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Everything posted by unsped

  1. if you got it in sale, you paid what 5 bucks? thats what they are going for here. 5 would get like a really bad GI Joe. not exactly supposed to be the BMW of toys.
  2. macross is a current series that does not require previous knowledge of the existing series. by the looks of the animation etc.. it seems aimed at a slightly younger crowd as well. 1/100 cheaper models seemed aimed at the general public and im sure are thought to be more profitable than the original macross market. the original macross market has alot less population, but the people in it are willing to spend alot more money (partially because they are now alot older than its intended target audience) macross zero is currently seen by more people than macross is seen by today (im not talking the past). these people dont neccessarily have any connection to the original series. they are less informed, less die hard, and most likely younger, meaning they have less money. imagine the target audience for macross zero is something similar to universal century gundam fans. fix toys are considered high end, when they themselves are generally about 1/4 the cost of a FP 1/48. since yamato is competing with non die hard macross fans .. if the toys are too expensive they will just go buy gundam, chogokin, eva .... or any of the other toys from series they probably also watch. whereas a diehard macross fan, will buy macross toys at any price. so original series macross toys are changed accordingly. you guys just happen to fall into a category that is included in both groups, the majority of whom yamato probably wants to sell macross zero toys to is not. the number of die hard fans is probably far outnumbered by macross zero viewers, hence the weight thats given to each. my guess is they is no 1/60 1/72 or 1/48 macross zero toys currently planned. enough stink will get raised, yamato will release limited larger scale toys, and they will sell poorly compared to the 1/100 line. just imho.
  3. being single, marriage tax breaks really are descriminatory.
  4. i know! MINI IPOD!
  5. i will bet you money the low vis does not show up.
  6. overdrawn at the memory bank, i win.
  7. advance wars, is the best handheld game ive played yet.
  8. how much is shipping at tokyo central
  9. where can it be pre/ordered
  10. how about a low viz set for the 1/60? i would buy one if you can do it.
  11. i hear its a SD version of Macross II the movie. i hear the main characters will have "carebear stare" powers.
  12. no mouse, no keyboard to chat with .... maybe ive been playing good servers, i haven't noticed a cheating problem.
  13. a very good and feasible idea, something that would be required for alot of designs.
  14. ummm ... "What your referring to are commonly called elevons" elevon itself does not imply the surfaces being angled, vtail is a tail arrangement using elevon mixing. you do NOT need angled control surfaces to have elevons. in fact the MAJORITY of elevon's do not use angled stablizers. " if you added a canard " only if you are worried about low speed stall characteristics, which is what the delta wing is for. the reason the f14 doesnt look like vf1 is because the vf1 is far from ideal, we are asking "could it fly" not "is this the best design" "with enough thrust you might have a proper CG and that might work" huh... thrust has NOTHING to do with CG. the shape of a plane has little to do with the CG, you can easily move around components, use channeled thrust etc.. to move the CG. "Flying wing designs abounded in the 50's and 60's but none caught on" soo the B2 doesn't exist? everyone also is forgetting something important, vectored thrust, and advanced control systems. with an advanced enough control system you can get anything to fly. and yes you can make advanced controll systems for RC planes, multi axis gyro and IR stablized control surfaces would not be difficult to build, in fact off the shelf designs are already available. i agree, its less likely to fly than most things, but dont just say "no" because it isn't the whole truth.
  15. thats not really an informed statment. the vf-1 has more of a v-tail which acts like a horizontal and vertical stablizer. albiet the vtail is a bit small, the angle between the 2 fins controls the proportions of each.
  16. oh ya, because FAF isn't lame? *fairy* air force! eheheh, the patch should get you into a few san francisco bars for free. jk, i love yukikaze.
  17. i almost forgot, check out this video i made of me assemblying mine. watch it and you dont have to buy one hehehe 14.5mb wmv
  18. if you like the deep striker, its fantastic, if you just want a nice fix toy, get the ex-s. its almost as rediculous but only 1/3 the price. i really love mine.
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