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Everything posted by chrisk

  1. Before we go too off-topic, the real Men in Black 3 is so amazingly awful its not even worth mentioning on this forum. I wouldn't mind Brad Bird churning out MIB4!!!
  2. Harmony Gold, in its infinite impartiality, picks and chooses who they shutdown. Some people may recall Yune and company went so far as to go after the animator's personal fan art on deviantart. And if someone starts thinking of starting a debate on copyright or fair use, there's a fairly high profile live action fan film in production somewhere in South America. It has gained support from bizzaro sites like RTX.com so I suppose it has the blessing from HG. Par the course in making the property look like the most awesome, fun thing in the pop culture landscape! Just don't f*** with the Yunes. BTW, that guy who runs the Robotech podcast "Protoculture Times" actually messaged Cary Fukunaga, the director that was allegedly offered the role to direct the Robotech live action movie, and he courteously replied. Do not under any circumstances, expect an apology from MEMO for saying a lot of nasty things about this guy.
  3. The only answer I can give is that the internet is too gorram big.
  4. People hate the idea of Cars 2 that much, huh? Well, this article isn't an April Fool's Joke, but it's Lasseter addressing all the idiots who bought into his movies. Read it and feel good about yourself: http://www.theonion.com/articles/ive-got-you-dumb-motherfarters-eating-right-out-of,19014/
  5. And yet we see a perfectly cute Totoro right on Toy Story 3! what gives??
  6. I almost had a heart attack. This better be an April Fool's Joke... http://japancinema.net/2011/04/01/exclusive-first-look-pixar-studios-totoro-coming-2011/
  7. The UN spot was really out there, and about as badly times as the Mospeada/New Gen cellphone game nobody cared about. Nothing Harmony Gold has done since then has had quite the same notoriety. Maybe in retrospect Tommy realized it was a mistake? You must be so proud. Does it sit beside your autographed copy of Shadow Chronicles? Darkwater, for the sake of this endless discussion, what defense does McKeever have against the Funimation-backed marketing campaign of Shadow Chronicles and the respectable fan-driven pre-release hype that came before it, as compared to the zero buzz McKeever-driven marketing buzzkill the alleged 2011 sidequel is getting?
  8. I recall an uproar from some fans that hated the UN for things they did in the past. I seem to recall McKeever and the mods censored people from putting up any political opinions besides praise for the spot. It was posted on the official RT website, and I think it was bundled with the DVD/Blu-ray releases and it featured updated Mospeada character designs (correct me on this). Just another tool to showcase the animation...
  9. Last Action Hero wasn't that bad... Maybe Arnold can still make a cameo in the new Conan reboot!
  10. Didn't Shadow Chronicles get an aggressive marketing campaign by Funimation? I saw banner ads on a number of geek/tech sites, it got a number of trailers online, screenings on filmfests around the Steates (complete with made-up awards) and the making-of was put up on youtube as well. And wasn't it thanks to this campaign funded by Funimation, plus the wave of nostalgia affecting the country that the film sold gangbusters? On paper, this sounds like a big freaking campaign! Maybe Harmony Gold hates the idea of too much "pre-release" hype? But then wasn't their a handful of panel videos that showcased actual concept art, and trailers? People even got the trashy prelude comic book, with the main teaser being what does Hikaru/Rick Hunter look like after twenty years? There was an infamous United Nations commercial spot as well which showcased the animation years before the final product as well. I also recall a certain fan insiders (Not MEMO or McKeever) that conducted impromptu interviews with cast members and unofficial trailers. In-between the finalization of the distribution deal, there were lies and a lot of nasty politics and delays going on, but the point is there was still a fairly visible effort of an online campaign. So McKeever doesn't believe in big marketing campaigns, but also doesn't believe in building up pre-release hype? What then? Why does this guy have a job? Kids, Mr. McKeever wants you to know that the "failure" of Superman Returns is the reason why they will NEVER invest in any sort of marketing whatsoever. Keep the fanboys happy by continuing to post pictures of harddrives, lame "mystery boxes" and office pictures on a popular social networking sites! Keep all content convention exclusive! And use someone else's blogspot URL as your main marketing hub! It's a shame that Robotech will never reach its full potential the way these chumps are running things...
  11. Based on the spoilers, I can't wait to see this movie. Can't wait!!
  12. Why does McKeever want us to care about this harddrive? BTW, since the fascinating world of Robotech is pretty much dead until San Diego, maybe you guys would be pleased to find out some of the latest developments in the fandom: The return of the old RDF Underground podcast, run by Justy Ueki I believe: http://rdfunderground.com/ The return of Jonathan Switzer, or whom many Robotech fans know as Captain JLS is back blogging about classic Robotech: http://sdf5x.wordpress.com/ Hopefully this will entertain people until there is something new to talk about...
