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Everything posted by neptunesurvey

  1. You just need to find the right people and sell some of your organs.
  2. This is my latest project. Not yet finished and a quick build job for Yeti's table at WF this weekend. I have others that I need to post. Does anyone like Babylon 5 fighters? Nice SDF1 Derex. I have been staring at that same kit on my shelf lately.
  3. Here are some pics of the Bioroid Assault ship. Forgive any imperfections, paints issues, and pics of the uncompleted kit. This has been a rush job, 3 days, so this is not one of my best paint jobs. Also, enjoy the pics of the 1/350 bioroids and hover tanks. The details came out really will in this scale. The finished model will be on display on Yeti's table at WF this weekend. Enjoy.
  4. Your skills are amazing MT.
  5. That is amazing work mechtech. I will try not to clear out tundrayeti's inventory at wf.
  6. The bioroids will be available with the dropship by WF. The Sheldo will take a little longer to complete.
  7. This will be the last time I will answer this question and will no longer reply to the 1/285th scale question. HELL NO! If anyone feels like this is an inadequate response please see page 4 regarding 1/285th scale.
  8. I wonder if he will have any at WF? The price is a little steep for the PE VF-1. It does look like an interesting project thou.
  9. To answer some of your questions: Why not in 1/285th? - Reason one, is that I like the 1/350th scale. Reason two, is to be in scale with the Garfish. Reason three, is that as a modeler 1/350th is a common ship scale and it is easier to find after market products so you can add accessories. Robotech tactics game - These kits are not at all associated with the tactics game nor will I make them in 1/285th scale (read first question). If you wish to use them in the game the size differences is not that much. I have seen a picture on this site of the bugeye being used in a 1/285th game and it is plenty big enough. Did you post that Felindar? These kits in 1/350th have been in planning for a longtime well before the tactics game became known. The first in line was the Garfish. I still have a couple of more 1/350th ideas that will hopefully be completed next year.
  10. Funny thing is that EXO and I have discuss the possibility of a 1/48 hovertank buildable in one of 3 poses earlier this week. Inbit Terminator BIoroid in 1/350 yes,
  11. Is it to late to increase my order from 1 to 2?
  12. Cool. I bought them in 1/72.
  13. The plan is to sell them all with the Bioroid Assualt Ship so you can make one big happy battle.
  14. If you use the new measurement of 179m (587ft), which is from Shadow Chronicles, then the Garfish would be the wrong scale. Since I used the measurement of 107m (350ft), from older sources before Shadow Chronicles, then the scale is correct. The sheldo dimensions are based on the older sources to maintain consistency. The infection will soon spread. Some love is coming for SC fans in 1/350th.
  15. Thanks ron5864. I always loved the shakers and when I heard they where doing a limited release I had to get one. It was actually good timing since I was already saving money for a new car. My 2006 Dodge Magnum R/T is getting up there in miles.
  16. It will be interesting painting the inbits for sure. My dilemma will be the wave launch of inbits from the sheldo.
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