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Mercurial Morpheus

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Everything posted by Mercurial Morpheus

  1. I still want a Roy. My friend had to remind me of letting one slip past me at Fanime for 40 bucks. (I didn't have all my money)
  2. I figured it was errornious. Thanks. I too thought Dangaio was their first. Still they were released in the same month. On a speculative note, any one else care to ponder the Gurren-Lagann connection. I was reading a friend's blog who, upon seeing Gunbuster for the first time, and being a big GL fan, made a comment of how it had a lot of the same feel as early episodes. Pondering that while watching episode 22 myself, I'm inclined to agree, as it put me in the mode to watch Gunbuster (watched the rough cut of episode 5). I've noticed that they share very similar themes, the core of which being that believing in yourself allows you to overcome anything. Gunbuster demonstrated this in Noriko's development with Gunbuster being the embodiment of the power contained in her now confident self. Gurren-Lagann takes an even more direct approach in the Core drill, Lagann, and Spiral Energy being a very physical representation of Simon's will. His determination can literally create new avenues. The feel is similar too, as it's grounded in a somewhat realistic world, even if that world has a bit of a "Wild, Wild West" thing going for it. Even the pacing is similar in having a lighthearted, but not goofy start with a dramatic closing, all sprinkled with hot-blooded mecha action. This sort of drives me to want to watch Diebuster, as I've only seen half of it (one wasn't subbed). However, GL's world in many ways feels like a blending of Gunbuster's realism, with a pinch of Diebuster's extravagance. In some ways, as it stands, as I won't know until I finish either, Gurren-Lagann feels more like a sequel in the vein of Gunbuster than Diebuster does.
  3. THanks for the praise. It was pretty simple after I figured out the best approach. Here a note, I was browsing Wikipedia, and it mentions that Gunbuster was USR's first release. I'd always been under the impression that Dangaio was such(possibly due to the blurb on the back of the case, which I now notice is also on Gunbuster). Thanks to a vendor having a box never opened since the mid-nineties, I found a sealed Dangaio 1, and Devil Hunter Yoko 1, Iczelion, as well as some 1st issue KOR OAV tapes, which I kept sealed due to their somewhat historic value, since I'd seen them already [though the KORs were ripped so I opened them]. Having read this, I examined my tapes and noticed Gunbuster was labeled VD1, and Dangaio VD2, so I suppose it's true. So I guess my Dangaio 1 isn't as special as I thought, but oh well. It's interesting to get one's facts straight, and just thought I'd pop in for confimation, as I was editing Gunbuster's wiki, and had it down as the second release. One book says the release was March 1990. So they were released close together. The Wiki also states that it was outright the 1st US subtitled release. Any confirmation on that? I know it was early, and at least one of the firsts.
  4. Nice. I figured they were existing art pieces, especially judging by the art style. I still need to get the rest of those cards. Anyone care for my recolors?
  5. Maybe, but her name was more of jut another production pun than an actual clue to her origin. For all we know, her parents were Russians living in Germany, Germans living in Russia, or she's half blooded and her father named her. It doesn't really matter. I've always thought of her as Russian myself. After about an hour of meddling, thanks to the GIMP, I have corrected the colors on the manga card. I think it's about as close as I could get it. Already, I think it looks worlds better. I'd love to change "dad" to "papa" (as that what she calls him), but that's a little beyond my skills and patience.
  6. Wow, thanks Gunbuster. Now I really do have no reason to regret not picking it up in time. Apparently they have leftovers, as I read they handed the out with purchase at AX. As for the hair colors...good question. Perhaps Mikimoto's memory of it is a tad shoddy. That, or someone messed up. There's no other evidence suggesting a surreal take on the colors, so it probably is a simple, if really extraordinary goof. Interesting that it cements Jung's nationality as Russian. I remember one internet discussion arguing that her name meant that she could only have come from East Berlin. "I'll be riding the Buster machine I've been dreaming of." Classic, seeing as it was classified, and at that point she had no knowledge, and probably no desire to pilot such a thing. I suppose the "to be continued" means when you pop your copy in? Sad that they'd cover 1 and 2, but not 3-6.