  13. So the enemy in the governator show is called "girly men"..?
  14. This must Robotech's very own "Starwars: Holiday Special". Besides Robotech 3000 of course. Hey, it's a slow news week. Things will pick up in the coming months. I hope.
  15. Well... considering Shadow Force was in development hell for half a decade, can you blame these people for not liking each other behind closed doors? Just how many egos did Tommy Yune have to fight to have them re-do the entire battle on Earth in the beginning of the movie? The money and effort spent on that pointless scene could've spent on creating a tighter story with more well-developed characters. Yet they spent it on copy pasting spaceships in perfect formation, crappy explosions and un-engaging narrative, etc. But what do fans care? After the disaster that is Robotech 3000, even a snaking turd like Shadow Chronicles will look like pile of gold to the hardcore. Hmm... Maybe to Tommy Yune, that is all that matters..? That "his" film was better than Robotech 3000? Why do you think they keep highlighting how bad it was during the yearly con panels? I guess if you aim for a mediocrity, you're gonna reach it... eventually.
  16. Wow, that looks goofy! Reminds me of this... http://actionflickchick.com/superaction/whos-afraid-of-diana-prince/
  17. I believe that's the crux of this whole discussion, and why people on this thread should continue asking the "hard questions" even though at times it may seem moot. Whether its licensing debates or criticizing Harmony Gold's dubious practice, it's good to talk about these things and vent frustrations and simply just hang out and talk. Does there have to be a need to justify "why" and "what are we doing here" on this thread? Isn't being a Macross and Robotech fan enough? The fact that you saw behind the facade of these three jokers running the property didn't help. It taints how you view every decision the company makes, and I can sympathize.
  18. I don't necessarily agree with Smeagalot on this one. The soundtrack is a curiosity if that is your sort of thing. If you like it, nobody is telling you not to buy it. Apologies if you find the term "fanboy completionist" offensive. I suppose we are at that point in this thread again. Harmony Gold gets us so worked up sometimes.
  19. Congrats, man. There's a cliché for moments such as this, but I'd rather not use it. Suffice to say, well done! Still, why did it take you so long to confirm that Kevin "Give me hatemail cuz' I'm a racist bastard with delusions of grandeur" McKeever is an a$$hole?
  20. This is true. Harmony Gold understands way audience way more than we dare to comprehend. They are beyond hardcore it's not even funny. What audience would dedicate its time talking about the scientific properties of the BS that is protoculture, or write a multiple thesis on the (non)existence of the SDF-2? Anybody want to discuss how canned goods were able to last during the Mospeada/NewGen segment? The soundtrack will definitely appeal to all the completionist fanboys out there. I'm just amused at the whole "we found this stuff lying around!" deal. What won't they find, I wonder? By more depth, do these wackos mean having almost all of your entire continuity brought by an overbearing narrator's voice and pretty much dreamt up by a bunch of overeager fanboys in the 90's filling in the gaps?
  21. Liar. Tommy Yune said they had rights to their images in a con panel. McKeever also confirmed this in one of his rants against the naysayers on the boards. Memo can back me up on this. I have no doubt a lot of people will buy despite the BS. Still, why did Macek cut the songs in the first place if the show kept reusing the same action and drama themes over and over again? They must've been real crap...
  22. WOW. This guy is really giving Mel Gibson a run for his money. Are people too desensitized to realize how much of a bigot McKeever is? Yet you have knuckleheads like MEMO and the hardcore fanboys on RT.com who would lay down their life for this idiot. Why? Has sanity completely left this god-forsaken property? Sadder still, but McKeever got what he wanted... hatemail from you. This guy seems to feed off this crap.
  23. I don't get that. Aren't his bosses Asian? BTW, blackconvoy_D01, how did your customer complaint go on Robotech.com? I kinda don't want to read the thread...
  24. Thank you.
  25. Dude. Let me get all McKeever on your a$$. Fans will be disappointed by the thousands. Trust me. The Mospeada/New Gen toys sold well. I mean, I think they did. Why else would they release the TLEAD/Beta fighter toys in three colors? I also read that the Japanese Mospeada bikes all sold out as well. Shadow Chronicles sold gangbusters, and it was a direct continuation of New Gen. Finally, Harmony Gold is producing a sidequel based on the New Gen segment! Mark my words. This animated sidequel will be so successful, it will erase this... myopic Macross-rules-em-all view that has permeated the property for the last twenty odd years. HEHEHEHE
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