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Everything posted by Falcon18

  1. Aw damnnn. Need to see fighter mode. Damn it Bandai. If this is awesome, you're gonna be making me regret getting Arcadia's 19..
  2. It does. This seems affordable. Huge but useful stand.
  3. Well.. That's.. Expensive.. Might pass this now even though I had thoughts of getting it and just wait for the S. Please don't let that be ridiculously priced too..
  4. ^ YetiStand slogan. Everything made possible with YetiStand. lol.
  5. Uroboros is the planet where the SMS base is located. Siegfried if I recall is Leon's callsign.
  6. Awesome. Detail that baby up and shoot some sweet pics Would be nice to know too how they are.
  7. ^ Yup. Feb release. Listed in the mag too.
  8. There was one on manda for a good price not too long ago. It comes up once in a while. Keep checking there.
  9. +3. Thanks Shuken for taking the pics and jv for posting em. That looks gooooood. Come on February. Good thing I only collect Macross.
  10. Still waiting for that changed blue.
  11. Nice.. Means you can fit alot there. Coolness.
  12. Sad to see these being scalped instead of enjoyed by people who would really,really want it.
  13. The amazingness just keeps coming and coming.
  14. Awesome photos all. Love the VF-4s. no3ljm, your photos are great too. The 19 and 21 in-flight poses look great!
  15. Ah. I see them. Thanks
  16. Nice. I really should get to doing mine. Lol. Curious as to what were the missing surface details that you added. Also, any links for the matching up of the markings? Were there stickers placed where you followed the instruction book?
  17. Wow. Love that weathering. Amazing work.
  18. No problem. It looks pretty good on micky's. I already stickered mine up so no way I'm gonna buy that.
  19. Wow. That thing is huge. How issit like relative to the 1/60? Can't wait to see you turn it into a Prometheus.
  20. ^ Pre-orders should open up soon, hopefully.
  21. Great pictures Saburo. That VF-1S is preettyyy. Found this as far as waterslides go. Don't know if good. http://www.ebay.com/itm/new-Water-Decal-for-YAMATO-1-60-Macross-Valkyrie-VF-1-action-figure-FREE-SHIP-/331326207172?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d2494b4c4
  22. Lucky you Saburo. Nice buy. I feel like looking and getting one of those just to have a Roy 1S in the collection.
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