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Mercurial Morpheus

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Everything posted by Mercurial Morpheus

  1. That's funny as hell. First I've ever heard of taking it all for what they actually are - TV shows. So it could be said that the real Lynn Minmay was sort of a mix between TV and movie, or that "Lynn Minmay" is just an actress playing some unnamed historical figure whose role was greatly beefed up for dramatic purposes to color the life of the famed Ichijo family (the actual girl being some humble delivery girl who got to sing once on the bridsge because the crew was fond of her)? Nice. Just watch, The First is going to become "The TRUE story." It seems basically his way of saying, "stop worrying what's canon or not and just go with it."
  2. Funny you mention it. I finally got back into myself, though I've forgotten where I left off. Shame they took almost two years to sub episode 8. Thankfully, I'd found another torrent of HK rips. They're badly interlaced (though MPC's filters clean it up) and at times non-sensical, but it was better than nothing. Shame Shin-Getter's still about 20 episodes behind where I think I am (wound up rewatching things.) It's a pretty fun series, particularly the bickering between Leecee and Amu.
  3. Wow. That last line is just sooo OOC. Yeah, there is a distinct difference between seeing similarities, and flat out saying they're outright based on them. I was basically getting at that he simply went with preconceived notions. I think there are several factors in why. Fanfiction to support your character is part of it, but it could just as easily be power tripping. There are shows that i feel I know better than some, so naturally it always feels good to answer newbys questions and whatnot, being seen as an "expert". He could've just as easily enjoyed "informing" the masses and getting their thanks. Though playing favorites is definitely part of it given magnuskn's report of altered fansubs. For all we know, there was no agenda on his end at all, and he was merely giving people what they want in his eyes (generally a Ranka sucks, Sheryl rules, triangle ending was lame - HERE"S WHY type thing).
  4. That's not just Shaloom, I've seen tons of comparisons to SDFM characters. Ranka usual is Minmay, Sheryl Misa, Ozma Roy, Klan and Michel Millia and Max, and so on. I think it had a lot to do with the vast amount of homages early in the series. Even I was getting a touch of a Gundam SEED feeling. Though I never agreed with Sheryl being Misa. She was always more DYRL Minmay to Ranka's TV Minmay, and even then, only in situation, not personality for either of them. The slip up is amusing though. Sort of like he caught himself.
  5. Looks like we're got it by the horns now. It's sort of amazing given his secrecy that the actual issue was actually named. It's unsurprising that some of it's true. Adding some truth makes it seem more plausible. It's the spoonful of "sugar" to help the "medicine" go down. I don't wish to drag things off topic, but I don't like leaving things hanging. Basically, Swampstorm's correct here: It was simply in jest. Hence the wink. I'm merely responding to a bombastic comment in kind. He finds Ranka annoying, so I merely brought up something that irked me a tiny bit about Sheryl as an opposite example mostly in joke. No potshot at her fans intended. I was even thinking of cutting it for this very reason to be honest, but have sort of taken Gubaba's previous comment of how I pussyfoot around the topic so as not to upset anyone to heart. Ironically that sort of came to be partially upon a similar misunderstanding that took place over another throwaway comment between you and I. Like Gubaba, shipping has negatively impacted me on a character I should enjoy more than I already do. I can get your reaction, as it's the same one I had upon reading Nexx's comment, so we're both guilty of not letting things slide. Though I'll ignore the bit on your views of the quality of development being fact as something I disagree with and leave it at that. As for AS, I've been a member there for as long as I have here, but like a lot of forums I'm on, I'm not all that active there anymore. Most comments are in reference to examples I've seen or comments by others (like "trench warfare" and things the nature of Gubaba's observations). Some actively said it was a cake walk here. Also statements of how rampant the interviews were there. It's sort of understandable when general discussion of Frontier is limited to one thread. Yes, people bought into it here, myself included (I'm not sure how to take the "ironically" comment ;, but it didn't get the exposure here that I'm told it did there. MW's not superior in that regard, just different. I have nothing against AS, but it doesn't always jive with me for whatever reason. MW has it's dark sides too. I remember some rather closed minded Star Wars threads. As for liking both, I actually do, I just have fewer hiccups over Ranka it seems. I still wish I'd recorded my earlier thoughts pre-five or six. I've never quite understood why championing one has to come at the cost of bashing another, but it's seems to be the norm. I try my best not to do so myself, and apologize if I have. Swampstorm makes comments on fandom division, and while I'll agree that it's in the eye of the beholder, fans tend to champion it themselves. It's rather unavoidable and in one's nature to categorize. You have your unabashed Sheryl fans, some of which are proclaimed Ranka haters and vice versa. You have two forums, each different in their setup and scope, naturally it breeds different interactions. It's natural that there'd be division among residents. Different attitudes manifest. My own vocal nature depends greatly on how comfortable I am posting, so some forums I post often, and others, I sometimes just fall away. I remember how different MW felt while Frontier was airing not just because of fresh material, but the influx of people from other forums who brought their feel in. Anyway, I'm rambling, and don't wish to detract from Gubaba's thread (apologies there if I have, Gubaba). I just don't wish any more bad blood between us. On topic, I'm rather interested in hearing about that polygamy question. Seems that one still exists.
