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Everything posted by neptunesurvey

  1. Making a stand? Don't you mean a drydock. Looking good as usually Mechtech. Have you done any work on the super structure or is that for after you have finished the hull?
  2. I've seen pictures of cans of Coke being used to remove chrome.
  3. You have achieved a major success! Is it me or does it look shorter then 6ft.
  4. Only at a bar with you buying the drinks.
  5. Looking good. So you are going to try and add a figure with the kit?
  6. I'll take 1.
  7. Looking good. When will it be ready for the sail to America?
  8. I always keep a flash light and a large knife on me at all times when on the ship. I have not heard of the "ether bunny" but then I'm not on the gray ships. I spend more time on survey vessels.
  9. The hard part is keeping everything secured while you work and making sure you don't stab yourself with the #11 blade. I have a few scars to show for it. I usually don't paint at sea unless I have a cockpit to paint. If the seas are too rough I just climb into me bunk and enjoy the ride. When the ship loses power, which I told Bromgrev, Graham, and Valk009 about one story, it can get interesting. Honneamise, your not being bias, its a great kit and I like the paint scheme as well. Those Testor Model Master Enamel German paints are great! Has anyone else been working on the Oberth kit?
  10. Here is the finished product. I added a little weathering to show its been in action a little while. Enjoy.
  11. I'm back from sea and have finished the Oberth. I'll post some pics later today.
  12. Nice.
  13. The hatch will be 8.6 mm long x 8.6 mm wide with the base of the hatch curved. I guess you can call it a square with one side having a curve. I'm trying to figure out the best way to cut. The hatches will be open and firing missiles. I've already made a prototype for a visual reference but the next one will have the open hatches.
  14. My current projects are the 1/72 VF-O Battroid kit, the Wave VF-0S kit, and a scratch build project that I started while at sea. How do you guys handle curve missile hatches? Do you cut them out square and sand them to shape or try and cut out a curve and sand? I ask because its a big part of my project.
  15. Picked mine up yesterday. Thanks Andy. The kit is nicely casted but one small problem has arisen. My suitcase never made it to New Orleans. United is still looking for it and hopefully I will get it tomorrow.
  16. Maibi y'all ned tu wury 'bout uther things, like a torrent of zentraedi laser turrets spraying death upon thee.
  17. Looking good. Have you done a float test yet?
  18. Thanks honneamise. Maybe I'll shrink it down to 1/200 or maybe 1/320. Once I get home, in the next few days, I'll be able to check some of my references and post some pics of something I've been working on while at sea.
  19. Does anyone know the dimensions of the laser turrent? I'm planning on building one in 1/72 and 1/100. Thanks. 4 more days til land.
  20. I picked one up a couple of years ago and the quality was really good. No noticable bubbles and the panel lines where clean and crisp. I don't have any completed pics yet. Maybe I'll finish it this year.
  21. Here is the Oberth 97% complete. Just need to add the 4 antennas and some decals but that will have to wait until November when I return from sea. One hint is masking tape will be your friend during the painting of this kit. Enjoy and build some more.
  22. Nice idea. Simple but effective. If its not dried by tomorrow I'll try the lamp then.
  23. Thanks guys. Its almost dry. I should be able to finish the rest of the painting tomorrow. Then add some decals. Now I just need to find where I placed my spare 1/72 Hasegawa decal sheets.
  24. I see you have Tigers in Combat 1 and 2 on the shelf. Two excellent books to have.
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