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Everything posted by neptunesurvey

  1. I'm back online. Long story involving replacing old modem and Tigerdirect making my s*** list for the time being. Derex, keep checking Starshipmodeler. A few will be available through them. Cool8or, thanks and yes to post shading. I accidently caused some unwanted battle damage and I'm currently fixing it. That little sucker slipped right out of hand and hit the floor tail first. I should be finished with everything by Sunday.
  2. But you will be doing one in the future?
  3. It looks very interesting. If it is at WF2011 I might get one. Ghadrack, if you sell your car I will give you a lift home since I will be driving through. I will have plenty of room in my magnum.
  4. Will you having a pilot figure for the plane?
  5. I agree. It is a lame joke. Here are some more progress pictures. These will be the last until Monday with Thanksgiving tomorrow and family coming into town. Have a happy turkey day!
  6. Here is the green paint. I used Forest Green. The sprue antennae was no problem. The only problem was it has been a while since I used sprue like this so I had to get the feel again. I made a small pile so I have plenty to chose from. I have been thinking the same thing Ghadrack. I was thinking about trying it first on a 1/2500 Salan Scout.
  7. I'll take one 1/48 set.
  8. Here is my progress so far. Primed it yesterday and will paint the green tonight or tomorrow.
  9. It is a nice diorama.
  10. I'm considering on getting a second kit. It does not help that Ironship wrights has just released a 1/350 EDF Standard Battleship that I want.
  11. I agree.
  12. Mine just arrived. The building will soon begin. Here are some pics.
  13. How about a snow shovel? Been waiting a long time.
  14. I might have to get one. I have a resin one that I got from SMT about 6 years ago.
  15. A few will be available through SSM. Just keep checking the store.
  16. Maybe I will get mine by the weekend. Crossing my fingers.
  17. Noooooooooo! Not Xpress.
  18. Awesome. I might have to make it 3 sets. One question, does the boom truck come with a hook as well or just the basket? In one episode you can see a similiar truck with a crane lifting a damaged valkyrie fighter. I can always use a few cranes in 1/72.
  19. The ship would be over 60cm long in 1/5000.
  20. Yes. The Salan Scout Cruiser was done earlier this year. Here is a couple of pics for you. The Scout is available on the Starshipmodeler site, if interested in one.
  21. ***** IMPORTANT INFORMATION***** Ok everyone, here is the price and ordering button you have been all waiting to see. Drum roll. The Quelamitz sales price is $110.00. Shipping in the US will be $20 and International shipping is $35. Don't forget to add the 3% paypal fee. Send your payment to Captain America. Most of you have his information, if not, pm Captain America. For those that are wondering why I am posting the information is that I have commission the Captain to do this project plus a few more in the future. For those that will like to see the other ships, be patient.
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