  7. I agree on both ends. The ending was the best part of the film. "Welcome to the Human Race..."
  8. The Honneamise R1 OAV Remaster release. I only have the R0, which is a clone of the out of print R2, and has a vastly different booklet. So now I don't have to buy a 40-60 dollar set for a booklet and subs I ultimately don't need. I was just wondering if anyone else was in a similar situation and would like them as well. Now if someone would just scan the Mangacard.
  9. Glad to see more people appreciate 0080. It gets such a bum rap for not having as much action. Still, it's got great characters, and good story, a genuine moral, and probaly one of my favorite endings ever. If anyone cares, here's my review I posted elsewhere when I rewatched the series. http://thehaisho.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2687
  10. I agree that this isn't looking good. If they must remake films, why not something that would, oh, I don't know, benefit from being remade? Not something already damn near perfect. I never saw Live Free or Die Hard, so I can't comment on the director (my sister hated it though). I loved 300, but I side with what's been said here. Russell is Plisken, end of story. Besides, didn't they already remake "Escape from New York". A little fake sequel called "Escape From LA".
  11. Good news [for me at least]!! When going through the glove box of our Volvo, my sister found a case with two of my CDs in it. One was a throwaway MP3 disc (not even of rare music), but beneath it was my copy of Gunbuster OST 1. So it wasn't stolen like the others. So that saves e about 40 bucks. Combined with the remaining disc two of the bootleg Sound Collection set I had, I still have the complete score, and the songs that matter. My friend's going to copy his eventually.
  12. I side with Mister E. The canon one is always the best choice if you like all three but can get only one. Though the camo looks good on the A that it's depicted in.
  13. That's an awesome looking Psycho Gundam, though maybe a tad too much on the decaling. I'd love to have one to pit against my Mk-II. It would go nicely with my pilot suit Four figure. Though what I really want are the figures stolen from me last month (a chase Sayla, and two CDA Haman figures, and 1/2 Gaza-C Haman).
  14. Thanks Noriko. I know I'll try my best to have Gunbuster images on my badge when warrented (AX staff, my own convention's badges, etc...) I'll still see about scanning the promo stuff I got from Kinokuniya. Someone was kind enough to scan the R1 booklet. Anyone with the R0 only care for a link?
  15. Well, lying down figures can fit into tighter spaces height-wise. The sweater's inaccurate, but that's for the sake of cheesecake. When's this one come out, any way?
  16. I agree there. We need more Kazumis and Jungs. Heck, I wouldn't mind a Coach, Captain and even a Smith.
  17. DC, Theatrical, International, and workprint? Plus a new cut altogether? I don't really rebuy things, but I'm definately grabbing this. I only have the DC.
  18. As much as I like the Bome, this one looks a lot nicer (likeness, pose, removable sweater).
  19. Hey guys, any idea on where this came from? http://tinyurl.com/27w7rr Another one to add to the list. At least that's some good news. Seeing how i got ripped off a few days ago and my Gunbuster CDs were among the stuff stolen.
  20. It wasn't just them, Jung and Kashiwara were there for certain. I believe so was Kazumi. Noriko might have been in at the end, though the only evidence is that the other three appear right before a girl with chin length brown hair.
  21. Man, that ∀ Gundam is just gorgeous. It should make up for the imposibility of my New Material Model (the leg snapped at the hip).
  22. I got ahold of this awhile back. I still haven't watched it though. As usual, thanks for bringing more obscure oldschool to attention.
  23. Thanks for the links. I'm still waiting on the season two announcement.
  24. Thanks for the feedback Macross73 and Guppy. I shall bide my time.
  25. Shame my PC crashed and I couldn't get it back up before the license. I only got two episodes and I really wanted to see it. I even got a drill pendant from Yamaga at Fanime. It's a not for sale item too.
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