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Everything posted by neptunesurvey

  1. Love the shading on the baby crab.
  2. Looking forward to the other steps.
  3. I finally received all of the remaining pieces for the Horizont. Still in the process of preparing the parts. I have attached a couple of pictures for your enjoyment.
  4. Very nice job especially in switching it back into cruiser mode. I have both kits and thought about trying to make the KP kit modular, but I could not get it to look right. Did you use putty or styrene to fill the void between both halves?
  5. Amazing work! I kneel before the great one.
  6. Do we get to see some new action video of it operating?
  7. neptunesurvey


    Nicely done.
  8. This would look nice with the other 1/72 items you have created.
  9. The horizont is coming along. Still waiting for a few more items and then off to the caster. Enjoy and Merry Christmas.
  10. I left out preorder for the clamship. Sorry for any unnecessary excitement and confusion. Also, I was referring to the horizont dropship.
  11. The Clamship is available. PM Yeti. The dropship will be available next year.
  12. The reason I never offered the legioss and tread as a separate set is that I did not have enough interest. If interested in the Garfish contact Starshipmodeler and let them know.
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