  6. Could we leave the character bashing out please? Especially using my post as a jump off for it. Besides, if you think Ranka's annoying, you obviously haven't seen actually annoying anime characters. Hell, Sheryl's "I'm Sheryl...Sheryl Nome" mantra was way more grating at times. ^_-
  7. Conveniently subbed here: http://animesuki.com/series.php/1276.html
  8. Another group has picked this up again. MSubs is making decent headway with Lupin Gangs scripts picking up where ACR left off. Source appears to be the DVD judging by the visible picture, though it's a touch dark and possibly DNRed compared to Kanjisubs. So I'd say Kanji still looks the best, but they haven't made a release in a while.
  9. It's only a couple episodes behind. That's nothing compared to say, Heavy Metal L-Gaim. Took them nearly two years to get to episode 8. I had to switch to HK rips.
  10. It is, and thankfully is a rare thing. It sounds like there was an actual agenda to alter some character perceptions (let me guess, something along the lines of making Sheryl look more awesome at Ranka's expense, or something similar).
  11. So he'd literally rewrite the dialogue? Wow. Reminds me of one guy I noticed elsewhere that would disregard all facts to have idealized characters (like a Klan that absolutely didn't care for Michel). Bending things is one thing, outright fabricating things that fly in the face of canon is another. It's a shame that this seems to boil down to someone simply abusing his position.
  12. Yes, stop quoting. it was amusing at first but geez. The Grace comic definitely works. Though any fresh Grace material usually does.
  13. Nice to see another Grace fan. I knew I probably left the shipping drama and just founded the Church of Grace way back when... Personally, I thought Grace's reveal was one of the better handled aspects in the show.
  14. So in about a week, we'll see the real interview, nice. Though one thought on Ohnogi, while it seems clear he didn't work on it, could he have perhaps influenced those that did? That would seem more likely, though at this point, it doesn't really matter. Maybe you're right and Shaloom just didn't like the ending. Though his tale isn't very airtight in some ways. Ohnogi painted as the rewriter late in the series (oddly, it's the start of the series where I felt like any unplanned changes occurred), with most bowing to his ideas, yet he doesn't back down to Kawamori's ending (I guess to explain how it happened and vilify Kawamori and to mesh with what's known)? Why Ohnogi in the first place? Why not an actual credit on Frontier? When did this stuff fully materialize? When the BDs came out, or was this stewing for awhile. We'll probably never know why, or if he ever intended it to be as it is. He could've just stated the ball rolling and then decided to just go with it (like i said, I'm not sure the timeframe of the interviews and liner notes and what not). Thanks for all the work, Gubaba, Magnuskn, et al. I wouldn't worry about him making bogus materials. Once that interview hits (preferably translated by multiple parties so he can't question intentions), you remove a big chunk of his base. It remains to be seen how he'll react. How did he react before any holes appeared in this anyway?
  15. I figured that's why you kept it. You might want to hollow out "Gunbuster" for the same reason. It separates the text a bit nicer.
  16. This is about the only show i was actively following this season. Even picked up the game as my first PS3 purchase. I've really enjoyed both, though Fanime and TV situations have pretty much put a hold on both, so I'm still on episode 5 and still have about 4 or 5 chapters of game left. I'm told the anime is more like the manga. Alicia definitely has a bit of a personality change. Glad to know I'm not the only one watching it (was disappointed by lack of cosplay at Fanime, but pleased that the showing was packed).
