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Everything posted by Falcon18

  1. And by small you mean almost all of the Frontier renewals. nice collection and great pics Saburo.
  2. That looks good. Great buy for those who got this. But damn that canopy.. lol.
  3. Been a while since I posted.. Some 19-29 love.
  4. Nope. It swings freely.
  5. This one. The intakes are detached.
  6. That canopy is just too dark..
  7. Wow.. You must earn alot to be able to get that many.. That's sick. Then again, I've seen pics of your collection so it should hardly be a surprise.
  8. Easy pass for me.. Still waiting on the Super/Strike parts..
  9. Love this shot! Great pics Swoosh
  10. You, sir, is on a roll.
  11. Wow. Really great job. Now you've really got me interested. I hope you find a way to sell lots of these.
  12. Wow. These news really suck. I feel for you guys. Having it broken just like that. Damn. My piece came from Amiami too.. All's good with it. Thankfully. Guess my feel abt the wings feeling fragile were right. Now this is scary.
  13. Hmm.. I'll fiddle with it some more then. Thanks.
  14. Nice, quick progress there. Looking good.
  15. But there are plenty of pictures of canopy fully opened without the nose cone pushed downwards. So I feel like I'm missing something here.
  16. Question - how does one go abt opening the canopy properly? I know you have to press down on the black section at the nose. But, I can't seem to get it to open fully without messing up the nose.
  17. That looks good. Any plans to make differing arm lengths? Good luck on your project!
  18. Btw, must point out that high speed mode does work with the fast packs attached. Tried it out. Only one peg doesnt clip in which is hardlt noticeable really as it looks good overall still. Just be slightly careful while doing it.
  19. Pegs. Like the VF-1s. This one feels like it doesn't clip in properly though.
  20. I think it's ball jointed. It sorta looks ball jointed too. It doesn't feel like the ankles of the VF-1S. And yes, the stand's from the Hik 1S. No stand for this release. Yeah I'm bummed that the waterslides aren't there too.. Doesn't feel right having the previous 3 releases have waterslides but not include it on this one. I think the landing gears are about the same height as the Yamato ones judging from pictures. Is that supposed to be the way it is, I'm not too sure.
  21. It's possible. Even though it moves freely, it's still able to hold decent enough. So it shouldn't move unless you really fiddle with the wings. Not too sure whether it'll loosen with time though. No worries. It's still great overall. Definitely great for swooshing too
  22. Got mine in hand. Must say I had quite a hard time with this one. This is my first 19 though so it may be easier for some of you who already had a 19 before. Fast packs doesn't seem to clip in tight enough. They feel like they can fall off quite easily. The wing... is scary to handle.. Especially when taking out the pylons, even if the wings is held by a metal piece. No locking whatsoever in the wings, they move very, very freely so all you gotta do is to position it properly. It can move out of place quite easily me thinks. The vertical stabs and the lerx area moves around quite easily too. Minor blemishes here and there but overall fine. She's a beaut though. All that I've said won't stop me from enjoying this display piece. Don't think I'm gonna transform it. Not yet at least. I'll let someone else do that for ya. I love this valk for fighter, really. Well, pics to follow.. Front: Side: Back (sort of) : Top: 3/4 that we've seen so much of : Figures (they're very well detailed imo) : Someone asked for ankles. Don't own previous 19s to know the difference, sorry. Hope this helps: Is this the backpack piece that is sort of molded wrongly? I'm not too sure. Didn't transform. But this seems like the piece. Mine looks fine and both are molded the same way: Loadout (probably the only way I have use for this. Think I prefer the valk bare) : And of course with the 29 : Enjoy! Just one set of stickers. Sucks. I intended to put Isamu's name on my 29 too.. Also, forgot to mention, take note of the kite tampo under the canopy. That thing seems to be very prone to scratching as you move that part down. Andddddddd.. sorry for teh crappy pics. Taken with my iphone. I'll get to using the better camera to snap pics of this guy someday... lol.
  23. Sooo... Mine's been posted and is at home nw. But I'm not at home yet to see the thing. Gonna be a long day in sch! Cant wait. Heh.
  24. Ditto x2. Mine should arrive today (it's alrdy Monday here) but I'm kinda expecting Tuesday too. Awesome. Please share your results. I feel like getting rid of it too. But not too experienced in removing things like this.
  25. Huh? Which? I only have the VF-1s so I can't really tell. Just saw that the VF-19 had those underneath the wings as well after googling. My bad.
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