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Everything posted by chrisk

  1. You've seen the Prelude comics right? Sorta proves even the current admin can't even cannibalize their own content right. They should just stick to the housing market.
  2. Really. Can't they come up with anything original?
  3. Off-topic, but I lol'ed my @ss of the "Shadow Rising Production Thread": http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...p;pagenumber=15 Spread the Christmas Cheer!
  4. I don't care if HG is right or wrong in this suit. As an avid gamer myself, I thoroughly agree with this comment from one of the members on Kotaku: "F*ck you, Harmony Gold."
  5. Wow. HP, Aren't you one of the biggest contributors to his exclusive hidey hole RobotechX.com..? Both my copies were a gift from some fans. So... yes, I have two. I'm planning to dump one in a Christmas charity box.
  6. Hmm... Why do people who say that usually keep a Shadow Chronicles DVD somewhere beside their import Japanese Macross DVDs?
  7. Yeeesh. I have to give it to Kevin... he really knows his customer base!
  8. Ah, true. I'm not implying its the end of the franchise when fans get banned, though to lose a long-time contributor like Jenius because of a disagreement is short-sighted... and bad business sense when you think about it.
  9. I don't get it. Why hasn't anyone called Kevin out on banning certain fans, cited wasted opportunities (in the most polite manner possible), etc? Oh well, another SSL show has come and gone.
  10. You deserve a medal.
  11. Marvel recently came out saying the demand for "mainstream" superhero comics is inelastic. They've been pushing their prices skyward and haven't noticed that big of a dip in sales (avg. 100k a month for the best selling titles) Of course, they justify the hike with "extra content" like sketches, scripts and the like. I don't buy any meself... just watching the movies and anime is enough for me. If anything, it's indie comics that have suffered a great deal thanks to Diamond Publishing. *sigh* Prelude's going to be collected in a trade with a limited print run, and really make a lot of money in the process. Demand for Robotech merchandise, like Marvel, is inelastic. I believe that's why Kevin McKeever's so proud about why Robotech is in such a "great place". They might as well collect the craptacular Love & War and Invasion comics and turn a profit there too.
  12. Yeah, the whole Buffy thing is something of an anomaly for me in the comic world. Maybe if Harmony Gold hires Joss Whedon to write a Robotech comic, there might be hope!
  13. It's amazing to think that compared to the Japanese Macross franchise, very little effort was made to create anything new with Robotech. I heard that mecha comics heyday (sometime 2001), properties like Robotech and Transformers comics sold as high as 40-50k. Nowadays it'll be lucky to sell 10% of that. Seto's right though: a limited print run = sold out from hardcore fans. When that happens, maybe Harmony Gold can finally finish putting all that hideous Comico stuff in a trade.
  14. Nah. The guy's too busy being a lame version of Rottentomatoes.
  15. Jenius, I can't help but wonder if you are being sarcastic... Oh, are there any news on those "enemy mechs"? It was a plural, so I was wondering if Harmony Gold meant to release an Invid or something. Maybe to Doug Bendo the Vajra aren't that tough? Tobey Maguire must be preparing himself for that "darker" Roy Fokker role: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwabsKiaRIE
  16. Whoa! X-com Apocalypse is a blunder? I liked that game as a whole, though it definitely had its quirks. It's that ridiculously hard Terror From The Deep that didn't sit too well with me. And that ending... I think the biggest blunder here is Microprose believing they could branch out the X-com franchise to a Space-sim and an FPS... Sorta like when Westwood Studios thought the C&C franchise could be made into a FPS. Don't get me wrong, Renegade was OK, but... you get my drift. Wasn't EA was in a transition period when they did Kane's Wrath? Something about trying to reconnect with the fans? But yeah, Kane's Wrath's story was fan0fic at its poorest... "New" Titan designs aren't that great either. Though Cent, I'm sure you're excited about Command & Conquer 4! Another blunder, maybe?
  17. It looks very nice!
  18. I sometimes forget Warner Brothers has any involvement in this project. It's been the same boring rhetoric from Tommy and Kevin in all the major cons... albeit, with lots of free giveaways!! Another thing I don't get is why some fans just can't let go of Shadow Rising. Come on. Already there are fans predicting the Robotech movie will beat Transformers in the box office even though nothing's out yet... Hey, with big robot video game franchises coming back in a big way, Midway should definitely jump in the bandwagon! God knows they need a hit. IN 3D!!
