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Everything posted by chrisk

  1. How dare you. Some fans seem to be speculating that Minmei could turn Korean... I wonder if that would be a problem... I believe it's because Robotech RPG players live in a bubble, sealed from the rest of humanity.
  2. "I love the new scar." was one of my reactions... There's something I don't get though... Why are many "casual" Robotech fans insisting that Miley Cyrus or Vanessa Hudgens play Minmei??!
  3. *Sigh* Now you're making me feel bad for the failed Evangelion and Halo movie... Well, this time they could inform the roomful of Robotech fan hopefuls at AX/CC panels that WB cares about story because they hired a horror novelist. Damn, it seems that even typing that sounds like they're scraping at the bottom. Maybe this guy is just that good. I get it, no Minmay.
  4. Wow, this is big. At least, to Robotech fans. I can see it now, in the Harmony Gold banner at Anime Expo/San Diego Comic-Con: "EXCLUSIVE NEW INFO ON THE ROBOTECH LIVE ACTION MOVIE!!!" I just can't believe this guy is upstaging the likes of Kasdan and the Smallville writers (and everyone in-between). I just pray this writer didn't set his draft in the year 3000... Um... because deep down, every Robotech fan wants to be a Macross fan?
  5. To be fair, I did see the bootleg copy... Also, I'm willing to bet that the whole idea that Robotech was a hit because of "WOM" is McKeever's idea. A ton of people bugged him why the web marketing was so weak/incompetent. (no interactive flash games/movies tie-ins, barely-there web banners, etc.) What I can't believe is why McKeever would put that pseudo-rant there...
  6. Want some answers to your most burning Robotech License questions? Check this thread out: http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...mp;pagenumber=1 I feel Rapier is ready to stab himself after his little round with the Robotech mods! (Better hurry before Steve deletes it) Seriously, why hasn't anyone just contacted the Warner Brothers office and be done with the speculation? Easier said than done?
  7. All this talk about the declining anime industry in the States is pretty depressing, and the talk about how it needs a "Hollywood hit" is even worse. *sigh* That show opened my eyes alright... Wish I can go to one of those doushinji convention thingies... Hehe, I remember some fans speculating based on Tommy Yune's comments that they would try to link Robotech: Shadow Rising with the LAM... You can try finding wallscrolls as well. Good. No Robotech:LAM = No Shadow Rising Or so they say...
  8. Yes... forums can be quite... unpredictable sometimes... In the meantime, AICN's got its own article up: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/41417
  9. Lets just drop it. I just didn't expect that sort of response with my question (which I said was off-topic anyway). Sorry.
  10. Well, in any case, cyberpunk won't be making a second comeback in the States.
  11. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed...
  12. Forgive my off-topicness, but quick question: If Warner Brothers decided to give an F22 a Gerwalk/Guardian config in a Macross/Robotech movie, will they get sued by Big West/Bandai?
  13. Oh no! That's just awful. Curse you for being a flop Stateside, Dragon Ball!!! What next? Cowboy Bebop? Provided the powers that be sort out Robotech's tangled legal issues...
  14. Have you seen Genshiken? You also forgot how the plucky heroes of Shadow Chronicles escaped a black hole using "technobabble"... Ah, screw it! According to Wikipedia: The most powerful defense of any Robotech fan on the "realism" of the beloved continuity. Seriously, Tommy Yune believed big-breasted characters would sell to casual, conservative Robotech fans. Sorta didn't considering the "backlash". Kinda... sorta... the same thing happened when Lucas approved professional artists to render "sexy Jedis" in recent years.
