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Everything posted by neptunesurvey

  1. This is not a viper but it is the last of the Moscata Destroid line. Enjoy.
  2. I thought I saw a kit for sale of this Viper version somewhere online.
  3. Like a few others I have a closet that holds my backlog as well as my small hobby room. Once I built a workbench to fit the room, I could keep my airbrush hood and airbrush setup by the window, I have been catching up my backlog. I spend about an hour a night working on the kit so in about 2 weeks I can have one finished. The easiest way to stop the backlog is to stop buying.
  4. Progressing nicely. When do you think you will have video of the completed ramp and hatch opening?
  5. I agree. Did you add it to the wish list on the samurai monkey site?
  6. Here is the finished 1/72 Defender. Enjoy.
  7. Promethuem5, I love the look of the engine. It makes me feel that I can drop in and start her up. BigF, you are so close. But I'll give it to you anyway. Here is my current progress pictures on the Defender and a couple of others.
  8. Here is my next project. Can anyone guess?
  9. Can't even trust the contractors.
  10. That is a good idea MechTech. I might have to do that. Nice work on the Tomahawk Cowie
  11. Thanks. It took me 7 hours to do all the weathering and decals.
  12. Coming along nicely. Will you be able to finish it by the end of this year?
  13. I usually don't weather my kits this much, but I have an idea for a diorama and it will require it to be heavily weathered. Actually all of Moscato's Destroids will be heavily weather for this diorama.
  14. Thanks wraith1701. The main color used was Model Master Enamel Panzer Dunkelgelb 1943. I drybrushed on a dark gray to simulate a primer coat. On the dent on the right arm gun it was painted dark gray and then steel. Tamiya pastals where used on the kit.
  15. Here is the finished 1/72 Tomahawk. I added a picture as a size comparsion to the Hasegawa Battroid and VF kits. Enjoy.
  16. A quick update. I hope to be finished by tomorrow. Just need to add decals and pastels.
  17. The kit is from Moscato's 1/72 line. Thanks HWR. I did not see that.
  18. I'm not quite finish yet, but here are my progress pictures. The .005 marker I use for my panel lines ran out and I have no spares. Will have to finish the rest tomorrow.
  19. This is what I have done so far on the Tomahawk.
  20. I love the metallic color on the main engine bell.
  21. The damage was done by Moscato. He release the kit with and without damage. I still have not decided on the paint scheme. I'm thinking about going with Panzer Sand Yellow or something along those lines.
  22. You are "The Man"! Ok, maybe the second one behind Moscato, but that is some awesome work.
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