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Everything posted by Falcon18

  1. Yeah.. I know about those penalties thing. Pretty much why I'm keeping my orders. Dont wanna get blacklisted from my first order lol. Oh well..
  2. Well that sucks. I put in my order with Amiami for the 19 and 1S. Any chances of Amiami having the same sale?
  3. Same here. Isamu, new head, gunpod with bayonet and a less "messy" colour overall.
  4. Ouch. I wonder what's taking them so long though? Hopefully not too far into december for you guys
  5. Cdjapan/NY has the RVF last I saw. The super packs though are out of stock everywhere. Might have to camp through mandarake for that.
  6. Heh. The 30th needs its own set of Supers. Seems off with the normal ones.
  7. Just type out the name of the valk eg. Vf-25. Usually works. Or you could go google translate, translate what you need to find and copy paste.
  8. I suppose so. Then again, wouldn't every VF's cockpit interior rotate so that the pilot is in an upright position? I'm not entirely sure. Just basing off logic. Since the cockpit section usually goes vertical, can't have the pilot "facing" up or down.
  9. It does. Think I'm gonna pass on this. Gotta pay for that 19. Would be interested if there were other paint schemes though.
  10. Eh? It doesn't open. It just rotates.
  11. I'm sure we have people who collect only Roy's rides and have a display dedicated just for him. As for me.. None. Though I aim to get one in the future.. A low vis hopefully if Arcadia rereleases it (can't spend too much)
  12. Yeah.. That's what I was trying to say. It's not possible. Can't possibly obtain the license of what's inside a game from obtaining the license of the game itself.
  13. ^ Minimalistic design without the battroid, yeah. Sometimes simple is good too. I might agree that it will look better without the battroid. Still, it looks decent enough now.
  14. Actually he tellls Claudia that it's a VF-X1. If I'm not wrong you can hear him say that. Also, shouldn't VF-X mean that it can actually transform considering it's a variable fighter? On topic, if we go by game licensing, one company can basically create all valks with just the license off one game since MTF has pretty much all the valks.
  15. I agree. But the fanbase may not be pros and you might be able to find good designs. Never know what the fanbase can come up with and to what lengths they will go to to get something that they want or benefits them. Free valk idea's good too.
  16. They could open up a box-art competition. There might be people who would do it for free even lol.
  17. EMS is quick. What's long is for the warehouse to get the item ready and to ship it out. Once it leaves the warehouse and starts shipping.. it's quick.
  18. This, I agree. Boxes will just be put in storage for me as well. It's what's inside that matters.
  19. Nice. What base is that? Must say, the YF-29 looks pretty good in gerwalk.
  20. Bottom is a yellow banner saying "Roy Focker Special Movie Ver." Battroid shooting pose on the right. Lineart of topview of fighter on the left. Battroid and a "1/60 Scale VF-1S" overlaps the lineart.
  21. Mr. K says something about the intake lip. Thinner? Or lower or something.. Can't really tell much about it. Someone with better knowledge can probably talk about it better. Mr. K @ Mrk_arcadia Whoa! Clearance of the intake and the sub is low. ~ It is not justified more.
  22. We have box art. It doesn't look that bad. More interesting than the previous Yamato ones. Quite like it. Thoughts?
  23. Yeah that old Arcadia pic is extra bright. You can tell from the yellow too. Hard to compare from there considering the lightings are different.
  24. Probably the wing connection. Since most of the other parts are roughly the same as the VF-19s. Mr. K also says that they're doing more inspections today. Don't panic ppl! Lol.
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