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Everything posted by unsped

  1. i wouldnt say 'the newest 1.5' since 1.51 and 1.52 are the newest, and neither work with this release. yes it require 'swapping memory sticks' which is pretty sketchy
  2. i have a few in a book, but any others you might have would be beneficial. thanks
  3. http://www.3darttopart.com/ has very good prices and takes files from popular 3d programs. put a little mr surface on ... sand smooth ..
  4. aside from the time travel portion right
  5. i got to play wtih the unit at comicon, pretty neat.
  6. what did you do the for drybrushing? was the plastic painted like the white pieces.
  7. am i the only one who thinks the thread title says sylvia saint? maybe im just perverted.
  8. anyone else have the complete eva kubrick line in there collection?
  9. all i see is 'player' and it doesn't do anything, tried on 2 computers.
  10. you could use embedded magnets
  11. FH1 phantom F3D skynight F3/H demon F6 (earlier named f4d skyray) F7U cutluss F10 = F3D skynight F11 Tiger F21A Kfir A3D skywarrior a8 = av8 (harrier) a9 (only prototyped A10 won contract)
  12. NEW FLASH - this just in, to pacify people whining over the monster being transformable, YAMATO said they will be releasing an optional non transforming 1/60 scale monster new reports say the kit looks something like this:
  13. put me down for one booster
  14. hlj just started shipping, got my shipping notice.
  15. i will not rest until yamato makes a 1:1 scale vf-0 with tampro printint in all possible variants. and it needs to transform and take me to school, ... and clean my room.
  16. the kaiyodo toy is actually very good.
  17. damn yellow dancer is hot
  18. NOTE: Prototype unit shown. Actual shipping version to feature additional decals and a CLEAR cockpit canopy that can be opened for access to pilot inside
  19. or they just like throw a different head on it, or make it slightly different.
  20. i never said they leaked it on purpose. that would be crazy. im just looking at id's track record with such issues, it does not delay a project an additional 6 months+
  21. the stolen source code did not affect the release date this much, even ID has had tons of code stolen. what the stolen code showed is that the game was far from being done. its just an excuse of valves.
  22. unsped

    Macross 0 toys

    damn did someone leave the "bitch and moan about 1/100 macross zero toys" thread generator on the past few days or what.
  23. i think it can be paraphrazed as so "the simpsons comic book guy does not define the japanese toy market"
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