  19. Lots of really cool stuff coming out of Comic Con, notably Tron (of all things) and Avatar. I can't really say the same for Robotech... yet. Yet another year of promises and... a battlepod. Pending licensor approval. I must warn you - the new material may not mean a new comic drawn by the Udon crew. Obviously a new cover and foreword by Tommy Yune and an addendum written by some unpaid fan trying to explain the nonsensical plot of Prelude. You'll probably find better value downloading the series off the net and reading Captain JLS' excellent notes. In any case, the Robotwitter has the toy has predictably sold out in record time. Horray! Macross is lucrative! Oh, and Ain't It Cool posted stuff about that Voltron movie thing... Chuck Rover ditched Robotech for this? Cool. Read this pretty nifty write-up on the Robotech panel: http://anymoon.com/blog/2009/07/24/day-2-u...robotech-panel/ Here's an interesting quote:
  20. Saw this image: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3427/374994...3bbeb5c.jpg?v=0 I'm guessing the "Battlepod" toy seen behind the "Stealth Valkyrie" (Robotech names can seem so generic at times...) is the only "new" Toynami clunker in the market?
  21. Complaining? I was gloating! Gloating over the fact that the only Robotech thing they had on stock were Ben Dixon and I believe... Miriya's Valkyrie. Oh, and a set of "Chibi Alpha Fighters". It was pretty much the same situation in Hong Kong (despite McKeever's insistence that Robotech has a strong following in China). The only Toynami thing on stock was that chibi crap again. And this is after going to main otaku havens like Causeway Bay and Nathan Road. This stuff isn't new. I read this sort of "fan speculation" as early as two years ago - set the whole thing in Iraq/Afghanistan... although at least now, they confirmed that WB will be doing a movie for each "generation" of Robotech. Why do Robotech fans keep counting their chickens before they hatch?? Oooh! San Diego is so close!
  22. Living in South East Asia, Robotech was shown... maybe twice(?) on local networks and once on a cable channel (the same network which premiered Shadow Chronicles in Asia)... so there is a general following. However, go to any convention/toy store in the country and you'll be hard pressed to see anyone sell Robotech toys. Macross Classic, Plus Frontier toys, though? They have plenty in varying scales. If there's any franchise that had a non-existent marketing push, it's Macross and definitely NOT Robotech. If there's one thing I remember about Doug, it's when he mentioned that Robotech is awesome because it never had to "reinvent" itself the same way Macross did with its later incarnations. Robotech was "perfect" in his eyes, and despite how... crazy Doug can be at times, I can sense he's not the only Robotech fan who thinks that way. I don't know about him, but seeing how the classic Valkyrie evolves in the time line is what makes the franchise fun and constantly fresh. No "Super Shadow Fighters" or the proposed Tommy Yune designed "Gamma Fighter" here... See, that's the thing. If the people who watched Transformers 2 said the "CG is awesome/breathtaking" are the same people who watched Shadow Chronicles on Hulu and thought that movie's CG and explosions were "cutting edge", then we have a problem.
  23. Gubaba, with all due respect, but I'm love Macross - second to none. I got to really know it through DYRL, and the fondness has been growing strong since. I'm eagerly awaiting the Frontier OVAs, and predict it will be... a helluva lot better than Robotech: Shadow Chronicles. Apologies if you took my comments the wrong way. Seriously, that was the last thing on my mind. I am aware of the cool merchandise you mentioned (the new manga is of great interest), but the corruption/red tape in my country's customs bureau pretty much denies me from ordering them online. Hmm... It seem Carl Macek's gonna appear in the RobotechX booth in San Diego. Probably could get something out of him (provided he still remembers). Say hello to MEMO for me. Keith, does iTunes and Hulu count?
  24. Hmm... I'd like to believe that everything good has already been said of the Macross franchise in this board. But regarding the continuing existence of Robotech bitchin'? My guess... it's fun to question why Harmony Gold does what it does to its license, fans, etc..? The mods are kind enough to allow the discussion of all-things-Robotech in this thread in the interest of keeping the board clean. MEMO makes good points, but its the grammar that bugs me. Well, folks were right about Robotech 3000...
  25. Getting banned from Robotech.com made me love the original Macross series and its spinoffs even more. It was a few weeks later that I bought my first Yamato Valkyrie.
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