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Everything posted by chrisk

  1. I vote the next episode opens with everyone singing Planet Cradle.
  2. That 0-G Love rendition.
  3. Bigkid24, apologies for that. I did this on a whim and was probably a little too eager to post. I'll be more mindful in the future. Thanks to all who appreciate the (fan) poster!
  4. Clean version of the art:
  5. If you happen to be in the neighborhood this Oct. 5, 2013, be sure to drop by the Torrence Cultural Art Center and lament that you haven't registered for the Macross World Convention! Highlights include meeting Mari Iijima, who has played the legendary Minmay! Be sure to buy her original CDs because she likes that sort of thing! There's also Hidetaka Tenjin! The master visual artist behind some of Macross modern promotional imagery, and he's in AMERICA! Treat yourself at the Nyan Nyan Cafe while listening to future Macross Idols in the Macross Idol Competition! So much more is happening at the Macross World Convention! Deculture! (FAN POSTER)
  6. Would Mandarake accept discarded / second hand copies Love Live Alive?
  7. chrisk

    VF Girls

    Lovely artworks. Pity about the Chronicles reissue...
  8. I'm so loving these tie-in shorts right now (despite looking somewhat cheap). Wish I had a set that didn't cost an arm. And legs. .
  9. So Warner Brothers is distributing both the Akiraâ„¢ live action flick and Bleach the Movieâ„¢? And Transformers 4 is in the works? What about Robotechâ„¢ live action movie? I keep hearing this guy named Tommy Yune and Kevin McKeever talk about it being made as we speak, but I think they're lying to me...
  10. Popular gawker sci-fi and pop cultlure site io9 authors asks the age-old question: Where in blue blazes is the Robotech live action movie? The author starts with why mainstream clothing brands have faux-retro vintage tees of shows like Thundercats and Transformers, but no Row-boat-tek. It's just another fluff piece really, plus no mention of the original Macross creators... The article happens to have a shot of Macross Zero, since Robotech always = Macross. Maybe someone should refer him to buy those boring overpriced Robotech calendars with Yune's fantastic 10 year old art that nobody is sick of seeing and Shadow Chronicles lockets and mugs!!!! Just one more disgruntled fanboy sitting in those "packed" Robotech panels wishing for something to actually happen in this dead property...
  11. Robotech dot com finally joins 2005!!! New Facebook and Twitter integration!!! http://www.robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=457 Also, good to know it took Harmony Gold SIX years to release moichandise for their incompetent, long-forgotten fan-fic of a movie!!! 2012 is looking good right now!!!
  13. Why didn't I hear about this sooner? Oh right. Harmony Gold merch is garbage. Anyway, they're is putting out a CD dedicated exclusively to We Will Win? 01 - We Will Win (classic Minmei version) 02 - We Will Win (third verse) 03 - We Will Win (piano solo) 04 - We Will Win (instrumental) 05 - We Will Win (guitar solo) 06 - "Take two" 07 - We Will Win (complete version) 08 - "Yeah!" 09 - "Take one" 10 - The Way to Love (Minmei version) 11 - Robotech Main Title (enhanced version) 12 - The Way to Love (piano solo) WTF. Wasn't an inebriated Reba West's singing one of the worst aspects of the show? The part EVERYBODY in any age group skips? Jeeezus... Those boys will stop at nothing to come up with crap that relates to money-maker Macross Saga. I can't imagine this being anything other than a joke gift for someone you really, really hate.
  14. I prefer Robotech Tea Party Movement myself, thank you very much. You made a lot of anonymous users cry, my friend.
  15. I see what you did there. Can't blame fanboys for not being able to rationalize why they keep buying the same DVD set 5 times in the last ten years.
  16. Someone's review of Carl Macek's Yuniverse: http://dweomera.blog...h-universe.html Some choice quotes Harmony Gold reps could use: If only more fans were this honest.
  17. Rand Unwrapped-Confessions of that Unloved Voice Actor that sounds kind of live Tony Oliver
  18. This is inherently a very silly rant, but I just thought of it while at work today. It's a shame that the very sense of the word 'Anime', in the annals of Western pop-culturedom, will forever referencing Robotech, and 80's nostalgia bait.There's more to "anime" than a redubbed mecha show based on arguably superior source material.
  19. Community made an anime parody joke, and online commentators are once again claiming it looks like Robotech, Voltron, (and even Bubblegum Crisis) How long before people start dropping the "X anime parody in X show looks like Robotech" and maybe start referencing modern crap like One Piece? Have people not watched any anime beyond the 80's and very early 90's? Or is Robotech the only "socially acceptable" thing to reference when talking about anime?
  20. AKIRA IS GETTING MADE AND TETSUO IS WHITE?! And I thought Robotech will be the first big budget anime flick bastardized to the big Hollywood screen.
  21. I was bored and I *gasp!* went on Robotech dot com to see what's new. Nothing much, it seems. http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2119503&forumid=31&pagenumber=4 MEMO speculating to the faithful...zzzzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  22. You just prompted McKeever to post on twitter that the they're doing gangbusters. You know that, right?
  23. That would be the radio interview show by Chris Meadows. The man that popularized the term, "Row-bow-tech". That would be because of the great cartoon properties boom in the early 'noughts. Transformers, GI Joe, Gatchaman, Thundercats sold crazy numbers back then. I recall Robotech comics sold upwards of 50,000 copies.. ? (Nowadays you'd be glad if you sold 10k) Tommy Yune knew this and got his buddies to make all these crazy variant covers. When the fad died down, no retailer in their right mind would touch a Robotech comic. The reason nobody worthwhile wants to collaborate with Harmony Gold is because they're infamously difficult to work with. McKeever has indirectly admitted on more than one occasion that "this business is tough" and that his critics "don't know anything". That's only because you're a liar and a jerk, sir. I recall years ago reading these very early threads on the old message boards. Tommy and Steve Yune were playing nice with old school fans, asking them to contribute ideas and whatnot. People were pretty excited that Robotech was coming back in a "big way". We never got Robotech Zero, or Plus. Sorry.
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