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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. i wouldnt say 'the newest 1.5' since 1.51 and 1.52 are the newest, and neither work with this release. yes it require 'swapping memory sticks' which is pretty sketchy
  2. i have a few in a book, but any others you might have would be beneficial. thanks
  3. http://www.3darttopart.com/ has very good prices and takes files from popular 3d programs. put a little mr surface on ... sand smooth ..
  4. aside from the time travel portion right
  5. i got to play wtih the unit at comicon, pretty neat.
  6. what did you do the for drybrushing? was the plastic painted like the white pieces.
  7. am i the only one who thinks the thread title says sylvia saint? maybe im just perverted.
  8. anyone else have the complete eva kubrick line in there collection?
  9. all i see is 'player' and it doesn't do anything, tried on 2 computers.
  10. you could use embedded magnets
  11. FH1 phantom F3D skynight F3/H demon F6 (earlier named f4d skyray) F7U cutluss F10 = F3D skynight F11 Tiger F21A Kfir A3D skywarrior a8 = av8 (harrier) a9 (only prototyped A10 won contract)
  12. NEW FLASH - this just in, to pacify people whining over the monster being transformable, YAMATO said they will be releasing an optional non transforming 1/60 scale monster new reports say the kit looks something like this:
  13. put me down for one booster
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