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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. I never saw anything specifically labelled as a two pack at any of the webstores. That's blows. Looks like I'm f**cked out of all four of the BBs then. Bandai suck at lots of things. I'm tempted to cancel all of the PO's because I don't like to be dicked with.
  2. Holy hell, the first two of the Last Jedi Figuarts are already available. NY is about to ship the Special First Order Trooper and Captain Phasma... I wonder if I'll get the bonus BB droid?
  3. Mommar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I didn't think it was out for another week.
  4. I'd like to see it on the toy but I'm pretty okay with this scheme. I don't think it looks bad, though having real world anniversary schemes would definitely preferable. Not into the Itasha/Minmay Guard stuff.
  5. It's also the fact he's not a classic cackling villain who murders whoever disappoints him. I always remember the part where Luke has his X-Wing tucked in the back of a freighter and uses a charge to blow the ship so as he's speeding away from Thrawns Star Destroyer the debris shields him from the Tractor beam. The gunner facing Luke attempts to change something about what he's doing (this was over twenty years I read it so details are light) but whatever it is Thrawn notices and questions him about it. The gunner explains he knew the debris would throw off the tracktor beam and he attempted to compensate for that. Even though it failed Thrawn is impressed with his quick thinking and orders the guy be promoted on the spot. That's not something you see from villains anywhere, ever. In every other story the villain is shown they're evil by tossing the gunner out an airlock, which is comically stupid. Thrawn was menacing because he knew what he was doing.
  6. Did they release the Mk 4 at some point and I missed it? I now have 2, 3 and 6 from the re-releases, skipped 7 from The Avengers because I didn't much care and never pre-ordered 5 because I was about to be without a job then. And now I'm not sure I care because it looks kind of dull, like it needs paint apps or soemthing. Other than the rivots being painted on instead of molded I REALLY love the silver shininess of the Mark 2 here. It could easily stand in on be modified to be one of Tony's Arctic Armors or re-painted to look like one of the weird space suits. BBTS gets their figuarts stuff in pretty late. I'm still waiting on Cammy to ship and it's been available at the import stores for at least two weeks now.
  7. The problem is that LA Noir sucked so that won't properly gauge interest in Rockstar games on Nintendo consoles. I'm not going to buy it.
  8. Thrawn and the first three or four X-Wing books are good. Everything else, eh. Never read any of the Star Trek novels except for the Generations Novelization, and that was only because I'd heard a bunch of stuff was cut from the film that the book had (seeing that Kirk in Orbital Skydiving action figure at Target made me curious where it came from.) It's not really necessary to read Trek novels, we have hundreds of hours of Television plus a lot of movies. Star Wars was largely contained to the three films (I'm going to ignore Droids, Ewoks, Battle For Endor and The Christmas Special because nobody should remember those things...)
  9. Mommar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Man, I'm feeling bummed for the fellows who haven't been able to nab a pre-order yet. It sucks to have a hobby where the company actively tries to keep you out.
  10. Alright gents, for those of us screwed out of classic punisher, wednesday september 13th Jim Lee Wolverine is up.
  11. Thanks. The wings-up thing is anime inaccuare but the pivot point for the wing root is too far forward to make proper gerwalk terribly useful. The shoulders get in the way. Plus the rotation point has no lock and the fold in the wing isn't ratched so the weight from the drones is resting on the arms in that photo. Too bad, this is one of my favorite Gerwalk modes of any Valk and Bandai really did not design it well. Hopefully we haven't heard about the other versions yet because Bandai are fixing them.
  12. Decent Gerwalk image. Don't care if the sword wasn't used in that mode.
  13. Here's vids of all the new crap on the horizon. That Manga Realization Cap was hard to go back and try to track down. Anybody interested in a Japanese Baseball player? I forgot about that awesome new Mechagodzilla as well.
  14. Damn, I just cannot get the inner left thigh super part to attach. It won't slide down at all.
  15. I pre-ordered these mofos too: Shadow Trooper, Oni Darth Maul and Ronin Jango Fett. Maul and Fett look wicked!
  16. I don't collect Dragonball so I didn't. I'm actually confused wh I bought The last Jedi stuff, I hated The Force Awakens so much I wasn't terribly happy with the TGA fogures I already had and had sworn off Star Wars merchandise.
  17. Odd, could only find two of the Star Wars Figuarts figures at Nippon-Yasan. The rest at CDJapan. Plus they put up the next three Movie Realization fiugres. Jango Fett in Oct, Darth Maul in November and a "Shadow Trooper" (black stormtrooper reissue) in December.
  18. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    One at HLJ, one at CDJ. Can only find Star Wars Figuarts at Nippon-Yasan though.
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