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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. We'll test this and see what comes of requesting 2 at a time now that DA has been offered only the pre-order price.
  2. If that's the case then I'm in for two again. As long as I don't have to drop $850 right now I'm good.
  3. DarkArchon is reporting he didn't have to pay full price up front on FromJapan like the rest of you are saying.
  4. I'm going to have to Caveat these answers. For Web Exclusive stuff people are going back to proxy shipping sites like FromJapan. There was a large collection of online shops that used to provide that service but Bandai seems to have changed their policies in 2018 and places like CDJapan and others have dropped carrying them except for Nippon-Yasan and they aren't even always reliable anymore. NY takes FOREVER to actually ship. For instance, I ordered three web exclusive items all of which were available as of the 23rd of August. I'm still waiting for them to ship now on the 31st. Other people who ordered from Amazon, Anime-Export, etc... have the same items already. Also If you aren't interested in ferry shipping they massively over-charge on any of their other shipping costs. For instance an item at HLJ will be 2000 yen more but shipping from them via FedEx will end up being cheaper than shipping from NY via UPS. Also they have a strange queue system that randomly gets implemented on pre-order nights. It doesn't really work that well when you're trying to pre-order something and it works even worse when you're forced into a queue and you aren't even interested in purchasing something new on pre-order night. All web-exclusives are pay up front too. Their customer service is only marginally better than Amiami. Also, don't forget to pay for your pre-orders. Especially if you're new. They will cut you off fast. I can get away with forgetting a pre-order here and there because I've bought so much crap from them over the years. Some of the newer guys have had a pre-order slip their mind and NY has cancelled all of their orders and banned them. CDJapan is pretty good, although they were better when they had web exclusive items. I still use them quite regularly. Their points system is really useful. They don't offer other means of shipping like FedEx or UPS (I deplore the New Mexico USPS and will ship via anything else if I can.) So if the Postal Service in your area is as terrible as mine it's important to note what they will and won't ship by. Actually, they DO ship via FedEx for Books and Media, just not toys. I've begged them again and again to change this policy. Finding items on pre-order night can be difficult/frustrating too. Amiami I'm biased against because I got banned after complaining my Arcadia YF-19 arrived with a snapped off wing and all they would offer me was $7 store credit. Seven. Dollars. If you push it they'll ban you from the store and delete all of your pre-orders. HLJ redesigned their store and it makes it way harder (almost impossible) to find items on pre-order night. You're still about 70% likely to be able to purchase whatever is in your shopping cart unlike most other online shops where you're guaranteed to be "cart-jacked" at check out. Their prices are slightly higher, their faster shipping options (FedEx, DHL) are cheaper except for Amazon. They take a few days to get around to shipping but nothing as ludicrous as Nippon-Yasan. Their customer service used to be pristine but recently they seem to have hired somebody from Amiami to handle that otherwise I'd say it was the best of all of them.
  5. Don't feel too bad, I've never used FromJapan as a proxy site because I can't figure out how to send the correct link from these confusing Japanese sites either.
  6. That's some real crap timing on Arcadia's part. I just drop a grand on homeowners insurance and they only give me seventeen days to come up with another G?
  7. $50 for shipping from AE...
  8. Mommar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, I paid and I’m pissed. Then again I rushed ordering a second from amazon and they’re dragging their feet shipping too.
  9. Mezco One:12 Summer Exclusive Moon Knight, Manga Realization Muhoumono Wolverine, and I managed to find a second Marvel Legends Captain America and fourth Nightcrawler.
  10. Mommar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    NY is worse. We’re still waiting for them to ship
  11. I told AE to ship yesterday night and haven’t heard anything since.
  12. I’m still waiting for NY to ship mine...
  13. Do you have any more of these Jon Lovitz action figures?
  14. While the Codename part may be true you really can't reference a Parody as your evidence. Otherwise we should all be demanding to see Yogurt and Barf in Episode 9.
  15. I’d say it’s a bit too much of a belly when he’s armored up for the final fight but it works well enough and will pair with the Hasbro Thorbowski figure. Question is, where are our other Armors? Lord knows Bandai loves IM related stuff and War Machine and Rescue are perfect variants for them.
  16. Supreme Knight goes on sale tomorrow. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-batman-supreme-knight
  17. I’m struggling to find a reason to care about this film. I see nothing compelling about the trailer.
  18. Mommar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They haven’t shipped mine yet either...
  19. Mommar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    And how long will this preparation take? My two Figuarts Yoda and Iron Man figures have been hanging out in prep for three days now.
  20. Mommar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I got lucky and happened across an Amazonjp seller fulfilled by Amazon who ships to the US. I can slap the second one (if it shows up) on Chuck's 31.
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