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Everything posted by rikiryou

  1. Wait... 'fanboi in disguise'? Lol! That'd be scary. You must mean fangirl right?? Anyhow, very nice looking friend you have there. Good thing she's exploiting her looks for the right purposes. Heheh. Putting that aside: the shop itself is an interesting concept (although whacky). It's not an atmosphere suitable for dining is it, what with all those toys everywhere. How was the food by the way?
  2. Hmm, I thought it was already mentioned quite some time ago? Either way, motley: that link's the official site for the sculptor, F-Face. http://www011.upp.so-net.ne.jp/FILITHEYO/RACASEAL.htm Apparently they aren't quite garage kits according to this guy. And he also says that you can only obtain it through conventions, so don't ask the guy at F-Face about selling it to you directly, lol. Well, Yahoo! Auctions Jp seems to have some flying around, so that's somewhere to look other than Wonderfest etc. sabretooth: hey, that's some nice sculpting. No need for doubt, in my opinion.
  3. Well, that is true. And I'd have to agree there. They aren't 'masterpiece' enough, frankly, and that's probably what I couldn't put my finger on when I saw the Lionforce Voltron 'masterpiece'. But that's typical American toys for you though, and at that, they're actually somewhat better than the others.
  4. Oh, yeah, Yuke's, my bad. X( Hmm, don't like the Berserk anime? Either way, yeah, it seems to follow the manga until the latest point where Guts gets his new armour, or maybe further. If you noticed in the trailer, there appears to be a different character (that one with a hat) so perhaps an extra little plot in there.
  5. Actually people from the East DO get Voltron. I even thought it was a Philippine dub back then, lol (since I saw a Channel V program interviewing the folks who dubbed Voltes V). It was aired in Malaysia back when I was a kid. Yep, don't you just love it? XD Typical Super Robot themes and whatnot.
  6. Well considering the fact that the Dreamcast's Berserk isn't made by Sammy but ASCII instead, they would obviously be different. Overall the DC's Sword of the Berserk: Guts's Rage is a so-so game. The Dragon Slayer hitting the walls and retracting is a big minus in it, since you can't swing it like mad when you have an army in front of you (although you could after you go berserk). Definitely looking forward to this new one though.
  7. Well, yeah, Voltron is made of 2 series. Vehicle Voltron's original counterpart was known as Dairugger XV, hence the 15 vehicles. Then the other one: Golion. It's interesting that we don't see people mourning and complaining about how these two series are butchered whereas on the other hand we have Macross purists everywhere. Can't comment on how badly they messed things up though, since I haven't seen the two in their original format. But overall we don't seem to be finding many people peeved about Voltron, so I guess it's a good thing then?
  8. http://www011.upp.so-net.ne.jp/FILITHEYO/MAHORO.htm More pics there. Enjoy.
  9. Then again we've already had a whole lot of wacky designs, particularly in G Gundam. Remember the Nether Gundam a.k.a Windmill Gundam? Matador a.k.a Bull Gundam? Mermaid Gundam -> Fish. And so on and so forth. I'd certainly like to see Kunio throw out more junk like that found in G Gundam for SEED-D. Of course, that wouldn't happen, if it did, it wouldn't sell since they'd look awful.
  10. Not unless he re-did the fingers. They come pre-assembled and are individually jointed.
  11. Yes indeed, the X movie was not meant to be. Omitting all that character development to fit into a movie was a bad, bad idea. The TV series is actually not bad, and I was having my doubts, too. Although it's rather cliched. Kamui = Heero Yuy. Or rather, Heero = Kamui, since I think X came out first? *shrug* At least Kamui has a proper character development compared to Heero. Rating for X (tv series) = 3/5 FMP = 3/5 Has ups and downs. This was back when their 2D animation had some problems IMO. Heads too big, weird proportions that are inconsistent. Or maybe it's just me. Vandread = 2/5 No comment. No idea for the others. *EDIT* oh, totally forgot about Soul Hunters. Better off known as Senkaiden Houshi Engi. And yes, the manga is actually quite good as mentioned dooown below there by Sumdumgai. The anime counterpart was cut down quite a fair bit apparently, however I could deal with the 'low quality animation'. Then again, I was watching it in a pretty badly encoded Real Media format, so it's pretty hard to tell when the animation is actually a lackluster.
  12. A gattai Gundam wouldn't be too bad actually, but that would defeat the purpose of Gundam's actual existence: a Real Robot. If we have one, it'd probably like the SRX, lol. BTW, no one actually answerred who did the designs for Dunbine. According to MAHQ (again), it's Kazutaka Miyatake. Best Turn A 're-design' is still this one in my opinion.
  13. OMG! 'Twas a good idea for Banpresto and FS to work together. Banpresto could never have pulled off such quality graphics by themselves. Well, it certainly looks Fed vs Zeon/AEUG vs Titans-ish. Although I would've preferred it to be like Real Robots Final Attack, but hey, this is good too. w00t!
  14. Oh yes, finally. Something about it seems to appear weird though, can't quite put my finger on it. Perhaps they're not 'blocky' enough. We'll see how things turn out with colour.
  15. Whoa. Damn. Hmm, Armored Core style eh. If it's like Virtual On, I wouldn't mind either (like Real Robots Final Attack). Really looking forward to this.
  16. Oh yes, very very interesting. XD Although I think Namco should really work with Bandai (not that they need to) on a Macross game. Now THAT would be one of the best (if not THE best) Macross game ever.
  17. Oooo. Although "good delays" doesn't sound very appealing to me. Anyhoo, I'm all the way down here in Australia, so it's a long way's off. X( I hope the discs won't have any bad prints, it'll be hell for me if they are.
  18. Say, wakobi, have you ever ordered from that site you posted? I'm just a bit edgy on deciding whether I should get it from there or not in terms of reliability. The price is mighty tempting however.
  19. Too bad the Rah didn't have GOOODDDO BAAAAADO CHEEEEEENJI!
  20. Hmm, those Atelier Sai BGC Hardsuits seem to look plumped in these newer pics. O_o The Garland looks mighty good though.
  21. wolfx: As far as I know that sign has a little 'Action Figure' (アクションフィギュア) stuck to it. I wonder what that would mean? Not to mention that you can see the joints there. Look harder if you can't. Especially Rinna's knee.
  22. The PGs' fingers come pre-assembled, all you need to do is cut them out of the sprues. In other words, yes, they can bend.
  23. Actually... no. That pic from the first site = Atelier Sai's. Not Yammies. http://orz.jpn.org/events/etc/char-hobby04/MP-02.html
  24. What the... Athrun has turned to a copy of Kinkendou from Crossbone Gundam. Lol!! Sigh... if only they'd animate Crossbone instead. =( Oh well.
  25. Don't forget to tighten the screws at the knees and other pivot joints like it. Otherwise you'll just have floppy joints, like I do. =/ Should've experimented with the looseness before putting that piece together and puttying it. X(
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