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Mercurial Morpheus

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Everything posted by Mercurial Morpheus

  1. I enjoyed it as my last anime of the year. Tragic ending, but it worked nicely. Plenty of room open if they ever decide to make more. Hopefully they do.
  2. According to ANN it's Itsuki. I can't tell at the moment. My sound card is messed up. I won't be able to vote until I restart.
  3. I report only what I know. It's all that's said on the site. The site's been updated stating that Newtype USA will run a Gunbuster focused interview with Mikimoto. It will apparently feature new art of Noriko, Kazumi and Jung drawn for the magazine. Damn, that means I actually have to buy another issue of ADV's lousy magazine. I stopped after the first one. Looks like my post on the review didn't work. As much as I loath going to AOD.com, this pleases me. I really like the notion of PCM audio. No crappy DD for this Though it sucks to have yet another thing in common with Chris Beverage. Not to mention one more rare reason not to choke him upon meeting him.
  4. I'll check this out for the mecha. Hopefully it'll be good. I never did get around to Eureka 7 (which sucks given all the publicity it's given).
  5. I went with two on Mikuru. AS for Yuki, I think they all are playing the robotic angle a bit too heavily. Yuki always sounded more neutral and dispassionate instead of outright robotic to me. That said, it was basically between one and three with me. In the end, I went with 3 as she was much more uncaring sounding and neutral. Though it was hard to really differentiate anything between the two, as they all were doing the robot bit to varying degrees. Looks like 1 is winning now though. She's not bad, but sounds a bit too annoyed in some of her lines. Still better then the remaining two, and about the same as 3. The voice might match a bit better. If she toned down the confliction, it might sound a bit more "Yuki". Frankly, I wouldn't mind hearing another set of four. Though I don't really plan on watching the dub anyway.
  6. Nope, they've definately got it. Personally, I liked ZZ. It was no Zeta, but it wasn't really meant to be either. It's a pretty decent show if you get past what it's a sequel to. It developed Haman quite nicely, so that's a plus. Sure, it could've been better. Tone down the light-heartedness at the beginning (mainly the really silly aspects), tighten the story up, and it wraps things up pretty well. I'm actually pondering a fan edit to try to do some of that. I do agree that Glemy's switch off seemed a bit out of place. The whole cloning of Ple seemed out of left-field. Though I liked his end a lot. I wonder if the same would've befallen Char had it gone as planned. Heck, I'd love to do some sort of audio edit on movie two for Four. Though I doubt I'll get around to it. ;;
  7. I'll check it out. I've only seen about half the old series, but liked it quite a bit. I just wish it was easier to get ahold of. Someone nabbed my local Hollywood Video's tape collection before I did. They had about half of it (it's how I saw it). While I'm also cautious about stuff like this, I'm hoping it will be enjoyable. Maybe it'll finally inspire CPM for a rerelease at the very least.
  8. Thanks a lot, F360! I've been trying all day to get it. THe site doesn't work on my end. I even tried to get it from their IRC channel. No go there either.
  9. Apparrently the source code keeps changing. Currently it's, "<!-- ...where are we now? --> <!-- You weren't keeping track of the zones!? --> <!-- I'm so sorry! --> <!-- If you don't get us back it's 20 laps in the bunny suit for you! --> <!-- Hey hey... did we miss our stop?! -->" 20 minutes- left. "<!-- Timespace converging, reaching critical point. DISARMing field protection barriers. --> <!-- Is it safe to continue like this? -->" Kadokawa got it and will distribute through Bandai. You have to watch the terrible video to find out though. They even had a MySpace up. It distracted me, and for a moment, I thought I'd confirmed that it was a hoax.
  10. Funny. I was looking to see if anyone had made a Revy statue yet. That will be mine. I like the optional cigarette.
  11. I figured as much. Though They were at conventions. Still, at least the confusion's cleared up.
  12. That sounds about right. Looks promising, but nothing special. Your usual ADV over-exuberence over an ok title.
  13. I got mine at AX this year. I even had Imagawa sign it. This kind of sucks since I intend to get one of the Macross World boxes eventually. I find it amusing that a little research completely 180's the opinion of this thread. I also find it amusing that people thought that set was ADV's, since I first saw that set at Ani-magic 2005, before ADV even started releasing their DVDs. It's Animeigo's leftover stock. HG just repackaged it in a new box. Why would ADV release two versions? Boy Area 88, you sure are on a lot of my forums.