  15. That was awesome. Still, I don't get it... ... Why was stuff like that so popular in the 90's? Poor Frakes... It's a hugging pillow, around ¥10,500. There's another design as well, if you're interested: Ebay Link: http://cgi.ebay.com.sg/new-beauty-Macross-...5QQcmdZViewItem I'm going to speculate that if Macross was actually distributed in the States, Bandai Fashion/BW wouldn't dare sell it there... It's the beauty of the thing. When certain conservative Robo-fans started chiming in on the big boobed characters of Shadow Chronicles, Tommy Yune quickly passed the blame on his horny Korean animation partners. Didn't even have the balls to say he drew up those initial designs. Whereas the Japanese are pretty unapologetic about their kinky-kinks... Also, I believe majority of Robotech fans aren't into anime, have a thing for "realism". Now I know why you stay at Robotech.com...
  16. It could turn out to be quite funny and at the very least it will be something other then just recycling jokes and taking crack shots at RT and HG for eternity. We're not exactly planning to do this for eternity, Freiflug88. We're just killing time until Warner Brothers releases the Live Action Movie... oh wait. So I'm guessing... you don't own these pillows? (last I heard, currently out of stock at reputable online retailers...) I stumbled upon this thread at Robotech.com: Other notable quotes from fans: LINK: http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=24 Keep up the good PR work, Seto!
  17. Robotech, without Macross designs, isn't what it used to be too... *sniff* Sorry if a bit off-topic, but Macross Frontier's designs seem surprisingly fresh, modern and surprisingly... sexier, compared to Robotech: Shadow Chronicles.
  18. No wonder Tommy Yune and the co. (Harmony Gold) were so proud. Wow, you hit the nail on the head there. Many times, the only Robotech merchandise I see in my local conventions is the "chibi" Alpha Fighters, and the recently-recalled Shadow Fighter toy. And occasionally overpriced Cyclone toys (they come with those limited edition cel-thingies!). Was there a moment in the past when Big West tried to make peace with Tatsunoko/Harmony Gold? Did Carl Macek ever try to broker a peace between the two parties? Because now, it's clear people like McKeever, Yune and their crack legal team aren't. Warner Brothers is at the helm right? Didn't those come out with the Animatrix and Gotham Knight? That means, the next Robotech LAM tie-in won't be run by a second-rate Korean company... Studio 4c is gonna do it!!!
  19. Wow... I'm really disgusted by Harmony Gold.
  20. HG/WB will probably take the Star Trek reboot-route and not go overly-detailed how stuff works... just have characters yell, "Protoculture is a fuel source of Robotechnology!" If that happens, expect a new generation of enthusiastic Robotech kiddie fans to start long, drawn-out debates with older Macross fans on PC. Hope you guys are ready. Oh... People got Rick-Rolled in Shadow Chronicles because the they couldn't rescue Rick Hunter... Wow. Sounds like Tommy Yune or some eager Robotech fanboy should take a few notes from the "classic" movie "The Trail of the Pink Panther", directed by Blake Edwards. They should dedicate the next Robotech movie to interviews with the entire Robotech cast of characters. They should have mock interviews with the Sterling family, surviving Zentrae... sorry... "Breetai's Warriors", Stick Bernard, Karbarrans (RT's version of furry), Roy F*kker, et al. all talking about how awesome Rick Hunter was. The best part: They can replay clips from the Macross Saga. Now that I mention it, I wouldn't be surprised if they really did it for their next convention... *gulp* The end of Shadow Chronicles hinted at that "fun" prospect. How ironic, but as the creators allegedly try to be more "Mospeada".... Robotech 3000 became the topic-du-jour in Robotech conventions. It helped McKeever and company explain why fans should be thankful HG chose to make Shadow Chronicles (Was it, really?). I don't know why you Macross fans should be offended... if they stuck with it, Robotech would be... deader now. Speaking of McKeever and company, there was news from the A-Kon Robotech panel thing. Yes, real news! According to a fan who was present: While it's not surprising that McKeever is still pulling eager fans legs into thinking they have something new to announce about the LAM (other than its existence), he at least confirmed the Robotech fans will be able to get a new mobile phone game. Aren't you guys happy for them? Read more amazing stuff at: http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...mp;pagenumber=2 Finally, since Robotech fans are desperate for Robotech LAM news, many are turning to Spiderman 4 development news for clues: Will Spidey put the brakes on the LAM movie well beyond 2012..? And if so, does that mean all Robotech fans can look forward to in the next three years is multi-colored Shadow and Beta fighters?