  17. Wow, this thread's been pretty active for awhile and I didn't notice. Not much happening on the Gunbuster front here. I neglected to get my bluray set signed by Yamaga at Fanime this year (he was signing enough anyway, and there's always next year), and I saw, but couldn't budget a Wave Nono I didn't know existed. Nice shirts, Noriko. Simple and to the point. You should maybe add quotations around Buster Beam to make up for lack of italics. The changed image works, even if it's not quite accurate. Though reviewing the attack list reminds me of how odd "Buster Homing Laser" is, as it didn't have "Buster" before it in the show. With Dot-anime and Broccoli USA both dead now, any hopes of ever seeing the results of the shirt contest are pretty much gone. Not that I expected to win, but it was a nice pipe dream. Shame the whole thing came too late and that it all rode on lack of communication with Gainax. You're welcome to make any of the designs I submitted. At least someone would be using them.
  18. Yeah, pretty much. The why is most intriguing, and i think he people find it interesting but not enough to go about looking up his supposed sources. Especially how he seems to like to cover a lie with another (it's not in the two books, "two, there's fifteen, it's in the last one and only I have it." The guys got to have a cell phone to take a pic of it or something). It basically makes him look like some expert on the series, and who questions the experts, particularly when they run the site? The question now, I suppose, is what to do about it? Lot's of fans are buying into this BS. Though at least it shouldn't spread any further.
  19. I'll join the group that hasn't seen M7. I've seen about 10 episodes, and don't innately have anything against it. I just sort of fell out of it and never got back in (sort of like Gundam SEED and some others). Never helped that most of the fansubs I saw looked awful. I have grabbed some of VIP's release, so I'll get to it eventually. I've also never seen Macross II in OAV form if I remember correctly, or at least don't own it that way. Haven't finished Fufonia either, if that truly counts.
  20. Thank you for the time and effort you've put in this, Gubaba. It's a rather interesting situation. Most of what's here does suggest that either Shaloom has resources and items that he cares to only access himself, or he's one seriously misinformed or hyper-imaginative individual. While it can't be conclusively disproved that the stuff exists, it generally is common sense that multiple sources are required to say it did. Most of this appears to be the word of one man, and no matter how honest and respected he may or may not be, it's not enough. So it's really odd that it's been accepted without question. Especially since he has all these sources, but no means or will to share them outside his own text. It seems basically all fan fiction. I'd love to see the interview disproved as well, for pretty much your reasons. I remember reading it in FV's thread and being nearly sickened by it's portrayal of Kawamori. Particularly the whole lack of faith in his own creation bit. It's also funny how it paints him negatively as having a Ranka bias, while there seems no issue in Ohnogi's Sheryl bias. Even Ebata is portrayed as a huge Sheryl fan, so it does seem somewhat propagandist. It's a shame places like Asuki eat this up, but not surprising I suppose. It reminds me why I don't even lurk there any more. I look forward to reading the rest of it, but I think even the Mythbusters would call this one busted. Though it does beg the deeper question of why? Innocent misinformation on the informer's part (unlikely given the shear amount of wrong or unverifiable info)? To create a scapegoat for those with problem with Frontier? The fun of creating an elaborate ruse and seeing how much sway it can hold. like you said, why taint such good info with a bunch of fan fics. maybe he just wanted to keep an audience but had run out of info. Still there's a grain of truth in every falsehood, so it makes it all the more interesting.
  21. If you like that, she did it a lot better at the Cherry Blossom festival. The intro was so spot on, I thought it was a recording of Megumi. Shame that I don't know of a video recording. I knew that Nyan Nyan would find a way online. Good to see I wasn't the only one messing up. The second take went better. No SMS song video?
  22. I've been watching Valkyria Chronicles. I even started playing the game because of it. Both are quite awesome, great cast and so on. Alicia is quite different though, and Isara's eyes are inexplicably huge.
  23. That, and several themes just come up naturally in writing. Work hard enough, and you could pretty much say it ripped off anything. It was like how people claimed Disney's Atlantis ripped off Nadia, forgetting that both were heavily influenced by the same book.
  24. Oh it was. He's just smiling smugly at Picard when Soren fires. Picard then shoots Soren in a very out of Character moment. Even changed, it wasn't until I heard Shatner's take on it (the whole "knowing it was a one way jump" bit), and reading the original that I began to feel how fitting it actually was.
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