  14. Dumbass. He probably could've sold it, knowing some fans out there.
  15. Shame to hear the Kenner toy costing so much. I remember seeing it once at KayBee, and then it disappeared. It does suck that the capital ships get so little love.
  16. Actually, isn't he coming out with a Nono? I'm pretty sure he is. Nono's covered at the moment anyway. We need a good sized Kazumi and Jung.
  17. That's been known about for some time. I look forward to getting one. Now if he'd just make a matching Kazumi and Jung.
  18. I knew I wasn't the only one that wanted a GunStar and a Navigator. Getting one would be awesome. Getting both would be devine.
  19. Yep, I'm aware of that. Which is why I memtioned it. I've actually got the one you posted on my club's profile. I just took their contact table. The color doesn't quite fit, but it's Gunbuster, so who cares?
  20. Um, they are including the science episodes. What do you want them to do? Would you have them splice them into the episodes? They're included two to a disc, like the episodes. I see no problem with the setup.
  21. Official site has been largely updated. Apparrently there's an offer where you can get a Trailer manga card with 1988 artwork by Mikimoto. You send in a survey card in the DVD. DVD info as follows: Disc 1 Episode 1: Shock! Oné-sama and I are Going to be Pilots Together?! Episode 2: Daring! The Girl Genius Challenger!! Bonus Clips: Science Lesson Chapter 1: The theory of Ether Space Science Lesson Chapter 2: Starbows and the Rip van Winkle Effect "Good Morning OGH!" Promotional Trailer (Produced in July, 1988) Disc 2 Episode 3: First Love☆First Sortie Episode 4: Launch!! The Incomplete Ultimate Weapon! Bonus Clips: Science Lesson Chapter 3: Faster-than-light (c-plus) Travel All About Warp Science Lesson Chapter 4: The Evil Space Monsters "Cosmic Battle Space" Disc 3 Episode 5: Please!! Time Enough for Love! Episode 6: At the End of Eternity… Bonus Clips: New Science Lesson Chapter 4 + 1: The History of Spaceships New Science Lesson Final Chapter: The True Solar System "Sizzler Project" Promotional Trailer (Produced in 1989) I'm a little peeved about the translation of episode six's title. I just think "At the End of the Endless Stream" has a much better ring to it. As I thought, the open-matte version isn't included. I find this amusing, as they have pics of it on the site under the disc three description. Also of note, they have a MySpace with a video clip of episode four. It's the same as the one already on MySpace. Except it's subbed. Interesting so far. Though in Virginia, Akibafest will have them handing out ten rare posters. Newtype USA will feature it in the latest issue of their (crappy) magazine. The January issue even more so.
  22. Well, what they showed at Sac-anime was quite ancient then. I at least remember the 2D being unfinihed. Maybe I just percieved CG impovement in the Ani-magic bit. Nope, I said short pink hair. So was some fighter pilot. I don't remember her name. Janice does sound a bit like a word fit victem in the trailer.
