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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. The one that baffles me is how they managed to consistently get every single Constitution Class Refit wrong. Especially the XL version with the complete lack of sensor bands around the saucer. It's one of the most prominent features of the ship and they just left it off.
  2. I watched this video and disagreed with his stance the customer service was bad. Gave examples how I had to have basically every model ordered replaced with something that wasn't broken. The guy likes to come off as reasonable in the video but is really quite an a-hole if you don't agree, claimed my (his claim) one instance wasn't evidence despite the fact I had to have something like thirty models replaced. Their QC/packaging is the real problem. Their designers are often sloppy too.
  3. She isn't in the movie.
  4. September, huh? I ordered mine domestically and it’s estimated at November.
  5. Mommar

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I think it looks fine the way it is.
  6. Mommar

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Mr K agreed with me the B looked good. That's not an acknowledgement they'll actually make it though.
  7. I’m thinking I’m going to cancel my other pre-order it a PF will be happening.
  8. Mommar

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I like that they’re adding hard points. I’m not fond of the nubs sticking off the bottom of the wings though.
  9. Mommar

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    You mean like the anime?
  10. That depends on what you're looking for. The engineering on the previous 31's are superior, even with the supposed tolerance fixes on Bogue. But they also look different from the AX design wise. Depends on which look you prefer. Outside of the grey and orange Armor parts you won't really have any other upgrade parts unless you want to track down some drones and/or customize super parts because they never released any super parts for Arad. Unless Bandai pulls a Bandai you might be more likely to get color coordinated Super and/or Armor parts for Bogue.
  11. Robocop 2 baddie as well.
  12. Figma does weird stuff with their Nintendo licenses. How many iterations of the Samus suit have they ignored that we'd all buy? I am going to buy that Samus, though. They absolutely nailed the look. That EMMI looks like a pretty good figure outside of my thoughts on it as a "character" or the portions of the game that feature it.
  13. Pics of new Samus plus E.M.M.I
  14. Nobody with an IQ above 50 though. Everybody else knows none of this trash is actually Star Trek.
  15. Thanks, I'm totally looking into that!
  16. This is a good point. Not everybody is starting out in the same position a lot of us are.
  17. It's a tad confusing. Figma did another one with the R-9A and the Dobber-whatever first boss from every R-Type game ever and now these two from Final 2. Bandai has also made an R-9A from Final 2. The QuesQ one is not from Final 2, the license says Irem, the original developer, whereas the other two are from Granzella who developed the two Final games. These two were marked down in price before even releasing so it's probably safe to assume they aren't that popular. I'd wager that even marked down to $85 for the both it's still too expensive for what you get.
  18. Huh, DHL didn’t ring the doorbell. Figma R-13A Cerberus and RX-10 Albatross showed today too.
  19. Balrog just went up for pre-order. Man, I wish I had backed Storm instead of SHF.
  20. I know Neca still have some deep cuts coming but with Usagi Yojimbo here my personal animated collection is done.
  21. That's actually not a bad idea. My only concern would be the panel lines. They're already way too deep on the VF-1 here.
  22. Did they hire somebody from Mafex to do their headsculpts? I think that's the first one that doesn't look like melted ice cream.
  23. Did anybody get one of his books early?
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