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Mercurial Morpheus

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Everything posted by Mercurial Morpheus

  1. Wow, I love how he continues to play the victim and act like it all resulted from some "mistakes". That's a hell of a lot of errors to just shrug them off and play the "poor me" card. Especially how he contently puts off any explanation based entirely on his audience having preconceived notions and making up their minds against him. He seemed to have no trouble posting stuff when everyone viewed him as an expert, but now that he's a "liar" he clams up. Wonderful. I agree with Mr. March, this is not the response of an innocent man. "I didn't do it to decieve, make fun or publicize the site". Then why the hell did you do it? We'll probably never know, but it doesn't really matter anymore. I still say it was probably for the accolades. The stalker line is just insulting. You go missing for three weeks, it's sort of unusual. I drop out of forums myself (hence my lack of posting), but that's just crazy. It's not what he does with his time that we care about, it's why he persists in claiming things that don't exist do. I say it's time to move on. There's more fruitful things to persue than a guy that only gives half-truths to try to cover his already bare end.
  2. Sure, if you don't mind completely murdering the backstory and most of the characters. It'd basically be Alto metting them, the vajra attack, Grace turns evil and Leon takes over, Ranka realises her connection and leaves, end battle begins. It's possible, but you probably would give any real damn about anyone. Sort of like how DYRL had to pretty much cut every character's history to make it all fit, reducing Misa's role in the triangle to being pretty much winning because she was the only girl on Earth ;;. You're pretty much talking squeezing 10 hours worth of material into the film. Gunbuster is a great example of making the most with the time you have, and when they merely cut an hour from it for it's movie, whole characters became bit roles. Though Gunbuster had no real fat to trim, so it's not the best example. Still, Frontier could use fleshing out, not a massive hack job. Two films should be able to handle it as it took three films to do justice to first Gundam, and that was over 40 episodes. Cutting 6-7 hours is a lot better than cutting 8-9. Less can be more too, so the plot should be tighter. It worked well for Plus, but Frontier really could use more character moments.
  3. that would be good fodder for the story, but I doubt it'll be the core. It strikes me as more logically being a new take on the second half of the show. Though it really depends on just how far "The False Songstress" goes. Still, two movies will cover the story a lot better than one.
  4. Very interesting example. It is something that's taken as something solid. The backlash agaist him when people thought it was a championing of polygamy proving him rather true. Ironic.
  5. Me too. They have a real chance to improve some of the more ignored characters here. Though movies are never known to handling chara development well... Still, who knows.
  6. Hence why I say I hope they rebalance it. The way it is now, the TV series was the perfect conclusion. If he winds up with one in the movie, I better damn well feel he's actually in love this time. As for Alto, it's not like all the new SDF Macross stuff is Hikaru centric. It's all Minmay. So which one is "The False Songstress" referring too? Sheryl perhaps due to Grace's manipulations?
  7. Two hour cxlipshow with new footage, probably setting up any changes made for the second movie, which is supposed to have a new plot. Sounds like they're recapping the first half, and changing the second (hopefully to fix up some thing and not just bow to polls and what not). here's hoping they balance the triangle!
  8. Nice writeups on Cathy, Bri/VFTF-1. I mostly saw her as an interesting character that was sadly a bit neglected in development (like a lot of the side characters in Frontier unfortunately). Nice to see some fresh perspectives. She tends to get forgotten.
  9. I definitely like the Sheryl and Ranka art better on this than the launch poster. Nice stuff.
  10. Great observations. The post war arc takes a lot of greif from fans. It's mildly understand. Writing 101 basically dictates that once the problem is solved, you end the show. 27 does wrap up just about everything. But that's why I love the post arc, because nearly every show ends right there too. It's refreshing to see the aftermath, to know that not everything was hunky-doory. When you have a situation where the Earth is desolate (another awesome thing about Macross, they actually go through with it), it does allow plenty of fodder for more material. I'm sort of like you in that I went into the arc with Robotech (though only the first three). Force of Arms did alter the triangle setup going into it. It cut Hikaru's confession. I find it interesting that this was done. Maybe it was done to try to "patch" the reopen feeling it sort of has in Macross that Gubaba mentioned (though I was highly amused to see it cut back in with the remaster, creating a plot hole in Rick's dialogue that's just hilarious and showed how much of a milk job that was). It did change the feel of some things in the process, particularly the finality of it. So I can get that point of view. Even I was a bit amazed at Hikaru's obliviousness. I'm not sure where I'm going here at this hour. As for Kamjin as a weak main villian, I think he played the part well, epitomizing how not everyone can let go of things so easily. He bought into the culture thing a bit, but in the end enjoyed war too much. It was a better end for him then just the "Screw it, lets join in with the humans because I really don't care" in 27 (though that still worked). The post arc added so much to defining the series and setting up the sequels. It explained some many details and fleshed things out. I love Rainy Night for the humanity it helps instill in Roy. Learning that the womanizing and such was part of how he coped did add a new dimension to him. It did help the triangle, though I perhaps didn't realise how much so until you post. Great read.
