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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. I find it odd not a single one on the previous Shen Long model had this issue and I didn’t use any of that other stuff either.
  2. Don't know what that is. I've never had to use it on any other waterslide decal I've applied before.
  3. I got Heavy Arms built but the waterslide decals are absolute crap. They will not stay on. All of them are curling and peeling off.
  4. Better than any scene from those damn sequels.
  5. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    What else did you buy this year?
  6. Dorkside pulled off a Christmas miracle.
  7. Neca’s plastic is cheaper (not as bad as it used to be), their joints often come totally frozen up too. The offset is their sculpts are incredibly detailed and their paint is superb. But if they went whole hog with good plastic the toys would go from $30 to $70.
  8. Battle 7 I can understand, Frontier I cannot. TV SDF-1. Shout it from the rooftops.
  9. Mommar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Have I missed this previous explanation? Which companies do this?
  10. Too many liberties with theory of special relativity?
  11. I just got an e-mail from Mezco that Magneto is due to start shipping soon. They really sped up production on a few of these. Aquaman has just been released and he was only up for Pre-order in April and Magneto has only been on pre-order for seven months so far. They skipped right over Captain Marvel, Moon Knight and John Wick. And their PX Green Lantern and Cable are woefully late too.
  12. I'm barely a DC fan so I'm skipping this. I'd prefer a surprise release of Rogue or somebody like that.
  13. TFA was already flawed. Rian Johnson removed all of the mystery boxes. Proving there was really zero character or story in TFA. Now if he had made an attempt to add something instead of clearly trolling EVERYBODY there might have been something salvageable by this point but that time has long since passed. In reality there were other ways to fix things after TLJ too but JJ isn't creative enough to do anything of the sort. This Vox subheading about TROS sums up JJ Abrams in a nutshell, "the new movie is a colossal failure of imagination."
  14. They posted a hint about this on their Instagram yesterday. Most people thought it was Agent Venom (I didn't.) I honestly don't know who this character is.
  15. Mommar

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The thing is, outside of the additional 262 variants and the Arad version of the 31A, everything everybody is asking about is pretty much already Bandai's own niche market. Add on super and armor parts are already specialty items. On top of that the molds all exist. It's just production and repaint. I know that costs money but that's the easiest thing for Bandai to be able to produce and limit the number. Three Super parts for the A/S/E and Armor for the A/E are all they need to put out. Delta is not receiving the same sort of care Frontier got, that's for sure.
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