  21. Sure, sure. No problem with trying to reminisce about the good ol' days. Check out this video on "Animation on Display", held Feb. 2009 (The convention where McKeever proudly retold his Jackass experience) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vorGR6IOFY Skip to 50 seconds to see McKeever swing into action. And then skip to 2:40... I can't say I like how this McKeever guy is luring fans into thinking he has something new to say about the Robotech Live Action Movie. Is McKeever and company still trying to "educate" fans that the Live Action Movie exists, that Tobey Maguire's going to star in it, blah de blah blah? 90% of Robotech fans loved the Macross Saga, and they absolutely adored Rick Hunter. The majority of longtime fans could not accept the fact that towards the finale of "New Generation", the now-Admiral Hunter orders *ahem* Neutron S Missiles (doomsday devices) to blow the Earth. Tommy Yune, being a self-confessed "New Generation" fan, really believed this is what fans wanted. So he crafted the first third of Shadow Chronicles to be some twisted "ret-con" episode of The New Generation where he "tries" to make Hunter into some kind of victim of circumstance. (Avoid the Prelude comics because it makes Hunter look even more foolish) It seems fans don't know what they want, and fans who run media ventures don't know either... I know a lot of people praise the old Wildstorm Robo-Comics for looking "like the TV show", but to me the artist who made it has some of the wonkiest anatomy/proportion ever. Characters often looked goofy and lifeless, and some sport disturbing muscle proportions. In the end, the only saving grace was the vibrant coloring. I learned later that the same artist was involved in designing the super-masculine Shadow Chronicles characters... Hehe, nearly all the Robotech comics I bought were from the bargain bin. Except for the Prelude thing, which "they" say became a much-sought after commodity a few years ago...
  22. Kevin's memory card got stolen.
  23. Dude, are you sure P.T. Barnum and Kevin McKeever aren't related? Empty seats, huh? Check this awesome article out: SDCC Robotech Panel - FULL HOUSE You're right though. As I mentioned earlier, probably half of the audience are expecting news from the Live Action Movie... which will probably be announced by Warner Brothers themselves anyway. Why would they give this McKeever guy the authority to do that?
  24. Well, it's pretty apparent that a lot of people from the States do like listening to the same drivel by the same three people, year after year, con after con. What's disturbing is that they're willing to pay a lot of money to do it too. Has anyone asked what Macross Zero or Frontier are and if they're the next installment of Robotech? Maybe fans don't know what they want. Look at Michael Bay's Transformers... that looked... visually interesting on-screen. What about GI Joe's skin-tight "Accelerator" suits? That might start a fad among the die-hards. Hey, not all Robotech fans began cynical/frustrated with the franchise.
  25. Was there anyone who was present at this year's A-kon (May 29-31, 2009)? Excerpts from Kevin McKeever's recap of the event at RT.com: See?? Robotech, despite everything you guys have been saying in this thread, can still garner a standing room. So again, was anyone present at the con? What was the... "lastest information" that Kevin McKeever slipped to fans? As an aside, did any fan present at the event get Kevin McKeever to sign their DVD? Perhaps, a dedication to their kids? Read more exciting anecdotes about washing the Jackass crew at: Kevin McKeever's Fluff at Robotech.com Well... this year's Wondercons, Anime Expos and Comic-cons seem to be yielding "funny", brand new stories about Kevin McKeever's life... If that's your sort of thing. I wonder if the eventual "Robotech History" documentary that will accompany the Robotech LAM DVD will even talk about the original Macross. Kevin McKeever has mentioned several times that they own the Macross IP, or something to that effect. I could see an interview with a Harmony Gold staffer glossing over the little detail, probably giving Kawamori a nod, and then go on by saying Robotech is 100% original. Seto, you still pissed at buying the Love & War comic?
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