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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. I think we're all waiting to hear about this project.
  2. I keep looking at this and I can't figure out how you could hide a robot in that.
  3. I wish we could see the damn toy in Gerwalk. It may well be my all time favorite now. I just want to see how it all comes together from different angles.
  4. Kirk was never a "boy wonder" in the vein of Luke... and certainly not super miss magical Ray. The only time that came up was when JJ took over and confused Star Trek for Star Wars and started claiming Kirk had some "destiny." And even still he wasn't the heir to the Galaxies most powerful space wizard, he was just intelligent and charming and capable and willing to use those things. Your lack of all of those qualities doesn't make them impossible to achieve. Are things entirely consistent In Star Trek, well, no. But after 726 episodes and ten films (not including the two JJ mystery box nonsense) they've done a remarkably better job keeping things on course than what Star Wars has in only seven films. And JJ can't even stay consistent within ONE of his own movies, to say anything of keeping things together between the two brainless, pew-pew films he made.
  5. Or maybe when you go out flying with your Walkure teammate it's a good bit of team bonding that got ruined by a dick in a black paintjob.
  6. Given the shape of that cockpit/nose I think it might actually be a single engine variant of the YF-24.
  7. You're getting upset over nothing. There's no official announcement this is a bundle and we've never seen anything that would be $450+ before, it's highly unlikely they would start now.
  8. I'm disappointed they aren't displaying these with Gerwalk mode for both the 262 and 31 as well. Everybody treats it like the red-headed step child.
  9. The previous Orguss release was a slam dunk, yes?
  10. And right here you clearly don't understand Star Trek fans and/or are so anti-intellectual you can't equate fun with anything smart. Star Trek fans like fun, but we like intelligence, meaning and consistency too.
  11. Eh, kinda if the only thing you're paying attention to are the mandibles.
  12. This is how I feel about the first movie. Don't bother with Into Darkness, it's like the first movie only so egregious you can't get theough the first viewing without it falling apart (the same with The Force Awakens IMO as well.)
  13. Disappointing they couldn't at least add a dimple/divot in the swing bar to help it hold.
  14. I am a fan of both, but you're right that I'm talking about the troll types who can't acknowledge, whether the new Macross material is better or not, that their "property" is a relic of a bygone programming requirement and the "creative team" around it can't and hasn't made anything worthwhile ever since.
  15. Looks like the Riot Control Storm Trooper release has been bumped up by a few days from it's original release. I'm not as excited for these releases now, after seeing the new movie, and pretty much disliking the whole damn thing.
  16. I'm finding myself in the perverse position of wondering what the RoboTards are thinking about this new stuff like the 262. I'm just not brave enough to lose brain cells looking for it.
  17. I am really enjoying that Gerwalk/cannon-over-the-shoulder Nousjadeul-Ger cross hybrid. So damn cool.
  18. This is a brilliant idea. Toys that will absolutely double as educational tools. Very cool.
  19. At roughly $170 that's about $40-$45 more than you would have paid in 2009. Not a HUGE jump in price given that was seven years ago. Still, I have two Roy's already. I really just want more Fast Packs and nothing else.
  20. How long until Bandai shows off the DX in the other two modes now? Given how horribly Bandai handled the excess weight of the Armor and Tornado packs on the 25's I can't imagine the back of that thing holding up too well in Gerwalk mode with those giant drones attached.
  21. Only the green CF had probblems. The other three white colored EX releases have all been fine.
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