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Everything posted by rikiryou

  1. I certainly don't know if you'd like it, but I found it to be fairly okay. I'm somewhat skeptical about 'old fan favourites' sometimes, e.g. Animeondvd gave Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV good/great reviews etc. when I didn't find it to be special. Of course, this isn't always the case since there's shows like Patlabor and whatnot that are indeed my favourites. But that's a different matter. Nadia I found to be a mixed bag; episodes ranged from being good to just plain dumb. Personally I wouldn't pay for it but I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with me. It's somewhat reminiscent of Miyazaki stuff, but not up to par. It might be your cup of tea; after all, it's Gainax's work.
  2. Movie Realisation Eva-01 in colour! http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-45638-1-2.html Looks pretty nice, and the armour is a big plus but could've come with more gadgets. If this is anything like the Movie Realisation Kamen Rider 1+2 the First figures, they'd be poseable enough. If they have SIC Kamen Rider G3+G4's feet... well, the figure won't be able to stand on its feet, literally. I.e. loose swivel jointed feet, instead of ball joints.
  3. There was one diecast action figure being released by Max Factory I think? Apart from that, I don't remember anything else.
  4. Hmm, from experience, the movie realisation action figures are all plastic i.e. they're not part of the SoC Spec line. Previous releases included Devilman, Kamen Riders 1 & 2 The First ver., Spiderman and something else I can't recall, if my memory serves me right. The TV Spec Eva-01 had fragile hip joints didn't they? Apart from that I didn't hear of anything else having problems. It doesn't look like the internal skeleton is resculpted from what I've seen so far, but I could be wrong. Still, the TV Spec Eva-01 had so many gadgets though; seems a better deal if they didn't fix the hip joints. Hmmm.
  5. Oh? Where did you get them from? I wouldn't expect it to be easy to get Alternators Rodimus in Sydney, but I remember seeing a whole bunch of Optimus at Hobbyco some time ago. Rodimus is pretty cool, but I just wished they went with the Kissple colours instead. Somehow those racing stripes and darker red just gives it a cooler finish.
  6. Yep, definitely Demonbane. http://www.geocities.jp/lifezoids/DEMON.htm
  7. Looks really cool, I only wished that the Aestvalis Custom inside was at least 14 cm or so. Oh well.
  8. Mmm, Dragonar-1. Pics already popped out on the 23rd interestingly enough. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-42655-1-1.html http://2nd.geocities.jp/lifezoids2/XS-05.htm Oh so yummy. HLJ hasn't got stock in yet though.
  9. Now that I think about it; they'll have to wipe out the fact that she's Japanese, huh? Unless she doesn't even speak it (or speaks it broken) in the movie, lol. Should be moderately enjoyable to watch.
  10. eriku: also be careful of the tiny cannons on the rear of Big Moth; especially when you latch on the booster unit as it presses unto them. One of them snapped on mine. =/ Having some trouble gluing it back properly. One way to avoid it snapping is to lift the entire cannon a bit and level the tiny cannons so it doesn't get pushed on. It'll make more sense when you have it in your hands.
  11. Ah, fair enough. So the buggy subs are patched up then? And thanks for subbing this awesome show.
  12. http://www.yellowsubmarine.co.jp/honten/head02_rv48.html Too bad we don't get Moonlight Butterfly parts. =/ But it's still awesome nevertheless, mmmm.
  13. Hmm, I actually feel like watching it again after last Friday's viewing despite thinking that it was a pretty stupid film plot-wise. Something about the Autobots appearing just kept coming back in my mind; that was perhaps the most awesome scene in the movie (for me, anyway). And yeah, I was griping a lot about the action scenes; too many things popping around everywhere and scenes cutting all over the place ruined it a little for me. Designs, ugly, yes, but you can't really see how ugly they are most of the time since you can't really see them clearly. Maybe that was intentional, lol. Part of me is still whinging, while another is constantly going omgogmomgomg. Hahah. So for those who were still sceptical and whatnot, just watch it for what it is; it's certainly an entertaining watch (including the bad cheesy scenes).
  14. Right on. That, and MP Victory Saber. One can dream.
  15. I think they are, try searching under Gigantic Formula instead. Haven't watched it yet though, downloading right now.
  16. A day or two old, but damn the Ideon is freakin' awesome.
  17. Well, regardless, this show is really crazy. I mean, damn, look at episode 22. That's just terribly tragic stuff. Didn't see that one coming. >_< Still can't get over it, either.
  18. Hmm, loose hands? As in Big Moth's? Felt tight for me, rather; it's the Daigun which is too heavy. No loose neck here, but loose head, yes, it doesn't lock after all. Loose legs, too, i.e. torso. Still, it's a nice 'toy' anyway.
  19. Wow, I actually LOL'ed pretty hard. It's John Woo all right. Infinite bullets action.
  20. Yeah, what's up with that? =/
  21. http://pony-hp3.web.infoseek.co.jp/BRAVE-INGRAM.htm Frankly, I'm not impressed either. It looks rather outdated and, well, not worth the price. Certainly reminds me of that old Bandai toy with the armour assembly.
  22. Well, the MG42 never had to be assembled (apart from 'locking' the bullets on) although the C96 can just stay put anyway since it's connected to the side armour. Very cool stuff indeed. The way the box is box is molded like that just allows you to put the figure into one side rather than having to open either sides up and replace every equipment. Talk about easy storage. Very nice of Takara to think of that. Haven't tested it out myself, however. Lol.
  23. Woh, very nice indeed. I got mine for around $190, so $155 without shipping. EMS pretty much bumped that price up big time. But that's more or less the same if I bought from BBTS anyway, me living in Australia and all brings the shipping to $50 so getting from HLJ or whatever's cheaper in the Eastern hemisphere or from US is roughly the same, unless there's a BIG bargain, haha. Great for you guys in the States though, it's a great bargain.
  24. What? 170-175 SHIPPED? Can you even get the Dancouga (with shipping) at that price?
  25. Maybe Pizza Hut will release some special meal with a cheese-kun, lol. And wth @ ep 16. But Lelouch's reaction at the end was pretty freaky + don't really hate Suzaku that much now, haha. I hope he toughens up after this or remains insane. Probably won't though.
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