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Everything posted by neptunesurvey

  1. Here is what you are looking for. Just put the UN Spacy decals in the Navy spots.
  2. Nice. What color red did you use?
  3. Sweeeeeeet! Love the close up pics.
  4. Thanks Omega One.
  5. It is not the variable kit. It is a 3 in 1 kit: 1 is a fighter, 1 an armo diver, and 1 an armo soldier. Its not a bad kit. Very limited posability but not badly detailed.
  6. What orange are you using? I'm having problems getting the color right.
  7. I'm game. So your place or mine.
  8. Its looking good. I can't wait for the finished producted. With the metal, will it be located more in the launching section?
  9. I agree gnollman.
  10. You can make it into a maintance display.
  11. Very nice. How are you going to display the VF-1A?
  12. Very nice.
  13. I most agree. Its looking great in that paint scheme. Are you still planning on making the launch vehicle for the booster?
  14. I can't wait.
  15. Could this be true? Will we finally see the end of this ordeal? Stay tuned for the conclusion.
  16. Is no one else going?
  17. I'll be heading up that way on Friday with a few friends and be there all weekend.
  18. Go to the Starshipmodeler discussion forums. Those guys have lit so many different Star Trek kits they can help you.
  19. I concider Blade Runner as one of the worst scifi films every made. Its not as bad as 2001, but close.
  20. The Fix-All has not given any problems at all. It dries clear and its great for filling in gaps.
  21. Yeah. I'm waiting for the ultimate Legioss as well. Maybe someday it will appear.
  22. I'm in.
  23. I wish Lucas would also release the original Star Wars in the THX version.
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