  23. @Mercurial Morpheus, you missed the whole thing about the demon/orge and when she was explaining what she was going to do to him when he was strapped down... didn't you. It proves alot of explaination for the nurse bit and the ending. Not at all. I missed nothing there. I remembered all that quite clearly (including the whole "if you'd given her the doll you wouldn't have been in this situation" bit [i found it hilarious when I heard the animators forgot said doll in the proceeding scene]). I don't really see how that explains any of that outside of the lame idea of possession of lifeless bodies in a how that hasn't even suggested such things (to my mind at least). If that's the case, the whole scene loses a lot of power for me then. This has little to do with the supernaturalness of it, and much more to do with the poor execution and presentation of such bits. it's hard to swallow a supernatural occurence of such magnitude when very little evidence of it's occurence is actually present. It's just simple storytelling ideology. A blemish on an arc that is otherwise leaps and bounds over the storytelling of it's predecessor. Rena is drop dead easy to understand IF you've seen anime with demons & demon possession. I never said I didn't understand her, merely that I didn't like her. Shion & Mion well this was brought up within arc 1 & 2 by Keiichi himself and how Shion & Mion act towards him. True, but I didn't need confirmation of something I wasn't supposed to know about when I should be making sense of other things. Nothing was outright stated in the arc itself as to identity. Oh and why people say the 3rd story arc makes or breaks the viewers choice?!?! It's adult subject matter that few people care to view and with it's knowledge it'll taint the rest of the anime for the viewers because it becomes 'real' instead of it's flip flopping between cute & horror. But the people who say that the 3rd story is a turn off are utter fools! It's really solidly written. What they mean by make or break has little to do with the arc itself, I'm sure. They aren't saying it's a turn off at all. I mention it, as I have seen some conversations similar to this where someone was less than enchanted by this relatively highly praised series. The general consensis is that if you disliked the show, how you react to the third arc will pretty much seal it. They're basically saying that it's not a turn off, but that if you don't enjoy it a well, you'll probably not going to like anything else. It has nothing on people already enchanted with the show. It is therefore my conclusion from this and your own statement that the third arc is the highpoint to the series. So it's kind of like saying that if you didn't like The Empire Strikes Back (generally percieved as the fan favorite), you'll probably not like the other Star Wars films. One of those, "if you don't like this one, nothing else is going to change your mind". I get the impression that the show stops with the bull and becomes a bit more like what I was generally expecting. Besides, even if they were saying it's a turnoff, it's their opinion based on their own tastes. Foolishness has nothing to do with it. Though why would you believe people who support the series would be suggeting that? I'm beginning to think that this anime requires the viewer to have seen a diverse amount of anime before hand. Kinda like watching "Grave of the Firefly's" for the first anime you watch. I disagree, though it might help a bit. Still, as I've said, I have seen a diverse amount, and have probably a higher knowledge of the culture than the average fan over at Animesuki lavishing this show with praise. My problem has not once been with the cultural or supernatural makeup of the show, but every bit it's storytelling execution. I actually usually enjoy shows like this that take an alternate approach then the average show, and it's one of the things that drew me to anime in the first place. For me, it was pretty much all about the SoD. It's the same reason I absolutely loathed the new War of the Worlds. Poor setup lead to a disassociation with the characters, making the following creepy scenes comical. When I should have been freaking out over Rena's seeming psychosis, I instead was just thinking "what the heck is going on?" thanks to my unsympathetic nature to the male lead. The second arc was easier to handle, since I now knew how the show liked to go crazy, and because it actually set the characters up mostly except Mion's (Shions? ) ladder tirade). Though again, the creepy moments like the ending just felt tacked on for a quick scare. If what you say is true about the third, I'll probably enjoy it. But it will only be as strong as the foundation the preceeding episodes have laid for it. So yeah, I'm in the situation where arc three will either make of totally break a series I'm already iffy on. I most say that it's very rare for me to be in sure a situation. Again I blame the lack of SoD in the early arcs. With me, my escapism makes it easy for me to accept stuff like this. Without it, I just can't get into it. Keep in mind, I'm still trying to put my finger on my exact feelings on this show.
  24. Ah, I though it was inreference to my long post. As for what I'm talking about I'm refering to how they claim she was deadbefore the whole thing went down. She was dead when they got there, and it seemed like she'd been so for some time. Then she appears all bloodied at his bed and stabs him. The whole arc made sense except for the WTF ending. The other thing, and this is something you learn later so I left it seperate Is that it's revealed the Shion and Mion switched places, and it was Shion that was the killer. This spoiler was nonsensically revealed to me, and I have to sit and wonder what the purpose behind them switching was. I'm glad we kind of agree that the direction could be better.The pointless pscho moments in the two arcs were lame rather then creepy, as they were so poorly executed. I actually hate Reina after the laughter scene in arc one. This show needs a fanedit. I can't believe I forgot Negima. I don't hate it, but I'd never seen such a shameless harem anime. Why too many characters.
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