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  1. Looks like I'm not getting my Milia either.
  2. Mommar

    DX VF-27 Revival

    Matte Fighter mode might be nice looking but as a transforming toy the fact it still has retained the flawed previous mechanics means it's overpriced.
  3. I may have to correct myself on Jubilee, if the X-Men are specifically being designed based off of the Blue and Gold Teams Jubilee's first appearance after X-Tinction/Muir Island Incident is in X-Men #4, in the interiors she has Yellow gloves until Issue 9.
  4. I recommend anybody who doesn't have a Count Orlock get one because it's a great figure but I'm not personally going to triple dip after getting the previous two.
  5. Which joints?
  6. Here's the X-Men wave at Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=B0D95393R8+|+B0D9514GDG+|+B0D951PBYW+|+B0D951Q7YP+|+B0D9524BVZ+|+B0D951TG4B+|+B0D951XKC5&i=toys-and-games&language=en_US&crid=2BPLDM1Y4W10S&linkCode=sl2&linkId=90586d28fda17de107756975cf46a29b&sprefix=b0d95393r8+b0d9514gdg+b0d951pbyw+b0d951q7yp+b0d9524bvz+b0d951tg4b+b0d951xkc5%2Ctoys-and-games%2C186&tag=comicbookcom-20&ref=as_li_ss_tl
  7. Oh crap, it sounds like they're hitting up all of the Arcade Macross games. I'd bet we do get Plus at some point. Somewhere I'd love for a Scramble Valkyrie to show up since I still think that was the best of the shmup Macross games but that's not an Arcade game.
  8. I never could track down any of these.
  9. These are just the fighters, right? Not those other Gashapon ones?
  10. Now with Mustache?
  11. Sweet, you downloaded it too?
  12. Sufficient thrust will overcome all aerodynamics. The Tread has some pretty massive engines.
  13. Reviews for that MDLX Mega Man are out now. He looks good but he's undersized compared to the Jada figures. The bigger thing is he's a re-engineered version of the old Sentinel Mega Man figures from a decade ago. It's different enough, but also nearly the same thing.
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