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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. It is easier to destroy than create...
  2. Toys and animation... you have some expensive goals. lol I do know some Comic Book artists but nobody who does animation.
  3. $400. Any takers? https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/308231?o=1
  4. Why must it be singing (I know, because music sales), but from a story and music perspective it would get more interesting if, say, an entire orchestra could generate via means beyond singing. Or they could go the Thunderbolt route and choose something completely out there, like Tango... the singing is highly operatic.
  5. It took me a lot of effort but I managed to get both feet to collapse.
  6. Do you have a backstory for these designs in mind or is it purely a matter of designing/engineering your own transforming plane?
  7. The 262 is so over-engineered even the people assembling it can't get it right.
  8. Due to my love of Mideval Spawn I caved and bought the Kickstarter figures. Never again. It's a well painted, poorly constructed, finicky piece of crap. Seriously, it's an $80 figure that still has pins holding the joints together and some of them are LOOSE. My right leg flops over at the knee. Screw Todd and all of his garbage products.
  9. There is always the option that perhaps Big Bad Toy Store is interested in your toys. They've backed other smaller creators on Indiegogo/Kickstarter before simply because they want more toys on their site.
  10. I remember when I was still in college in 2002 and I was told I was crazy when I had precisely these concerns way back when it was just Steam first offering all digital purchases...
  11. A friend of mine here in New Mexico took over a local Christmas Store and just to have the molds made for simple, see-thru LED light covers shaped like Chiles was $30,000.
  12. Manufacturing is EXPENSIVE bro.
  13. Jada sure got Storms ass in gear. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/307252?o=10
  14. So the Bogue has officially released?
  15. Jada always said they would be more expensive.
  16. I can't wait to ditch that severely undersized SHF Sagat.
  17. While render quality was good I don't feel like any of it resembled the original film. There was too much excessive movement in the characters. In Astartes everything was cold, calculated and efficient when it came to the Space Marines and their movement.
  18. Problem is none of thesee scenes are renders from Astartes 2.
  19. I agree. I was out of collecting Mezco anymore but I think this one has convinced me to pre-order.
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