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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    It was still up, just pre-ordered one. If only the VF-19 and Figuarts Hulk would go back up.
  2. The scene with the blond stripping down in front of Kirk on the Shuttle Craft followed quickly by Bones and the Blond being down on the planet and Kirk being on the bridge of the Enterprise in Into Darkness.
  3. Adding missiles on and giving it different loadouts I can see is far more fun than some rotating piece of plastic that will be covered up 100% of the time. Wishing for a mechanic you literally can't see is the pinnacle of silly.
  4. I never cared about the YF-19 or 0D having the rotating cockpit gimmick so I've been entirely consistent.
  5. God how I want your old papercraft one.
  6. This sounds like the answer right here. Micro versions of the HMMs.
  7. I agree, given it's a thing that only affects a part of the toy that is covered up at the time it is completely pointless. I'd rather have more missiles/etc... that can affect it's outward appearance versus something useless I'll never see.
  8. What's the issue with the missile bays not working with the lineart? Can we see diagrams so we understand what is going on?
  9. What is shipping going to cost from HLJ? Didn't Arcadia already say the S would be near the end of the year? November/December time frame? The Amiblog pics are interesting. The fighter and Gerwalk pics look like grey/darker grey/white but in those last Battroid pics it's actually grey/light blue/white. Pretty attractive IMO. I'm sure this won't be what it actually looks like though.
  10. You would think if they're planning on doing the armor it would have to be a separate seb-exclusive thing. A pack-in 0S plus armor would be astronomically expensive.
  11. Yeah, I don't really get it. She kept saying, "I'll bet my movie was better." Well, that depends on what you were looking for. I like a good thought provoking sci-fi and I'm interested in what I've heard, I just didn't hear about this film.
  12. I'd be happy with the color exactly as is. The originals were $200 a pop. How is this triple that price?
  13. I hadn't heard anything about this until a snobby co-worker decided to tell me why I made a bad choice seeing The Avengers.
  14. I agree with Graham... at $80.
  15. I'd buy it as is. I'm not necessarily beholden to canon either, so any scheme that looks good I'll buy.
  16. “What I realised early on was it was all about point of view – meaning it’s not like you just objectively throw in a star field or a spaceship or a desert planet or whatever the thing,” he said. “The question is, who is that person in that experience? Why does it matter to them? What are they desperate for, or afraid of? “That, to me, has been the constant struggle: to make sure that none of these things are treated like either they’re a museum piece and we’re trying to honour them, or they’re gratuitous and thrown in because, well, it’s a Star Wars movie, so you’ve got to put these things in. Everything has got to be essential to the characters in the film.” So somebody explained to him why Into Darkness frakking sucked.
  17. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    One way or another you're going to find out about those BandaiOnline guys. I couldn't find the SH Figuarts Cap or Hulk available anywhere except there so we'll see if I'm screwed out of $150 or not in July.
  18. Oh cool, you even loaded it up with external payloads.
  19. Any idea on cost? Gotta be a pretty penny.
  20. Marvel has never released an extended cut of anything, Joss Whedon said there will be no director's cut and this is the movie and the "they" who says there's an extended version was taken from an advert put out by Amazon.uk (who aren't known for getting facts correct.) Right now there is no luck and going by past Marvel movies you will not be getting an extended movie, just bonus clips.
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