  11. Can you remember any specific example of how off they were? I'm curious. As the explanation is mildly plausible.
  12. At least it's not like the Leijiverse. In that one, you ask what the continuity is, they respond "F@ck your concept of continuity."
  13. Man I hated that scene in the trailer. Though I wouldn't have too much of a problem with that one, outside of the whole birthday thing. Can Nanase join in for the Ranka side? She needs more painting inspiration.
  14. 60 dollar range for the Sheryl. Damn, that almost seals it. The new Ranka's are looking quite nice. Seems the Nyan-Nyan one is based off the launch poster. Hopefully her face will look better than the source (and they make the matching Minmay). This isn't milking jack compared to some characters. We've got a ways to go. I'd like to see a Grace and Cathy. Looks like Ranka still has the edge in cutsey keychains. One of the reasons i already have one.
  15. Those are rather awesome, and work better than they have any right to. Particularly the whole seiyuu joke on Miyuki, a long fanart joke taken form (the OAV even had Konata cracking a joke about Miyuki being "the Songstress of the Galaxy" as she bumps her head on a desk). Tsukasa works as Ranka, though I like Ranka more than I ever did Tsukasa. It's amusing how it works in looks and some personality.
  16. I wasn't actually counting, nor have i seen much. Though I remember hearing something about the actors having two incorrect ways, adding inconsistency on top or error. MUH-cross ma-CROSS, etc. Basically difference in the first syllable and the emphasis given.
  17. Personally, while they did play up the Sheryl/Alto side to near plausible conclusions, Alto's character just dictated an inconclusive ending, and I was pretty certain it was going to be either Sheryl or no one at the end barring some huge development with Ranka. He felt strictly platonic to me. That and the whole triangle was out of wack with the inclusion of shy character next to indecisive character. In order for shy character to work, she must become unshy or indecisive should be actively pursuing shy. In Frontier, we basically got two girls after one oblivious male with varying degrees of aggression. So I agree that some work would need to be done to justify changing the ending. The existence of it sort of blew the whole Ohnogi thing apart itself, as I can't buy the depiction of him letting Kawamori ruin the strides he supposedly had made. I also wouldn't put too much into Danbooru outside of being the microcosm it is. All it suggests is that it'scontributers gravitate more to SherylxAlto art. I remember one time Ranka actually beating Sheryl in number of pics. So it's a fickle beast. It's popular though, there's no doubt there.
  18. Reminds me of the Nadesico dub where no one could pronouce "Yurika" so everyone was saying "Eureka" I'd always shudder thinking "Her name is not my state's motto, dammit." Bandai also kept the french sound pronunciation of Simon in Gurren Lagann. Then there's how we had, what, three different pronunciations of "Macross" in ADV's dub? Only one of them correct.
  19. But the underwater kiss should have sealed it Besides, does anyone really like Shin enough to care? It is good marketing, but it fit Alto rather perfectly.
  20. Personally, I sort of liked a lot of the ship designs. Though they sort of reminded me of Gundam's Salamis class. Can't say I liked the CG much. It makes the 2d look even more flat and drab, and some of the motion looked off. It'd be nice to see a new space epic where the ships are actually drawn for a change. The shading's all over the place here. I did like the take off sequence. I agree with not being too impressed by the Andromeda.
  21. So is the situation generally the start of this then? http://revver.com/video/1567340/naruto-the...of-series-show/
  22. Of course she's real. I've met her several times. Though she staunchly denies it. Pretty much. A clever way of saying "it's just a movie."
  23. So did I. Here's the screenshot. Though the "W" looks like "M". Rather amusing that there's a legitimate phone number outside of the area code.
  24. Whoa, blond Cathy. Trippy. What scene is that in from Macross Plus. I've got episode one cued up for a screenshot, but haven't spotted it yet.
  25. Yeah, that's something I'd heard about waaaay back when. It sort of made sense to me given the feel I had for the character early on and the fact they couldn't decide how to do the pilot. I've always wanted to know more about it, cause Sheryl always felt a little off in some of the beginning, particularly towards Alto (though that's probably partly due to any distractions I had while watching those episodes, hindsight tends to fix things). It's sort of like your bit on Minmay's origins. I know a lot of people weren't aware of that.
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