's commenting on anybodies list, only the huge arguments bound to come from all of this. In twelve posts we've already got almost two started, and amazingly nobody has begun one with DuelGundam yet/
  17. I'm more puzzled by the number 301 chosen.
  18. THE ANKLES. In their defense, they were already a long way into production when Kawamori requested they make the soundbooster for it as well. After that it was just kludging something together on what already existed.
  19. That was a fools dream given no VF-19 has ever cost that little on release. Plus this has additional stuff included.
  20. Wow, I thought it would be YF-19 to VF-4 prices. This is too steep, especially for something with such fallible ankles.
  21. I still think you're confusing the date that the drawings were release to the public with when they were made by their creators. There's nothing to say Kawamori didn't have a ton of production designs/notes/etc... on the VF-4 that were never used in print until a certain point much later, that were part of a body of work Kazumi Fujita had access to behind the scenes when working on Macross II prior to that. Unless there's a definitive "this piece of line-art was drawn on date X" that we can point to. And even still, pre-production notes could have been very similar to the "finished" VF-X-3 and could still have been seen by Kazumi Fujita. We don't really know every single thing laying around and who was allowed to look at what.
  22. Could I ask a question? What is the official armament list for the stock YF-29, the Super Packed YF-29 (that would really only imply additional missiles) versus armaments for the YF-30, the VF-25 (Super/Armor/Tornado) and the stock VF-27 and Super Packed VF-27?
  23. Where's the follow-up with the whole team suited up?
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