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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Mommar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm completely okay with anyone who was so disillusioned with Delta opening up more slots for 31's. Easier for me to pre-order.
  2. Might want to rephrase that to "I'll be honest, all I've really wanted from Nintendo..." Because I don't want that, and "we've" already had that chance with the WiiU and everybody made fun of it (even though it was a great console.)
  3. Because it looks awesome.
  4. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    I didn't know there were Matchbox versions and the Playmates versions were re-releases.
  5. I'm that guy. A few times over.
  6. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    Those power armors are old Playmates figures from their strange EXO Squad/Robotech line in the 90's.
  7. I finally got to see this last night. As a classic Trek fan I thought it was fantastic. I still have my gripes but it's a shame this didn't do as well as the first one or that terrible Not-Khan POS. The Antagonist was not compelling, sadly. I don't have a problem with his origin/motivation coming so late in the film but his motivation was not some strike against the existence of the Federation like was advertised. If he had made it out alive he could have been a decent Khan-like character to revisit for this universe though.
  8. Yeah, yeah. We all know it's Nine Inch Nails. The difference is this version doesn't suck.
  9. It pretty much has to be a tablet. They can't run their own smartphone apps on the thing otherwise.
  10. They're swimming in money so that'll never happen. Also, they shouldn't. Sega went from bad to worse with that situation.
  11. Thanks, it took me a few watches but I figured it out. I had to point it out to my brother too.
  12. In the comics all she had was Adamantium laced claws. I don't recall seeing her claws in the trailer though.
  13. Gonna wait until Sony copies it, sells it at a massive loss so people think the tech is cheap and pretend like they invented it.
  14. Makeup... but why is Professor X still alive at this point? Also, if the rumor that this is Laura is true how is she supposed to replace Wolverine in the "proper" films when they're stuck back in the 80's/90's? Or will they time-travel her at the end of this film too.
  15. Sold. Especially given how much time I spend with my Mom away from home now. At least I can still setup and play games easier.
  16. It was only on the 0S. But the Master File books stuck it on everything.
  17. NY stopped shipping via FedEx though. Not only that it's only $8 more from HLJ via FedEx than it would be from NY with Registered EMS. No contest, HLJ's service and the Albuquerque branch of FedEx isn't likely to lose my crap like the Postal Service and UPS will and for only $8 more.
  18. Expecting swappable wings on the 1/60 valks would be ridiculous. The only way to do that would be to dismantle the back to swap the wings. They couldn't be clip ins that rely on friction like on the smaller, lighter HMR's (which still get loose anyway.)
  19. Really? They were all over here. Finding the new Iron Fist is fricking impossible around here.
  20. I haven't posted anything here in months. To make up for it here's nineteen minutes of 4K pretentiousness.
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