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Everything posted by Falcon18

  1. Nice higher res. Thanks for that. Also, as much as I can get over the intake thickness, I can't get over that knee gap in fighter.. they should really cover that up. Can the high speed mode be used with the fast pack on? Haven't seen any pictures of the high speed with the fast packs. Most show it removed.
  2. He has said few pages back that the licensing for the VF-2 will be hard to obtain and that it's a risky valk to sell.
  3. Yeah I thought so.. Was just replying to Gakken on whether they were sold out.
  4. Yes it does. Someone tried it on the 30th before. Can't rmb who though..
  5. That's the big question. What did he not work on. Lol. I agree with david that we can rule out M&M cause that's a highly likely release. Something that is risky may turn out to sell well and be profitable or not risky but turns out to be non-profitable. So it's a tough measure really.
  6. Arcadia Hikaru? Last I checked it was still available for preorder from NY and AmiAmi. Maybe it's been sold out since. Probably cause it's nearing release.
  7. Only 0 and SV-51 were made before the YF-21 right? Or were there more?
  8. They were *supposed* to. They sent me an email saying that the attached images to said email but I couldn't find any. By this time I decided to just take the risk and hope the seller packed it decently and ship the item. Sent them another after.. no reply since. Package arrived nice and safe anyway, so no complaints.
  9. Shouldn't have came back into this thread to look at the pictures then lol. As to the game.. it just shows him to that scene above where he appears in the YF-29 I think. Haven't played it. It's from what I've read and watched.
  10. Our valks might have been in the same plane and truck!
  11. This just came in tonight. My first Yammie woo. Fast shipping, took about 2 days from day of shipping. No added protective packaging from Buyee. The seller did a great job packing it. Thick layer of bubble wrap with some newspaper inside the box itself Box is minty too. Crappy phone images incoming.
  12. Cool. Magnets? And I'm guessing it's a custom.
  13. Thanks for the link. But I can't see any differences in the product compared to old pics?
  14. I'm guessing that the EX Gear only forms the cockpit's controls. It doesn't really encompass Isamu as the exoskeleton like we see in Frontier. That or the animators are just lazy to create a new flightsuit for Isamu
  15. If you look at the preorder images. The pilot is just a recolour of the other YF-29s' pilots. But I'm pretty sure Isamu has one as well.
  16. That looks good. Great work on the paint. Doesn't look out of place at all.
  17. Oo that SDF-1 photo is amazing. And lancalot got the reissues without the tinted canopies iirc.
  18. Love those 2 schemes. I'll be tempted to pick one up if they did those repaints.
  19. I just had a second look at the CAD images too... ^ beaten to it.. lol
  20. Pretty much this. I agree. This doesn't affect my decision on a purchase as well as stickers and decals can be applied, no problem. We need to support them so that they don't turn into another Yamato. Like I said, hopefully they'll review their decisions on what to tampo in future releases.
  21. I guess things always lie dormant till it's posted here. Then it gets snapped up. Hope you got it dapro.
  22. Very sexy fighter mode. And that v stab looks fragile.
  23. So just stickers and no decals? Thought they were adding decals too? Sucks on the lesser tampo too.. Hopefully they'll review it in future releases.
  24. Maybe it can be folded in to the back wing area like in fighter mode?
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