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Everything posted by chrisk

  1. I guess that's what happens when you're forced to attend every single major anime and media convention year in year out, and answer every stupid question from the fanboys... It's going to be a looong year! I think McKeever at one point complained loudly on some message board that fans are too demanding, too entitled, and that they're undermining what they're trying to do with the property. Funny stuff.
  2. Apparently, even WB decided Looney Tunes needed a face-lift: As far as I'm concerned, Scott Bernard is still out there looking for Rick Hunter. Shadow Chronicles NEVER EXISTED. BTW, I think MEMO posted more of that 2011 "Animation on Display" Panel Can someone watch this and see if they dropped anything remotely interesting? Is Kevin McKeever still blaming fans for being impatient?
  3. I just saw the .Will Robotech be so lucky?
  4. Is that wise, though? One of the reasons I hear Shadow Rising failed to materialize is because Tommy Yune wanted more creative control on the property. Well, we all know how Shadow Chronicles turned out - not a full on disaster, but clearly uninspired on many levels. Would you really want Tommy Yune getting his grubby fingers on any Robotech reboot? As Keith said, just put it out of its misery, and remember the "good times". Or as Tom sorta put it, kick out these idiots before they waste millions of more dollars and wasted potential.
  5. Hold on now! What's this I hear about new animation for Robotech? Why has there been ZERO buzz about this new project as of late? You'd think the hardcore fanboys would go crazy for this crap! Doesn't any of these balding Robotech con-attendees use twitter, or blog, or any of the innovations of the social media age? Come on now. Do attendees sign non-disclosure agreements? What's the deal here?
  6. Robotech makes people create podcasts.
  7. http://io9.com/5743106/first-look-at-the-anime+style-thundercats So... when are they remaking Robotech for the new generation? At least the faithful will get a wallet, and reprinted comics from early 2000.
  8. Wow. I never realized how tragic Harmony Gold's story was until I read Tom's story. The franchise was at a crossroad, and they chose a weak leader with a weak vision and the fans are paying for it. What a shame. Isn't it funny that Memo may have been the one of the major causes why the franchise has "failed" in the last four years? He screwed friendship and family all in the name of being Tommy's #1 fan. Yuck.
  9. A Robotech jihad? That's just silly.
  10. Colors are pretty awesome. I just hope the story is coherent.
  11. The reason they're happy being complacent until now is because they're still swimming in that money they got from Warner Brothers. How much do you think they paid for all the rights? A million dollars? Two million? Ten??
  12. I don't think that image is some big secret. In fact, I recall seeing that same image used in some anniversary booklet/wallpaper or something. Besides, wouldn't a pic of Lancer singing give away the identity of the project? Also, lets not forget that Tommy believes Robotech needs big boobies to sell itself better to the modern anime audience. I understand your concern. I wish I were wrong, but d'ya really think Harmony Gold, after the hoopla of selling the rights to WB, and flushed with the "success" of Shadow Chronicles between 2007 and 2009, would somehow think about pooling enough funds to animate a sidestory? Harmony Gold has made a couple of attempts throughout the years to block people from producing content dedicated to the orignal Mospeada so... why start now?
  13. Looking back at the San Diego and AnimeExpo Robotech panels - the "new animated movie" announcement shtick felt a bit... desperate. (remember the guy who got banned for "leaking" that picture?) To be fair, maybe the idea of releasing a redubbed LLA isn't the worst idea Harmony Gold can come up with. Jason is right - the timing seems awful. Had they released this in 2004, people might've given a crap. Y'see, 2004 was the beginning of Harmony Gold trying to exploit the New Generation license. They released the forgettable "origin" story of Lancer Dancer and an awful FPS game called Robotech: Invasion (see Youtube for gameplay videos) - so what better way to round out this crapfecta than with the LLA redub? It didn't happen. So now they announced it shortly after Carl Macek passed away - claiming it's got something to do with Macek's legacy. I guess if you slap in some kind of documentary of Robotech and its fandom, it could work...?!?
  14. *Wah wah waaaaahh*
  15. Some Japanese names flashed onscreen for a few seconds, before a Legioss lands on them and shoots it down. And while Macross fans overseas have a healthy diet of cool merchandise based on the original series and its spinoffs, certain Robotech fans can only twiddle their thumbs and spend the lot of their time speculating, like this charming fellow: http://www.robotechx.com/forums/43-movies-and-sci-fi/13711-warner-brothers-sam-raimi-qearth-defense-forceq-.html#13731 As one poster puts it:
  16. Wait. Can't be reasoned with? Spell checks people when being presented facts? Thinks Harmony Gold is in the right? Troll.
  17. Truth be told, a lot of hardcore Robotech fans involved in the 'debate' simplify a lot of things to support their little theories. Remember that little roundabout with Memo a few months back? God, that was pointless.
  18. Whatever proof you throw at this guy, he just ain't listening. I say we cut our losses, and just be glad as hell Harmony Gold doesn't have access to the Macross character designs. Serves em' right!
  19. Sarcasm mode initiated. What you say is meaningless. Harmony Gold is a super awesome company. They love (to milk dry) their fanbase. And come up with quality merchandise. They create new and original stories. And give credit where credit is due. Sarcasm mode disabled.
  20. Did you tell to find another job? Please tell me you did. Pfft. Originality. For the benefit of the casual viewers of this thread, the following Youtube links are for MOSPEADA: LOVE LIVE ALIVE. Mospeada Love Live Alive PART1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn78tdcPZx8 PART2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSRsPGNUi1o&feature=related PART3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDQEk9dkH6M&feature=related PART4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EydGZpEG704&feature=related PART5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgJXtE3jKb8&feature=related PART6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnvAwZreDYI&feature=related PART7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXiRs_0dt0Y&feature=related PART8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2L4slpa1Nc&feature=related The infamous loli scene: Possible "enhancements" by Harmony Gold: Spliced in Macross / Southern Cross footage? New songs sung by Michael Bradley / singing voice of Lancer Dancer? Spliced images of Carl Macek??? Any guess as to the new name? Robotech: Love Live Alive and more? Robotech: BOMBAAAA? Robotech: 25th Year of Milking the Franchise? I believe Harmony Gold employs a full-time new age guru, telling the staff... "If you hold out long enough the Japanese will surrender their rights to you..."
  21. You're overanalyzing. It doesn't mean anything except ol' chubby cheeks is enjoying his newfound rockstar status, as well as being "fresh new face of Robotech", especially now that Macek is gone. A remastering of Sentinels? Doesn't have Sera. A redubbing of that obscure 80's Mospeada concert video that followed the show? Makes sense. It's connected with Tatsunoko, and its "in line with Carl Macek's vision" too. It also makes a perfect accompanying piece to the planned Carl Macek tribute documentary as well, for extra brownie points to hardcore fans. You can't fault HG for trying to squeeze Macek's death for all its worth. If this is true then I hope they won't keep the profits all to themselves.
  22. Not sure how Wildstorm's fate is tied to Robotech, but here's some news from Comic Book Resources: What I want to know is are my old rotting Robotech comics worth something!? You like seeing Max Sterling cry?
  23. "Now it's personal." - Steve Yun I heard at one point that MEMO or some other shmuck said the they wanted the RT boards "controversy-free" because Warner Brothers was watching. I guess now that Steve has become even less active probably means they don't give a sh*t anymore. Or the housing market is booming. People actually remember Robotech really, really fondly. To a lot of creative individuals especially, its right up there with Starwars. Voltron? Not so much. Voltron gets laughed at more often though... is that really a good thing?
  24. Whoa. Whoa. WHOA. I didn't say nothing.
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