Its been a little later and here are some pictures of the finished item. The base was from the Modelbaseguy that I bought at last years Wonderfest. I was thinking about adding some mini ghost fighters but I'll save that for the next one.
Here is my progress so far with the Defender. Not much to show. Been busy sanding and such. I'm hoping to put the primer coat on by the end of this weekend.
After many moons I'm getting on track again. My sister and her family have return home after a 2 week visit and I'm not going out to sea for a while. Right now I'm continuing on Mechtechs cute, little1/200 kit and started work on 3 of JM's beautiful destroid kits. I'll post progress pics later in the week.
Looking good. How will you secure the destroids? Use magnets or screws?
Also, has anyone told you that you might be going a little overboard? Ok, nuts, whacked, crazy, etc.
I did meet some MWers like HWR MKII and Valkyrie. I probably should have been a little clearer with my statement but I did not master the kit. Honneamise did that and a great job at that. I just build and paint them. I'll post some pictures of the kit later.
They took a bunch of pictures. We probably won't know until the it appears in the FSM.
Pictures and a write up will appear on Starshipmodeler. I took about 200 pictures myself. I'm still going through all of mine.