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Everything posted by neptunesurvey

  1. I'm looking into some light sheets for a hangar deck diorama.
  2. Here are some pictures from WF. I'm just posting the anime related stuff. For more pictures check out the Starshipmodeler forum under Wonderfest for more pictures.
  3. It is coming along nicely.
  4. Still not quite finish with it, working on printing out some decals. I had it at Wonderfest on display. Enjoy.
  5. I like how the Commanchero came out.
  6. Wonderfest has ended and it was a great weekend. I picked up the Rex and few other kits. I received 2 Merit awards for a small Andromeda and Moscato's Phalanx, and a Bronze for Moscato's Tomahawk. Will post some pictures in the next couple of days.
  7. Are you going to add 1/200 figures?
  8. What's a few hundred more. I'll take one.
  9. Nicely done PeterB. I like the redone gun. I've been side tracked on a couple of models I'm getting ready for Wonderfest so it will be a couple of weeks before I post again. Their is an Apache paint scheme I'm going to try.
  10. NOOOOOOO! This is fargin' war on my fargin' wallet! All ye will feel my wrath at WF! I hope you enjoy. Cheers.
  11. The Optimus Prime is looking great. Will you keep it white or paint it red?
  12. Ghadrack is right about WF. This is my 3rd time going and I have enjoy the other two. They also have "how to forums" on casting, painting, general model making. Everything that you might what to learn. I have met both Valkyrie and HWR MKII at WF and a few others from Starshipmodeler. I still have not met Klywell.
  13. Here it is primed.
  14. I pinned the tail section just to be on the safe side.
  15. Looking good so far. With mine I brassed pinned the tail section, weapon pylons, and the aft fins. Mine is in the paint booth with some others ready to go. Will have the primer coat on tomorrow.
  16. On mine, I trimmed the plastic instead. Its a tight enough fit that I did not even have to glue the legioss and tread together.
  17. I was wondering about how much power all of the controllers would consumer. I'm guessing the R/C shows have an area where you place your boats on display. Like a carshow where you show off all of your cool bling.
  18. So, is the crane/ramp controller a modular to attach to the main controller or is it a separte controller?
  19. I'm going again this year. If you love scifi, anime, or monster modeling this is the place to go. Give yourself a spending budget and stick to it. It gets really hard at times to resist the pull of "I want that model!" Also, put your "on screen name" on your name badge. People will recognize you then. Are you going to bring any models to WF?
  20. Its looking great. Can't wait to see some more.
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