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Everything posted by neptunesurvey

  1. Wonderfest this weekend guys. I will only be having one model in the show this year but it is a diorama. Hope to see some of you at the Crowne Plaza. I will have neptunesurvey on my name badge.
  2. Still more 1/5000 to come.
  3. Not of the Quelamitz. If more people where interested I would get some molds made but like some one told me once, good guy ships sell better than the bad guy ships.
  4. Love the Falcon. Can't wait to see it when you finish. Just finished the Cat's Eye, ground support vehicles, ground crew, and base. I would like to thank tundrayeti for making the macross support vehicles because these vehicles rock! The base is also from tundrayeti minus the painting and staining. I also what to say thank you Captain for the Cat's Eye. It puts Tanman's to shame. Hope you guys enjoy the finish product.
  5. I commissioned Captain to make masters of the Quelamitz and the Salan Scouts for me.
  6. Don't forget the Quiltra Quelamitz.
  7. I left the gloss finish on the model. I usually don't do that but this time I was looking for a new manufactured look.
  8. Here is the finished Cat's Eye. More like 99% finished. I start working on the ground crew and vehicles next. Enjoy.
  9. Love the decals. Can't wait to get mine.
  10. No pilots for this Cat's Eye. This will be part of a diorama with a maintenance crew and support vehicles. The canopies will be displayed in the open position.
  11. Greetings all. I'm slowly painting away on the Cat's Eye as well as the Comanchero. Should have the Cat's Eye finished by the end of the month. That will leave me the base, the mechanics, and support vehicles to finish. Enjoy.
  12. I love decals.
  13. Will it be ready for Wonderfest next month?
  14. Just received mine today. Will work on it this weekend.
  15. Looking good. Will you be adding the yokes to the console?
  16. Yes, it is a Cats-Eye. The only thing I have added to the cockpit is the photo-etch restraints.
  17. Been taking my time on this for the last few months. It will be part of a diorama that will be finished for Wonderfest in Louisville.
  18. I still have not received mine.
  19. Awesome work!
  20. Two days in May 26th and May 27th. http://www.wonderfest.com/
  21. You will probably have to get it from the Starshipmodeler site when it becomes available.
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