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Everything posted by Falcon18

  1. A Daedalus attack included? Wow. This work of art just keeps getting better and better.
  2. Hopefully it's just cause it's the weekends and they'll settle it all out tomorrow.
  3. I like how you say "for 2014" so many new offerings from Bandai next year too. Also, seeing how people are getting their orders from playasia fulfilled, hopefully everyone from hlj get theirs too. Though I haven't gotten any emails yet..
  4. Nice link. Thanks. And yes, now we await the price and availability.
  5. Got it. Thanks. Hopefully some of these are web exclusives.
  6. Thank you very much for pictures IXTL. News of all these new valks, no news of release dates, prices, etc though, right? Shameless self-quote.
  7. Agreed. That colour looks goood.
  8. But he was clearly heard. They'll probably just use the Isamu figure from the 29 too.
  9. ^ tabs/slots on sides of legs to fit arms in fighter? Is that meant to slim down that back section of fighter? Side profile looks good. The 29's canopies were painted. Some here have stripped it before.
  10. Awesome! Thanks for the pictures. Fighter seems good so far. Hope it holds together well. Also, proper, painted intake fans.
  11. Heavy probably. Most of the recent releases by Bandai have been heavy tints.
  12. New, advanced 19 set in Frontier. Gonna be different from the old 19s. You can think it in terms of technological advancements and stuff. Yeah.. it is. Don't see an Isamu in there either.. Yeah, that's what it looks like.
  13. Hopefully the legs are just mistransformed or something. That gap is quite bad between the wings, legs, shield. Also, the v stabs look like they're angled too much from that view.
  14. Interesting colour scheme. And yeah b, I was wondering about that too. Also, looks like gunpod has a bayonet?
  15. ^true. Wow. So much news from Bandai not sure which to talk about first! Hmm. That small shoulder piece for the FPs look weird lol. It should be fully covered.. And need to see side profile! Front and angled top doesn't say much about the sleekness of the 19.
  16. Amiami is fine if you have no problems with the item. Ordered my VF-1S and YF-19 and both came with no issues. Shipping will be more though as compared to hlj. If you have a problem however, their customer service may be questionable as some people here have experienced. So there's that.
  17. Nothing from HLJ yet.
  18. Np. Everything you need to know here.
  19. Aw. The only way I was gonna jump was if hlj had their black friday sale for this one.
  20. Yeah the low vis has a tinted one if I remember correctly.
  21. The cav has a clear canopy. So you've got nothing to worry about there.
  22. He's finally coming..
  23. Hopefully it's easy enough to obtain. Can't beat Bandai's prices too. Once they show fighter and if it looks good (hopefully it does!), this is soo gonna be an insta-buy.
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