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About Capt_Bob

  • Birthday 03/15/1984

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  • Location
    Near NORAD
  • Interests
    Science Fiction, Model Kit Building, Guns, Girls, Glory, 80's Rock, New Wave, Foreign Languages, and the like.

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I know it's lame but come on, you cracked a smile did you not?
  2. That's right, ADV and Harmony Gold are going to release DYRL on DVD. However, it will be Renamed Robotech: We Will Win. Also, all of Mari Iijima's songs will be replaced by songs by Reba West. It will also include footage from Overman King Gainer, the Starship Troopers OVA, and Gekiganger 3.
  3. Sorry I did not post earlier, I've been busy. Here are the answers to my questions. The first CHRONOLOGICAL appearence of Gekiganger V was in the Gekiganger Movie which takes place before Joe's death. The first Mobile Suit in the Earth Federation's arsenal was the RRf-06 Zanny. Maxjenius81 got it right, so it's your turn Max.
  4. When was the first (Chronological) appearance of Gekiganger V? Or if this one is too hard... Name the Earth Federation's first ever Mobile Suit (Hint, it's not the Gundam, Guntank, Guncannon, or Ball).
  5. Col. Millard(?) Johnson (Macross Plus) Lt.(?) Claudia LaSalle (SDF Macross) Rolan Cehack (Turn A Gundam) Adm. John Kowen (Gundam 0083)
  6. Funny... I always found this song to be the most unberable of Minmays song..... every time I hear the Kyun-Kyun thing.... I fill like hurting/wrecking something. HERETIC! Thou shalt not blaspheme against Lynn Minmay. Only Robotech fans hate Minmay. Be glad it was not "We Will Win" or "To Be In Love" you were listening to. Anyway, Ms. Goodnight's cover was OK. However, give me Mari Ijima any day.
  7. In the voice of TV's Meatwad) Oh yeah, she's one fine foxy lady. Man, I would not mind going on an acid trip with her (or watch End of Eva, the next best thing to an acid trip). Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds!
  8. I belive Grahm was reffering to Japanese Age of Consent laws rather than American.
  9. I chose 2009-2012. For I'd like to fly a Valkyrie. I shall fly with one of Macross' many Valkyrie Squads. Change my name to Gai Spotwith and get pissed whenever someone calls me by my birth name. Also, being with the Megaroad fleet would be interesting (I wanna see what happens).
  10. I'm a Star Trek fan, a Trekkie, Trekker, Spock Groker, Virginal Loser take your pick (if you pick the last one, I will hunt you down like a dog). I like them all (save for Voyager and Enterprise, they just don't have the magic of TNG or TOS). Too bad you don't have New Frontier on the list or I would have voted for that in a heartbeat. Calhoun is the Shiznit.
  11. Yo Carl, what's the deal with the TV Fast Packs? Oh wait, you're just trying to push "Advanced Veritechs" off as Strike Valkyries. What next, Peter Jackson authorising a Tom Bombadil action figure that looks like Gollum?
  12. MAO? The little girl? Somehow you remind me of three Zentradi spys, Warera, Roli, and Konda. (When their names are pronounced quickly, the result is, "Warera Lolicon da" or "We're pedophiles.")
  13. I chose Minmay. Hey, she's not half as bad as Reba West portrayed her as. However, here are my runners up. 1: Cmdr. Misa Hayase (She's a Commander, a leader of men. Kinky !) 2: Maj. Milia Fallina (Ace Pilot and owner of a Maronian rack) 3: 1st. Lt. Sylvie Gena (Can't go wrong with an Ace. Is it just me or does she look like Cmdr. Elizabeth Shelby from Star Trek?) 4: The SDF Macross Bridge Bunnys (They're so damn cute)
  14. Or perhaps Minmay Dolls on the dashboard. Watch Minmay sing and dance with Buddy Christ. One thing confuses me about using nuclear reactors in small aircraft. Radiation. How is it that the pilots keep from sprouting extra arms?
  15. I wonder if this is a sign that DYRL will be released stateside. If so, If I hear Reba West sing We Will Win during the final battle instead of Mari Ijima singing Do You Remember Love, Carl Macek shall find himself buried neck deep in the Mojave Desert with Jam smeared all over his face.
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