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Everything posted by chrisk

  1. So you'd rather deal with Rhade?! Let me do the math here... So if Tommy is a mediocre storyteller, and Carl is a mediocre storyteller... Combine the two... and what do you get..? It's nice to know that you can call Tommy an idiot at the Palladium forums and you won't get a ban.
  2. I just realize Hulu is the best place to... "educate" a whole new generation of misguided fans (who have obviously never step foot on a Macross website). Seto, you have your work cut out for you!!! BTW, I heard clips of the recent con with Tommy and Carl Macek, and it almost sounds like Tommy Yune is taking cues from Doug Bendo's whining and proclaiming how amazing Robotech's legacy is... while curiously brushing off the achievements of the original Macross franchise for the last twenty years. Why Tommy, why???????
  3. Protoculture Times (otherwise known as the other Robotech podcast) has a post up. Good rant. http://www.protoculturetimes.com/2010/02/r...hts-021110.html
  4. VFTF1, we share the same fear. I heard once that Macek really worked hard in the last decade trying to spread his (mis)information campaign. My fear is it's working?!
  5. I'll be sure to look for this the next time I drop by HMV in Hong Kong. Pretty colors?
  6. Score another one for Macross!! But how does it compare to, as Tommy puts it, Shadow Chronicles alone selling "hundreds of thousands"??
  7. Waitaminute... Wait just a minute. The Korean guy who churned out forgettable funny books is bringing back the guy who thought bringing space amazons, space teddies, Captain was a good idea for the Robotech franchise? Could be the best double-team since Van Damne and Rodman. Gubaba, I'm curious but did you post that awesome write-up of MEMO's con report a few pages back on RTX.com?
  8. Mai Otome was "okay", and interestingly enough they age a bit in the OVA.
  9. Same ol' reactions, same ol' Macek. Tony Oliver's cool though. I think the general thrill people have with these con "reports", year in year out is to see how Tommy and co. will change their answers to "tough" questions (like when Shadow Rising will be released, etc.).
  10. Got some questions and shoutouts: A shoutout to ps99042 - Thanks for taking several hours of his life to endure the first Robotech panel of the year. I can't really blame you for not wanting to endure it again. I have a favor to ask to members of the board... but can summarize MEMO's convention report in proper English? Not sure what a "famouse" is. Is sarcasm allowed in RobotechX.com? If they come out with these false statements in say... a behind-the-scenes documentary in some Robotech DVD / Blu-ray featurette, can they get sued?? HEHEHE
  11. Okay, maybe Mav said it to provoke a response from Macross fans. Fine, I'll humor the guy. Wonder what he'd say if I said SC tries to rip off DYRL, albeit with a quarter of the quality and intensity.
  12. Please tell me Tommy Yune isn't going to let this slide, especially from one of his trusted "commanders". He's a Macross fan for chrissakes.
  13. Where I live in the Philippines, an entire generation is being brought up on the fact that entire anime series on DVD should cost lest than five dollars. Oh well. Shadow Chronicles takes timeless story elements from various source. Kinda like Avatar!! I like scenes like that, and then the characters comment "She's an amazing singer!", and then I go... "NO." I've been waiting for Harmony Gold to go bankrupt for about the same...
  14. That Bandai stuff is great! Hope their gimmick works... Easy. When all the Japanese Macross products finally gets officially distributed by Harmony Gold on the States! That would be an odd day... It's called guilt, Seto.
  15. Right, right. Harmony Gold makes their money with the convention gravy train. Kinda weird though that even on regular non-anniversary year, the Macross franchise puts a frightening amount of content compared to Robotech's current 25th anniversary. To be honest, I always get giddy when I see Tommy new Mikimoto-lite manhwa artwork. And then I realize its some form of repackaged junk from three years ago. I speak as an ignorant consumer. Doh! Well, there's always that Talkshoe thing in case public relations goes down the toilet again.
  16. Question: Has the so-called Shadow Chronicles gravy train completely dried up? The thing is, I respect Apple. But Harmony Gold? I think this is one of the few entertainment companies that is practically begging to be hated by the fandom. And the funny thing is that despite all that bad will, HG management knows you'll buy their crap whether you like it or not.
  17. Seto, honestly now. Why waste precious time and effort when you have a captured audience that doesn't really care about quality or content and you're making millions in the housing market? I remember that. Of course, they don't reveal what happens. You sort of find out what happens after reading some fan's annotations of the thing, and Tommy's comments that he doesn't want to disrespect the intentions of the original Japanese creators for the Minmei character. How's that for closure!
  18. Artistically speaking, why do I feel like Tommy got through his entire comic career drawing the same Korean looking Robotech characters in stiff/awkward poses? Mikimoto was a master, great expressive, gesture lines and expressions... this is not right. I think it's implied in the Prelude comics that he kidnapped Minmei and did things to her...
  19. That is just so... sad. I checked the link (http://www.aodsf.org/aod/robotech/) and it's amazing Carl Macek has nothing better to do. Pretty accurate summary. What surprises me is Harmony Gold tried to pull the same stunt on the PA guys. Also, what's this I hear about MEMO and Mav fidgeting around with trash cans?
  20. Sorry if this was covered before, but what benefits, if any, are there in delaying Shadow Rising? Why not just outright say it got cancelled? Why must Harmony Gold constantly hammer it into people's heads that Shadow Chronicles was such a mind-blowing success (if not sequel is being developed as late as 2009)? Can anyone deduce HG's gameplan?
  21. Shadow Chronicles has been released multiple times in video and on Hulu. They're dumping Prelude on a trade. That 'Beta' Fighter is finally out in blue, red and lemon-lime. The well is drying up... Gasp! Might Harmony Gold be forced to do something... new and original this year for their precious investors?!!
  22. Drama is awesome.
  23. See for yourself. Get the trade this year. I LOL'ed. Why does everyone learn this AFTER they get banned? A crying shame if you ask me.
  24. I think I know how this is going to end...
  25. Watch the show on Youtube, then read the past ten or so threads dedicated to this stuff. You'll probably be done by 2011.
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